Foto del docente

Serena Righi

Associate Professor

Department of Physics and Astronomy "Augusto Righi"

Academic discipline: PHYS-06/A Physics for Life Sciences, Environment, and Cultural Heritage

Head of Interdepartmental Research Centre for Environmental Sciences


Torsello, M.; Ben-Zichri, S.; Pesenti, L.; Kunnath, S. M.; Samori, C.; Pasteris, A.; Bacchelli, G.; Prishkolnik, N.; Ben-Nun, U.; Righi, S.; Focarete, M. L.; Kolusheva, S.; Jelinek, R.; Gualandi, C.; Galletti, P., Carbon dot/polylactic acid nanofibrous membranes for solar-mediated oil absorption/separation: Performance, environmental sustainability, ecotoxicity and reusability, «HELIYON», 2024, 10, Article number: e25417 , pp. 1 - 15 [Scientific article]

Righi, Serena; Prato, Ermelinda; Magnani, Giulia; Lama, Virginia; Biandolino, Francesca; Parlapiano, Isabella; Carella, Francesca; Iafisco, Michele; Adamiano, Alessio, Calcium phosphates from fish bones in sunscreen: An LCA and toxicity study of an emerging material for circular economy, «SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT», 2023, 862, pp. 1 - 12 [Scientific article]

Dal Pozzo, Alessandro; Björklund, Anna; Carbajales-Dale, Michael; Hischier, Roland; Ravikumar, Dwarakanath; Righi, Serena, Editorial: Early-stage quantitative sustainability assessment: Approaches for policy, processes and materials, «FRONTIERS IN SUSTAINABILITY», 2023, 4, pp. 1 - 3 [Comment or similar]Open Access

M. Calistri, M. A. Bragadin, S. Righi, Gli standard e linee guida per la misurazione delle emissioni di carbonio in edilizia: analisi della letteratura Standards and guidelines for measuring carbon emissions in buildings: literature analysis, in: In Transizione: sfide e opportunità per l’ambiente costruito In Transition: challenges and opportunities for the build heritage, Monfalcone (Gorizia), Edicom Edizioni, 2023, pp. 675 - 690 (atti di: Colloqui.AT.e 2023 In Transizione: sfide e opportunità per l’ambiente costruito In Transition: challenges and opportunities for the build heritage, Bari, 14-17 giugno 23) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Martina Pelliconi; Serena Righi, Life Cycle Assessment applied to polyhydroxyalkanoates production phases: a mini review, in: Associazione Rete Italiana LCA, 30 anni di Life Cycle Assessment, sviluppi metodologici e applicativi, Associazione Rete Italiana LCA, 2023, pp. 287 - 295 (atti di: XVII Convegno della Associazione Rete Italiana LCA, Milano, 28-30 giugno 2023) [Contribution to conference proceedings]Open Access

Porcelli, R; Gibon, T; Marazza, D; Righi, S; Rugani, B, Prospective environmental impact assessment and simulation applied to an emerging biowaste-based energy technology in Europe, «RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS», 2023, 176, Article number: 113172 , pp. 1 - 14 [Scientific article]Open Access

Lama V.; Righi S.; Quandt B.M.; Hischier R.; Desing H., Resource Pressure of Carpets: Guiding Their Circular Design, «SUSTAINABILITY», 2022, 14, Article number: 2530 , pp. 1 - 13 [Scientific article]Open Access

Fantin, V.; Buscaroli, A.; Buttol, P.; Novelli, E.; Soldati, C.; Zannoni, D.; Zucchi, G.; Righi, S., The RothC Model to Complement Life Cycle Analyses: A Case Study of an Italian Olive Grove, «SUSTAINABILITY», 2022, 14, Article number: 569 , pp. 1 - 15 [Scientific article]Open Access

Marinello S.; Andretta M.; Lucialli P.; Pollini E.; Righi S., A methodology for designing short-term stationary air quality campaigns with mobile laboratories using different possible allocation criteria, «SUSTAINABILITY», 2021, 13, Article number: 7481 , pp. 1 - 20 [Scientific article]Open Access

Terranova D.; Balugani E.; Righi S.; Marazza D., An applicability assessment and sensitivity analysis of land use impact models: application of the LANCA model in site-specific conditions, «THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT», 2021, 26, pp. 2215 - 2231 [Scientific article]Open Access

Baioli F.; Marazza D.; Valmori G.; Righi S., Greenhouse gas emissions calculations of biofuel from municipal sewage sludge: A comparison of assessment tools, in: European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings, ETA-Florence Renewable Energies, 2021, pp. 1199 - 1203 (atti di: 29th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, EUBCE 2021, Online, 26-29 April 2021) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Hornung A.; Daschner R.; Eder S.; Ouadi M.; Jahangiri H.; Graute L.; Zhou J.; Lieftink D.; Grassi A.; Capaccioli S.; Contin A.; Righi S.; Marazza D.; Lama V.; Rapone I.; Langley M.; Tuck C.; Claret Carles A., To-SYN-fuel project implements a new integrated process to produce synthetic fuels, in: European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings, ETA-Florence Renewable Energies, 2021, pp. 8 - 17 (atti di: 29th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, EUBCE 2021, Online and Marseille, 2021) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Quinteiro, P.; Greco, F.; da Cruz Tarelho, L. A.; Righi, S.; Arroja, L.; Dias, A. C., A comparative life cycle assessment of centralised and decentralised wood pellets production for residential heating, «SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT», 2020, 730, Article number: 139162 , pp. 1 - 9 [Scientific article]

Porcelli, Roberto; Dotto, Federica; Pezzolesi, Laura; Marazza, Diego; Greggio, Nicolas; Righi, Serena, Comparative life cycle assessment of microalgae cultivation for non-energy purposes using different carbon dioxide sources, «SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT», 2020, 721, Article number: 137714 , pp. 1 - 12 [Scientific article]Open Access

Frontera P.; Salieri B.; Righi S., Comparison of the LCIA methods used for the evaluation of chemicals, in: Life Cycle Assessment in the Chemical Product Chain: Challenges, Methodological Approaches and Applications, Cham, Springer International Publishing, 2020, pp. 33 - 51 [Chapter or essay]

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