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Sara Bagassi

Professoressa associata

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale

Settore scientifico disciplinare: IIND-01/D Costruzioni e strutture aerospaziali


Bagassi, Sara*; De Crescenzio, Francesca; Piastra, Sergio, The use of synthetic vision tools in the control tower environment : the RETINA concept, in: 31st Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, ICAS 2018 : September 9-14, 2018, BONN, International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, 2018, 143115, pp. 1 - 8 (atti di: 31st Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, ICAS 2018, Belo Horizonte (Brazil), settembre 2018) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]Open Access

Sandhya Santhosh; Sara Bagassi, DETERMINATION OF SURFACE FINISH AND METAL REMOVAL RATE BY VARYING PARAMETERS IN WIRE CUT EDM AND OPTIMIZATION WITH STATISTICAL TOOLS AND GENETIC ALGORITHM, in: AIDAA 2017 Conference Proceedings, 2017, pp. 1 - 8 (atti di: AIDAA 2017 XXIV International Conference, Palermo/Enna, 18-22 Settembre) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Sara Bagassi, Francesca Lucchi, Martino Carlo Moruzzi, THE WINDOWLESS CONCEPT: PRELIMINARY DESIGN OF SHORT-MEDIUM RANGE WINDOWLESS AIRCRAFT, in: AIDAA 2017 Conference Proceedings, 2017, pp. 1 - 8 (atti di: AIDAA 2017 XXIV International Conference, Palermo/Enna, 18-22 Settembre 2017) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Bagassi, Sara; De Crescenzio, Francesca; Lucchi, Francesca; Masotti, Nicola, Augmented and virtual reality in the airport control tower, in: 30th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences: DCC Daejeon, Korea : September 25-30, 2016 : ICAS 2016, Bonn, International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, 2016, 126186, pp. 1 - 8 (atti di: 30th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, ICAS 2016, Daejeon Convention Center (DCC), Korea, 2016) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]Open Access

Masotti, Nicola; Bagassi, Sara; DE CRESCENZIO, Francesca, Augmented reality for the control tower: The RETINA concept, in: Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and Computer Graphics : Third International Conference, AVR 2016, Lecce, Italy, June 15-18, 2016, Springer International Publishing, «LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE», 2016, 9768, pp. 444 - 452 (atti di: 3rd International Conference on Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and Computer Graphics, Lecce; Italy, 15 - 18 giugno 2016) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]Open Access

Masotti, N.; De Crescenzio, F.; Bagassi, S., Augmented reality in the control tower: a rendering pipeline for multiple head-tracked head-up displays, in: Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and Computer Graphics : Third international conference, AVR 2016, Cham, Springer Verlag, «LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE», 2016, 9768, pp. 321 - 338 (atti di: International Conference on Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and Computer Graphics, AVR <3; 2016>, ITALIA, 15/06/2016-18/06/2016) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]Open Access

Bagassi, S.; Lucchi, F; De Crescenzio, F.; Persiani, F., Generative design: Advanced design optimization processes for aeronautical applications, in: 30th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, ICAS 2016, International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, 2016, pp. 1 - 7 (atti di: 30th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, ICAS 2016, Daejeon Convention Center (DCC), kor, 2016) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Sara Bagassi; Francesca Lucchi; Franco Persiani, Aircraft Preliminary Design: a Windowless Concept, in: CEAS 2015, 5th CEAS (Council of the European Aerospace Societies) Air&Space Conference Proceedings, 2015, pp. 1 - 7 (atti di: CEAS 2015, 5th CEAS (Council of the European Aerospace Societies) Air&Space Conference, Delft, The Netherlands, 7-11 settembre 2015) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

Lucchi, Francesca; Bagassi, Sara; Persiani, Franco, Design characterization and automatic identification of character lines in automotive field, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON INTERACTIVE DESIGN AND MANUFACTURING», 2015, Volume 9, Issue 2, pp. 135 - 143 [articolo]

Bagassi S.; Lucchi F.; Persiani F., Aircraft preliminarydesign: Genetic algorithm based optimization method, in: Proceedings of the 29th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, ICAS 2014, International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, 2014, pp. 1 - 7 (atti di: 29th Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, ICAS 2014, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 7 September 2014 - 12 September 2014) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

BAGASSI S.; LUCCHI F.; PERSIANI F., DESIGN CHARACTERIZATION AND AUTOMATIC IDENTIFICATION OF CHARACTER LINES IN AUTOMOTIVE FIELD, in: XXIII International Conference on Graphic Engineering Proceedings, 2013, pp. --- - --- (atti di: XXIII International Conference on Graphic Engineering, Madrid, 19-21 June 2013) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

S. Bagassi; F. Lucchi; F. Persiani, Development of a preliminary design method for hybrid propulsion aircraft, in: Proceedings of the 4th CEAS conference in Linkopings, 2013, Linkoping, Linkoping University Electronic Press, 2013, pp. 769 - 773 (atti di: CEAS 2013 Air&Space Conference, Linkopings, 16-19 September 2013) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

F. Piergentili; N. Bellini; A. Locarini; S. Naldi; D. Rastelli; M. Valdatta; S. Bagassi, Fused deposition modeling techniques for manufacturing of Cubesat based on modular design concept, in: Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC, International Astronautical Federation, IAF, 2013, pp. 6255 - 6263 (atti di: 64th International Astronautical Congress 2013, IAC 2013, Beijing; China, 3 September 2013 - 27 September 2013) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

C.A. Persiani; S.Bagassi, Route Planner for Unmanned Aerial System Insertion in Civil Non-Segregated Airspace, «PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. PART G, JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING», 2013, Volume 227 Issue 4, April 2013, pp. 687 - 702 [articolo]

S. Bagassi; G. Bertini; D. Francia; F. Persiani, DESIGN ANALYSIS FOR HYBRID PROPULSION, in: ICAS 2012 CD-ROM PROCEEDINGS, N.A., Optimage LTD, 2012, pp. --- - --- (atti di: 28th CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF THE AERONAUTICAL SCIENCES, Brisbane, Australia, 23-28 September 2012) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]

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