Foto del docente

Saveria Olga Murielle Boulanger

Junior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Department of Architecture

Curriculum vitae

Saveria Olga Murielle Boulanger

Born in French, in the little city of Croix, in 1988, she lives in Italy since the age of three. Therefore she maintains constant relations with French both for researching activities and personal reasons.

Since August 2017 she is Research Fellow at the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, at the Department of Architecture, where she is working into national and international research programs (Horizon 2020, Erasmus+, Alma Idea Grant).

On October 2018, she obtains the prize Claudio Bonivento promoted by the Lyons Club of Bologna, together with the Institute of Advanced Studies (ISA) of the University of Bologna, for the quality of her PhD Thesis in the technological field of research.

On 11 July 2017, she obtains the degree of Climate KIC Certified Professional into the Accelerating Transitions program with the following evaluation: “The candidate is very strong in all competencies assessed. This applies both to her dossier and the interview. Saveria Boulanger has a solid background in these competencies required for managing Transitions thinking and projects”.

On 7 June 2017 she attains the title of Doctor of Philosophy, PhD, in Technology for Architecture, at the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, School of Engineering and Architecture, with an international PhD label released by Climate KIC (European Institute of Technology). Her thesis titled “From Smart to Green Cities: a KPI-based model for the built environment regeneration” develops a research on Smart City topic deepening the link with sustainable urban regeneration and energy efficient urban systems. The thesis evaluation has been “Excellent with Dignity of Publication”. Advisor: Prof. Andrea Boeri; co-advisors: Prof.ssa Danila Longo, Ing. Giovanni Fini.

She obtains in July 2013 the license to practise as an Architect, through the exam overcoming led by University of Ferrara, professor Pietromaria Davoli.

In February 2013 she obtains the Master degree in Architecture at the University of Ferrara (academic year 2011/2012) with the evaluation of 110/110 cum laude. The master project was titled “Handcraft and cities. Urban and landscape strategies for the development of a territory in the Bologna plain”. Advisors: Professor Romeo Farinella and Professor Giacomo Bizzarri.

Saveria Olga Murielle BOULANGER actually is

Research Assistant at Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, Department of Architettura, on the project RIGERS (MIUR “Smart Cities and communities”). The major project objective is the development of an Integrated System for Built Environment and Grid Regeneration for urban life quality and citizens wellbeing. The Integrated System proposes a multi-layered approach by using ICT as enabler of real urban needs.

Part of a multi-disciplinary Research Team, working in several national and international projects. She is also part of the OFF_Line Laboratory.

PhD in Technology for Architecture, title obtained on the 7 June 2017 at the University of Bologna (XXIX cycle). Advisor: Prof. Andrea Boeri; co-advisor: Prof.ssa Danila Longo, Ing. Giovanni Fini. During the three years of study she developed a personal research inside the following topics: smart cities, energetic regeneration of urban contexts and the built environment, transition toward low-carbon societies and Nearly Zero Energy Buildings, but also on Cultural Heritage, Smart Building Development, Fuel Poverty, Outdoor microclimate evaluation.

PhD labelled Climate KIC – European Institute of Technology. The PhD research has been selected for the quality and the innovation for the Climate KIC label.

Climate KIC Certified Professional Accelerating Transitions, Level I program.

Scientific Secretariat of the Cluster Smart Cities inside Urban@BO network.

Staff Member of the OFF_Line Laboratory of Technology for Architecture/ Lab for innovation and energy efficiency, at Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna in the Cesena Campus.

Member of Elsevier Advisory Panel

Junior Expert of Casa Clima. Title obtained on 2015 at the AESS - Modena.

Founder Member of Cultura Democratica Foundation (Rome). The Foundation work is to develop innovative legislation proposals and to organize legislative workshops in Italy with students, professors, PhD student, in collaboration with the Italian Parliament.Saveria Boulanger is responsible for the following topic: Urban Development, Smart Cities, Urban Transition.

Editor of the scientific Journal “Innovazione e Riforme”, ISSN 2499-1775, Roma.

Member of Rotaract club di Cento, where she covered the charge of Secretary on 2014-2015.

Editor of the Journal LegnoLegnoNews where she writes papers about building innovations with the use of wooden structures and elements.

Specific courses

She attained some specific course on European Project Design and Smart Cities:

  • How to write impact section for Horizon 2020, Hyperion Course, 12 Aprile 2017
  • Smart Cities 2.0 Webinar, presented by Current, powered by GE, 4 Ottobre 2016
  • REBUS (September – October 2015), Regione Emilia Romagna
  • European Projects Design organised by the Municipality of Bologna and APRE, 21 July 2016
  • Casa Clima (base + advanced levels) with the attainment of the Title of Junior Casa Clima Expert.

Research projects (proposal and/or ongoing projects)

- (Ongoing) Cultural Heritage as a driver for sustainable growth (SC5-21-2016-17). Innovation action. ROCK. This project has obtained the fund from Europe. Abstract: ROCK aims to develop an innovative, collaborative and circular systemic approach for regeneration and adaptive reuse of historic city centres. Implementing a repertoire of successful heritage-led regeneration initiatives, it will test the replicability of the spatial approach and of successful models addressing the specific needs of historic city centres. ROCK will transfer the Role Models blueprint to the Replicators, adopting a cross-disciplinary mentoring process and defining common protocols and implementation guidelines. ROCK will deliver new ways to access and experience Cultural Heritage [CH] ensuring environmental sound solutions, city branding, bottom-up participation via living labs, while increasing liveability and safety in the involved areas. ICT sensors and tools will support the concrete application of the ROCK principles and the interoperable platform will enable new ways to collect and exchange data to facilitate networking and synergies. The added value is the combination of sustainable models, integrated management plans and associated funding mechanisms based on successful financial schemes and promoting the creation of industry-driven stakeholders’ ecosystems. A monitoring tool is set up from the beginning, running during two additional years after the project lifetime.

Role of the researcher: collaboration into the proposal writing, with specific contribution on impacts and excellence, support on consortia coordination.

- (Proposal) Smart City and Communities (SCC1-2015). Innovation action. Smart NExUS. Abstract: European smart cities face the challenge of sustainable urban transformation from within their historic city fabric. Intelligent development of near-zero energy districts will succeed with tailored but replicable interventions that efficiently weave new energy and mobility systems into historic built environment, existing city infrastructure and local socio-economic use patterns. Smart Districts have to be designed in dynamic relation to overall energy and mobility flows of the city. Scaling smart urban systems will require integrated transformation strategies that balance decentralised energetic optimisation of smart buildings and districts with the systemic transformation of city and regional energy production and distribution networks and sustainable mobility systems. The Smart City Lighthouse projects Berlin, Paris and Bologna will strategically link a network of smart districts and neighbourhoods to scale district-level integration of sustainable mobility and energy to the urban dimension.

Role of the researcher: collaboration into the proposal writing, with specific contribution on impacts and excellence, support on consortia coordination, calculation of BEST tables and microclimatic modelling

- (Proposal) Innovative design tools for refurbishment at building and district level (EeB5 - 2015). Innovation Action. InBetween. Abstract: IN|BETWEEN aims at delivering an innovative and interoperable platform to collect, process and manage data coming from different sectors combining them into a coherent, comprehensive, multi-disciplinary methodology to boost the transition to a more resilient built environment at a district scale. To pursue this objective, IN|BETWEEN will provide cost-effective measures, tools and solutions for large-scale high-quality actions to achieve energy savings, improve quality of life and stimulate investments in the construction sector. Responding to the sectorial challenge of developing sustainable solutions for building refurbishment, IN|BETWEEN assumes the space in-between the buildings as the virtual and real environment where a multi-criteria and multi-perspective approach to refurbishment moves from the building scale to the district one.

Role of the researcher: collaboration into the proposal writing, with specific contribution on impacts and excellence, support on consortia coordination

- Strategic Partnership under Erasmus+ calls.

- Capacity Building under Erasmus+ calls.

Organizer of the Exhibition Riuso. 16 progetti per la città, inside the Architecture Day in Forlì, 2014.

Project Acqua come Patrimonio. Collaboration at the international workshop and exhibition. Project Responsible: prof. Romeo Farinella.

Presentation of scientific contribution in national and international seminars and conferences

- “The ROCK project”, Culture Creative Europe, Rome 2017, 16 November 2017

- “Rigenerazione di seconda generazione. Uno strumento (Green City Circle) e una simulazione (caso Bolognina)”, Nomisma – Seminar Lunch – 19 Giugno 2017.

- “Replication vs Mentoring. Accelerating the Spread of Good Practices for the Low-Carbon Transition”, WIT Sustainable Development & Planning 2017 – 9th International Conference on Sustainable Development & Planning – Bristol 28 Giugno 2017.

- “Rigenerazione di seconda generazione. Dalla Smart City alla Rigenerazione Urbana”, Cultura Democratica – Workshop di Innovazione Legislativa – Roma - 8 Luglio 2017.


She participates as Group Coordinator for Reporting (using content analysis techniques) to the Workshop Urban Transition Climate KIC in Bologna, 18-19 May 2017.

She participates to the Summer School Climate KIC in Bologna 7-14 September 2015 organized by the platform Adaptation Services and the University of Bologna, obtaining the first prize for a Circular Economy and energy efficiency project.

She participates to the Summer School The Journey Climate KIC, 10 July-8 August 2015 (5 weeks) on theuniversities of Coventry – Warwick University, Copenhagen and Munich (DTU).

She participates to the Summer School Climate KIC di Rotterdam 7-18 July 2014 organized by the platform Transforming the built environment, working on “Making and Prototyping for a Sustainable Future”.

She participates to the XXX Ryla – Rotary Youth Leadership Award, 15 – 22 April 2012, Cesenatico, Italia.

She participates to the Workshop Internazione La vallée de Céndéré, 19-21 October 2011, Istanbul, Turchia.

Professional Experiences

1) Collaboration on the Architecture Agency Andrea Trebbi (Bologna). August 2013

2) Collaboration on the Architecture Agency Claudio Zanirato (Bologna). July 2013

3) Collaboration for national and internation competitions on the Engenering and Architecture Agency E2 Project Engineering. 2014

4) Collaborator of the prof. Giacomo Bizzarri inside the research laboratory AE Architettura ed Energia at the University of Ferrara. 2014

5) Stage on the architecture Agency Giraudot Architecture (Nancy, France). January-April 2011

6) Collaborator for the research laboratory Citer – Urban Design Lab. 2014

Education periods in Europe

1) August 2015: universities of Coventry (Warwick University), Copenhagen and Munich (DTU), network Climate KIC.

2) July 2014 Rotterdam. Climate KIC.

3) September/May 2012, École Nationale d’Architecture de Nancy (ENSAN).


Winner of the prize Claudio Bonivento promoted by the Lyons Club of Bologna, together with the Institute of Advanced Studies (ISA) of the University of Bologna, for the quality of her PhD Thesis in the technological field of research.

Winner of the PhD scholarship 2013-14 / 2014-15 / 2015-16, at the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna.

Winner of the Scholarship Cassa di Risparmio di Cento per la Promozione degli Studi all’estero, 2011/2012, for particular academic merits.

Winner of the Prize Rotary Club per la promozione della cultura tecnico – scientifica, 2010/2011, for academic merits. Rotary Club di Cento, district 2072.

Winner of the Prize Genius Card, Unicredit Banca di Ferrara, for the first five best student of the University of Ferrara 2009/2010.

Education titles

July 2017: Climate KIC Certified Professional, Accelerating Transitions, Level I

June 2017: PhD in Technology for Architecture, University of Bologna, with European label Climate KIC. Evaluation: Excellent with publication dignity.

February 2013: with the evaluation 110/110 and honor Master Degree in Architecture, at the University of Ferrara.

June 2006: High School Diploma, at the Classic High School G.Cevolani,Cento.