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Sara Pesce

Associate Professor

Department of the Arts

Academic discipline: PEMM-01/B Cinema, Photography, Radio, Television and Digital Media


Sara Pesce, Cantando sotto la pioggia, in: 50 passi nella storia del cinema, Bologna, Cue Press, 2018, pp. 82 - 84 [Chapter or essay]

Sara Pesce, Contrat, réciprocité, appropriation. Nouvelles interactions entre audience et celebrité dans la network society, in: La représentation du contrat dans le cinéma anglophone, Bordeaux, Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, 2018, pp. 337 - 350 [Chapter or essay]

Sara Pesce, La guerra lampo dei fratelli Marx, in: Cinquanta passi nella storia del cinema, Bologna, Cue Press, 2018, pp. 43 - 45 [Chapter or essay]

Sara Pesce, Lo specchio della vita, in: 50 passi nella storia del cinema, Bologna, Cue Press, 2018, pp. 99 - 101 [Chapter or essay]


Sara Pesce; Pamela Church Gibson, Introduction. Fashion and Celebrity Culture: Body Spectacle and the Enlarged Sphere of Show Business, «ZONEMODA JOURNAL», 2017, 7, Article number: 2 , pp. 3 - 4 [Scientific article]

Sara Pesce, Jude Law. Un inglese a Hollywood., in: Hollywood Men. Immagine, mascolinità e performance nel cinema americano contemporaneo, Torino, Kaplan, 2017, pp. 107 - 121 [Chapter or essay]

Sara Pesce, The “Norma Jean Paradigm”: Hollywood Naming as Hollywood Story-Telling, «FILM JOURNAL», 2017, 4, pp. 1 - 16 [Scientific article]

Sara Pesce, Come ci ha insegnato Guido Fink?, in: Finkfest : letteratura, cinema e altri mondi : Guido Fink nei luoghi del sapere, Fano, Aras Edizioni, 2016, pp. 73 - 74 [Chapter or essay]

Sara Pesce, “I Wear Pasolini”. Icon-men, Fashion Branding and the Intellectual as Celebrity, in: Cultures, Fashion and Societies. Notebooks 2016, Milano-Torino, Bruno Mondadori, 2016, pp. 261 - 280 [Chapter or essay]

Sara Pesce; Paolo Noto, Introduction: The Politics of Ephemeral Digital Media: Permanence and Obsolescence in Paratexts Sara Pesce and Paolo Noto, in: The Politics of Ephemeral Digital Mediaof Ephemeral Digital Media. Permanence and Obsolescence in Paratexts, London, New York, Routledge, 2016, pp. 1 - 9 [Preface]

Sara Pesce, "Short-Shelf Life Media. Ephemeral Digital Practices and the Contemporary Dream of Permanence", in: The Politics of Ephemeral Digital Media. Permanence and Obsolescence in Paratexts, London, New York, Routledge, 2016, pp. 13 - 31 [Chapter or essay]

Sara Pesce, The Baroque imagination: Film, costume design and Italian high fashion, «FILM, FASHION & CONSUMPTION», 2016, vol 5 n.1, pp. 7 - 28 [Scientific article]

Pesce, Sara; Noto, Paolo, The Politics of Ephemeral Digital Media. Permanence and Obsolescence in Paratexts., London, New York, Routledge, 2016, pp. 254 (ROUTLEDGE STUDIES IN NEW MEDIA AND CYBERCULTURE). [Editorship]

Pesce, Sara, Interview Project. Memoria, paesaggio, esperienza, web, <<Fata Morgana. Memoria>> n.25 pp.271-277., «FATA MORGANA», 2015, 25, pp. 271 - 277 [Scientific article]

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