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Serena Ceola

Associate Professor

Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental, and Materials Engineering


Elshorbagy, Amin; Lakhanpal, Anchit; Raja, Bharath; Ceola, Serena; Montanari, Alberto; Lindenschmidt, Karl-Erich, Topography- and nightlight-based national flood risk assessment in Canada, «HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES DISCUSSIONS», 2016, _, pp. 1 - 34 [Scientific article]

Ceola Serena; Laio Francesco; Montanari Alberto, Human pressure on rivers is increasing worldwide and threatens water security, in: Hydrological Sciences and Water Security: Past, Present and Future, WALLINGFORD, INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF HYDROLOGICAL SCIENCES, 2015, 366, pp. 109 - 110 (atti di: 11th Kovacs Colloquium on Hydrological Sciences and Water Security: Past, Present and Future, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, FRANCE, JUN 16-17, 2014) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Ceola Serena; Laio Francesco; Montanari Alberto, Human-impacted waters: New perspectives from global high-resolution monitoring, «WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH», 2015, 51, pp. 7064 - 7079 [Scientific article]

S. Ceola;B. Arheimer;E. Baratti;G. Blöschl;R. Capell;A. Castellarin;J. Freer;D. Han;M. Hrachowitz;Y. Hundecha;C. Hutton;G. Lindström;A. Montanari;R. Nijzink;J. Parajka;E. Toth;A. Viglione;T. Wagener, Virtual laboratories: new opportunities for collaborative water science, «HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES», 2015, 19, pp. 2101 - 2117 [Scientific article]Open Access

A. Castellarin; S. Ceola; E. Toth; A. Montanari, Evolving Water Resources Systems: Understanding, Predicting and Managing Water-Society Interactions (IAHS Pub. no. 364, IAHS Series of Proceedings and Reports), Wallingford, IAHS Press, 2014, pp. 560 . [Editorship]

S. Widder;K. Besemer;G. A. Singer;S. Ceola;E. Bertuzzo;C. Quince;W. T. Sloan;A. Rinaldo;T. J. Battin, Fluvial network organization imprints on microbial co-occurrence networks, «PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA», 2014, 111, pp. 12799 - 12804 [Scientific article]

Serena Ceola;Enrico Bertuzzo;Gabriel Singer;Tom J. Battin;Alberto Montanari;Andrea Rinaldo, Hydrologic controls on basin-scale distribution of benthic invertebrates, «WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH», 2014, 50, pp. 2903 - 2920 [Scientific article]

Serena Ceola;Enrico Bertuzzo;Lorenzo Mari;Gianluca Botter;Iris Hödl;Tom J. Battin;Marino Gatto;Andrea Rinaldo, Light and hydrologic variability as drivers of stream biofilm dynamics in a flume experiment, «ECOHYDROLOGY», 2014, 7, pp. 391 - 400 [Scientific article]

Alberto Montanari; Serena Ceola; Emanuele Baratti, Panta Rhei: an evolving scientific decade with a focus on water systems, in: Evolving Water Resources Systems: Understanding, Predicting and Managing Water-Society Interactions, Wallingford, IAHS Press, 2014, 364, pp. 279 - 284 (atti di: Evolving Water Resources Systems: Understanding, Predicting and Managing Water-Society Interactions, Bologna, 4-6 June 2014) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Serena Ceola; Alessio Pugliese, Regional prediction of basin-scale brown trout habitat suitability, in: Evolving Water Resources Systems: Understanding, Predicting and Managing Water-Society Interactions, Wallingford, IAHS Press, 2014, 364, pp. 26 - 31 (atti di: Evolving Water Resources Systems: Understanding, Predicting and Managing Water-Society Interactions, Bologna, 4-6 June 2014) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Serena Ceola;Francesco Laio;Alberto Montanari, Satellite nighttime lights reveal increasing human exposure to floods worldwide, «GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS», 2014, 41, pp. 1 - 7 [Scientific article]

Serena Ceola;Alberto Montanari;Demetris Koutsoyiannis, Toward a theoretical framework for integrated modeling of hydrological change, «WIRES. WATER», 2014, 1, pp. 427 - 438 [Scientific article]

S. Ceola;B. Arheimer;G. Blöschl;E. Baratti;R. Capell;A. Castellarin;J. Freer;D. Han;M. Hrachowitz;Y. Hundecha;C. Hutton;G. Lindström;A. Montanari;R. Nijzink;J. Parajka;E. Toth;A. Viglione;T. Wagener, Virtual laboratories: new opportunities for collaborative water science, «HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES DISCUSSIONS», 2014, 11, pp. 13443 - 13478 [Scientific article]

Castellarin, A.; Ceola, S.; Toth, E.; Montanari, A., 6th IAHS-EGU International Symposium on Integrated Water Resources Management, Göttingen, opernicus Publications on behalf of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS), 2014, pp. 544 . [Editorship]

Raphaël Mutzner;Enrico Bertuzzo;Paolo Tarolli;Steven V. Weijs;Ludovico Nicotina;Serena Ceola;Nevena Tomasic;Ignacio Rodriguez-Iturbe;Marc B. Parlange;Andrea Rinaldo, Geomorphic signatures on Brutsaert base flow recession analysis, «WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH», 2013, 49, pp. 5462 - 5472 [Scientific article]

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