Saveria Olga Murielle Boulanger
Born in France in 1988, she has lived in Italy since the age of 3. She conducts research and teaching mainly at the Department of Architecture of the University of Bologna and maintains regular research collaborations with various key national and international organizations. Her research topics pertain to Architectural Technology, approached from a multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary perspective. Specifically, she studies the relationship between building/energy and neighborhood/environment, focusing on aspects of climate change mitigation and adaptation, resilience, and innovative technological implementation. In recent years, she has specialized in several aspects of the discipline. The first is environmental and bioclimatic design, pursued over the years through both professional and research experiences. In this field, she deepens the relationships between building and nature, as well as between district/neighborhood and nature, identifying passive and active construction strategies and developing integrated methodologies for analysis, design, and software-supported calculation (urban microclimate, energy performance). She collaborated with GBC Italia for the development of a teaching module introducing LEED Neighborhood certification.
The second area of expertise is the technological and sustainable evolution of cities (smart city, green city, resilient city, just city), which she has explored since her PhD. This involves advanced technological implementation strategies in buildings, housing units, and neighborhoods (up to urban and regional scales), the development and design of integrated services, and practices of social innovation and participation (including behavioral change and just transition). This topic is further explored through the lens of impact indicators and advanced impact analysis. She published a monograph on these subjects, titled Smarter and Greener. A Technological Path for Urban Complexity, Franco Angeli, Milan, 2020. Both of these aspects are closely linked to her third research focus, the development of energy communities and, more generally, the relationship between citizens and the energy system. This aspect has been deepened through participation in an international competitive project (the GRETA – H2020 project), allowing her to study topics such as communication of energy issues to the public, observation of grassroots actions to combat climate change, and the dynamics of community engagement in energy issues.
Over the years, she has worked on various European projects, deepening both research and management aspects, from writing competitive proposals to reporting and budget management.
Since April 4, 2024, she is Assistant Professor (type A-junior) at the Department of Architecture of the University of Bologna with a research program titled "Integrated Technologies for the Regeneration of Urban Districts," closely related to several competitive international research projects, including the Let's GOv project and the We Generate project.
In 2020, she obtained the National Scientific Qualification to teach as an Associate Professor in the disciplinary scientific sector ICAR/12 Architectural Technology, area 08/C1, with excellent evaluations and unanimous approval.
From 2017 to 2024, she was a post-doctoral research fellow at the Department of Architecture of the University of Bologna, working on various competitive European research projects. During these years, she was elected representative of the department's research fellows for two consecutive terms.
On October 2018, she obtains the prize Claudio Bonivento promoted by the Lyons Club of Bologna, together with the Institute of Advanced Studies (ISA) of the University of Bologna, for the quality of her PhD Thesis in the technological field of research.
On 11 July 2017, she obtains the degree of Climate KIC Certified Professional into the Accelerating Transitions program with the following evaluation: “The candidate is very strong in all competencies assessed. This applies both to her dossier and the interview. Saveria Boulanger has a solid background in these competencies required for managing Transitions thinking and projects”.
On 7 June 2017 she attains the title of Doctor of Philosophy, PhD, in Technology for Architecture, at the Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna, School of Engineering and Architecture, with an international PhD label released by Climate KIC (European Institute of Technology). Her thesis titled “From Smart to Green Cities: a KPI-based model for the built environment regeneration” develops a research on Smart City topic deepening the link with sustainable urban regeneration and energy efficient urban systems. The thesis evaluation has been “Excellent with Dignity of Publication”. Advisor: Prof. Andrea Boeri; co-advisors: Prof.ssa Danila Longo, Ing. Giovanni Fini.
She obtains in July 2013 the license to practise as an Architect, through the exam overcoming led by University of Ferrara, professor Pietromaria Davoli.
In February 2013 she obtains the Master degree in Architecture at the University of Ferrara (academic year 2011/2012) with the evaluation of 110/110 cum laude. The master project was titled “Handcraft and cities. Urban and landscape strategies for the development of a territory in the Bologna plain”. Advisors: Professor Romeo Farinella and Professor Giacomo Bizzarri.