Foto del docente

Sergio Zappoli

Associate Professor

Department of Industrial Chemistry "Toso Montanari"

Academic discipline: CHEM-01/A Analytical Chemistry

Curriculum vitae

Present address:   Department of Chimica Fisica e Inorganica, Faculty of Industrial Chemistry, Viale del Risorgimento 4 – 40136 Bologna Italy

Tel. 0039 0512093256 Fax 0039-0512093690




Born on August 20, 1958, in Bologna.


Academic Career


1984 Laurea in Chimica, Faculty of Science, University of Bologna, Italy

1990 Research assistant in Analytical chemistry, Faculty of Industrial Chemistry, University of Bologna

2001 Associate professor in Analytical chemistry, Faculty of Industrial Chemistry, University of Bologna

2005 Visiting Professor (1 March 2005- 31 August 2005) at the University Blaise Pascal Clermont Ferrand France.


Professional Activity


1986-1990 Several contracts with municipal solid waste management agency for the control of solid waste combustion plants


1988-1991 Participation to the Antarctica Project


1991-1993. Scientific coordinator of the research project “Progetto Reno” concerning the assessment  of the enviromental condition of the river Reno, Italy.


1993 –1995. Research program funded by Bracco S.p.A. for the development of analytical methods for the determination of pharmaceutical products.


1996-1998. Principal investigator of the research unit of the University of Bologna, in the UE research program “Speciation of the Organic Fraction of Atmospheric Aerosol Particles related to Cloud Formation (SOAP)”. European partners: FISBAT - CNR (Bologna), Department of Analtical Chemistry of Veszprem University (Hungary). Institute of Applied Environmental Research, of Stockholm University (Sweden)


1998-1999. Coordinator of analytical group working in the research program : “Technology for the remediation of contaminated soil” (MIUR).


1999-2000 and 2002-2004. Participation to two research programs based on the “Dipartimento di Chimica Fisica e Inorganica” funded by the University of Bologna, concerning experimental and theoretical studies on chemical processes in the atmosphere.

2004–2006     Participation to PRIN " SITECOS-Studio integrato sul territorio nazionale per la caratterizzazione ed il controllo di inquinanti atmosferici "

2007-2009     Participation to the project "MONITER- Monitoring of waste incinireator in Emilia-Romagna"  ( funded by ARPA and Regione Emilia-Romagna


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