Foto del docente

Sara Garofalo

Senior assistant professor (fixed-term)

Department of Psychology "Renzo Canestrari"


PSYWEB - Quantitative and qualitative statistical models

The lesson lost on Monday 27 will be recovered on March 30, as usual from 9:00 to 13:00.

Published on: March 01 2023

PSYWEB - Quantitative and qualitative statistical models - Modification of lecture sheduled on Feb 27th, 2023

Urgent notification: the lecture of QUANTITATIVE AND QUALITATIVE STATISTICAL MODELS (Feb. 27 from 9:00 to 13:00) is canceled due to personal health problems.This lecture will be recovered during the semester on a date that will be communicated as soon as possible. All subsequent lectures shall remain ...

Published on: February 26 2023

Aggiornamento orari OFA e AFP

AFP | Corso "Research projects in psychometrics": Febbraio 16 e 17: 9:00/13:00 + 14:00/17:00, Aula informatica Marzo 3: 9:00/13:00, Aula F 14:00/17:00, Aula informatica OFA “Ragionamento logico e problem solving; comprensione della lingua italiana”: Marzo 17 e 24 Aprile 14 (sempre ...

Published on: November 03 2022

Tesi e tirocini post-laurea

Si cercano tesisti e tirocinanti post-laurea magistrale in Psicologia da inserire in un progetto annuale di rilevante interesse nazionale (PRIN 2020) da svolgersi presso il Servizio di Potenziamento cognitivo per l’età EVolutiva (SPEV) e coordinato dalla Prof.ssa Mariagrazia Benassi. Il progetto ...

Published on: September 13 2022