Foto del docente

Sara Barbieri

Teaching tutor

Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences

Curriculum vitae

Technician at Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology – FaBiT, Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna where she works as technical support for activities related to biotechnological / biological teaching exercises.

She performed scientific research at Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences of the University of Bologna, on quality and authenticity control of extra virgin olive oils. In particular, she has studied the profiles in minor compounds as markers of quality (phenols and volatiles) and the relationship between chemical and sensory data. Moreover, she has developed skills in sensory analysis by the application of discrimination, descriptive and affective tests on vegetable and animal food.


Bachelor degree in Food Science and Technology (University of Bologna) in 2004, she got, at the same University, the Master Degree in Food Science and Technology in 2011 and the PhD in Food Science and Biotechnology in 2016, defending a research thesis titled " Characterization of Food Products by Chemical, Physical and Sensory Properties: a Combined Approach".

She also attended to an international Master (first level) in Oliviculture and Elaiotechnics, at the University of Perugia in 2006.

Since 2005 she has been enrolled to the list of expert assessors of virgin olive oils and since 2012, she is the panel leader of the Professional Committee for Tasting of Virgin Olive Oils of the Department of Agricultural and Food Science of the University of Bologna (DISTAL Panel), recognized by MIPAAF in 2006. Since 2014, she got the Sensory Project Manager title from the Italian Society of Sensory Science (SISS).

Academic career

Since 2006 she collaborated with the University of Bologna by work contracts including specific research activities funded by research institutes, associations and companies. In 2007, she obtained a scholarship provided by the global Spinner grant. From 2011 to 2016 she was a temporary technician at the Department of Agricultural and Food Science of the University of Bologna. From 2016 to 2019, she worked as research fellow at the Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences of the University of Bologna and at the Interdepartmental Centre for Industrial Agrofood Research at the University of Bologna.

Teaching activities

Since 2010, she has been continuously teaching lecturers (laboratory exercises and practical lessons) within the Bachelor Degree Programme in Food Technology at the University of Bologna and she has been currently a member of the commissions for examining of several courses. Since 2008, she is assistant supervisor of several students’ final elaborates within the Bachelor Degree Programme of Food Technology and the Master Degree in Food Science and Technology (University of Bologna).

For the Academic Year 2019 - 2020 she is a contract professor for a teaching module (AGR / 15) "Food technologies and environmental impact - Module 2" Environmental impact and reuse of food waste" for the Bachelor Degree in Land and Agro-Forestry Sciences, of the School of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine (Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna).

Co-Tutor of PhD students in Agricultural, Environmental and Food Sciences and Technologies, Curriculum in Food Science and Biotechnology, University of Bologna: Dr. Enrico Casadei XXXIII cycle: "Analytical instrumental approaches and strategies to support the sensorial evaluation of virgin olive oils", Tutor: Dr. Alessandra Bendini; Dr. Dario Mercatante XXXIV cycle: "Enhancement of by-products and waste from the agricultural food industry and their use in the formulation of innovative foods", Tutor: Prof. Maria Teresa Rodriguez Estrada.

Scientific activities

Participation in numerous national and international research programmes including:

- PRIN 2009 project "Innovative technological applications to increase the yield of virgin olive oil and seed extraction and control of their quality.", Duration of the project 17 October 2011 - 17 October 2013.

- European project "Organic Sensory Information System (OSIS): Documentation of sensory properties through testing and consumer research for the organic industry" (Project acronym: ECROPOLIS).

- FARB project “Sensory and fast instrumental analyses of meat and meat products: an integrated approach for quality control and communication - MEATING project”, Duration of the project 1 February 2014 – 31 January 2016.

- POR FESR project 2014-2020 Emilia Romagna Region "Food Crossing District. Industrial symbiosis: new, shareable foods and products and a circular economies map in Emilia-Romagna ". Duration of the project 1 April 2016 – 31 March 2018.

- European research project (H2020) "Advanced solutions for assuring the overall authenticity and quality of olive oil" (Project acronym: OLEUM), in which she is task leader (Task 3.1 "Quantitative Panel Test development and rapid screening by instrumental methods ". Duration of the project 1 September 2016 - 31 August 2020.

- National project organized and financed by SISS (Italian Society of Sensory Sciences) in which she was the local unit manager for data collection and transmission activities (DATABASE). (Italian Taste Project, 2015-2017).

- PRIN 2015 Project: “Olive phenols as multifunctional bioactives for health foods: evaluation of simplified formulation to obtain safe meat products and new foods with higher functionality”.

- PRIN 2015 Project: “Individual differences in the acceptability of healthy foods: focus on phenol and fat content”.

Several collaborations through research contracts between the University of Bologna and food/non-food companies. Referee for several international and Italian journals in the field of Food Science and Technology.

Prizes and awards

Prize reserved to young researchers for participation in the 11th Euro Fed Lipid Symposium, Antalya, 27-30 October 2013, established by the Italian Society of Oil and Lipids. Title of the oral presentation: "Olfactory fingerprint of extra virgin olive oils: fast analysis by flash gas chromatography (FGC) electronic nose and coupling with sensory data".

Other activities

Sara Barbieri is member of Italian Society of Oil and Lipids, Italian Society of Sensory Studies and of the Sensory Science Society (E3S) Working Group PDO.

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