Foto del docente

Serena Vantin

Associate Professor

Department of Philosophy

Academic discipline: GIUR-17/A Philosophy of Law

Short Bio

Serena Vantin is Associate Professor at the Department of Philosophy of the University of Bologna. Since May 2024, she has been the Third Mission Delegate.

Her research areas include the history of the philosophy of law, the history of legal feminism, and the problems of philosophical-legal and bioethical relevance related to the domain of technology.

Among her publications: “L’eguaglianza di genere tra mutamenti sociali e nuove tecnologie” (Pacini, Pisa 2018); “Il diritto di pensare con la propria testa. Educazione, cittadinanza e istituzioni in Mary Wollstonecraft” (Aracne, Roma 2018); “Gli eguali e i diversi. Diritto, manners e ordine politico in Edmund Burke” (Mucchi, Modena 2018); “Il diritto antidiscriminatorio nell’era digitale” (Wolters Kluwer, Milano 2021); “Mary Wollstonecraft” (ed. sp. Altamarea Ediciones, Madrid 2023; ed. it. Carocci, Roma 2025 forthcoming); “Le metamorfosi della responsabilità. Tecnica, diritto, bioetica” (Giappichelli, Torino 2024).

She is currently working on the editing and first academic Italian translation of Mary Wollstonecraft's “A Vindication of the Rights of Woman”.

Go to the Curriculum vitae


+39 051 20 9 8272

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Via Zamboni 38, Bologna - Go to map

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