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Sara Bagassi

Professoressa associata

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale

Settore scientifico disciplinare: IIND-01/D Costruzioni e strutture aerospaziali


vai alle Pubblicazioni

Pubblicazioni antecedenti il 2004

Elenco aggiornato a dicembre 2011

•       S. Bagassi, D. Francia, F. Persiani. (2011). Simulating Airport Operations in a Synthetic Environment.
Proceedings of the IMProVe 2011 International conference on Innovative Methods in Product Design . IMProVe 2011 International conference on Innovative Methods in Product Design. Venice. 15-17 June 2011. (pp. 469 - 475). ISBN: 978-887784-334-0. PADOVA: Libreria Cortina

•       De Crescenzio F., Bagassi S., Fantini M., Lucchi F. (2011). Virtual reality based HUD (Head Up Display) to simulate 3D conformal symbols in the design of future cockpits. Proceedings of CEAS 2011 Air&Space Conference. 3rd CEAS (Council of the European Aerospace Societies), Air&Space Conference, 21st AIDAA Congress. Venice (Italy).  24-28 October 2011. (pp. 1716-1721 ) ISBN: 978-88-96427-18-7. MONGHIDORO (BO): Confine edizioni (ITALY).

•       Persiani C.A., Bagassi S. (2011). Integration of AMAN and DMAN using Particle Swarm Optimization. CEAS 2011 Proceedings. 3rd CEAS Air&Space Conference, 21st AIDAA Congress. Venice (Italy). 24-28 October 2011. (pp. 1678 - 1684). ISBN: 978-88-96427-18-7. MONGHIDORO (BO): Confine edizioni (ITALY).

•       Bagassi S., Francia D., Persiani F. (2011). Airport Operations Simulation using Particle Swarm Optimization. CEAS 2011 Conference Proceedings. 3rd CEAS Air&Space Conference, 21st AIDAA Congress. Venice, Italy. 24-28 October 2011. (pp. 667 - 673). ISBN: 978-88-96427-18-7. MONGHIDORO (BO): Confine Edizioni (ITALY).

•       Varetti M., Bagassi S. (2011). The return of Diesel engine in the aeronautic propulsion.
CEAS 2011 Conference Proceedings. 3rd CEAS Air&Space Conference, 21st AIDAA Congress. Venice, Italy. 24-28 October 2011. (pp. 765 - 771). ISBN: 978-88-96427-18-7. MONGHIDORO (BO): Confine Edizioni.

•       Bagassi S., De Crescenzio F., Persiani F., Design and Evaluation of a 4D Interface for Air Traffic Control, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G, Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2010, 224 (G8), pp. 937-947. DOI: 10.1243/09544100JAERO626, ISSN: 0954-4100.

•       Persiani C.A., Bagassi S., Airborne Conflict Modeling and Resolution for UAS Insertion in Civil Non-Segregated Airspace, ENRI International Workshop on ATM/CNS. Tokyo, Japan. (EIWAC 2010), 10-12 November 2010, ISSN 2185-1344.

•       Bagassi S., Francia D., Persiani F., Preliminary Study of a New UAV Concept: the Variable Geometry Vehicle, ICAS 2010 27th  Congress of the International Council of Aeronautical Sciences, Nice (France), 19-24 September 2010.  

•       Bagassi S., Francia D., Persiani C.A., Terminal Area “Green” Optimization Using Job-Shop Scheduling Techniques, ICAS 2010 27th  Congress of the International Council of Aeronautical Sciences, Nice (France), 19-24 September 2010.

•       De Crescenzio F., Bagassi S., Persiani F., Ranking the Enabling Technologies to Design All Conditions Operations Cockpits, CEAS 2009 European Air and Space Conference, Manchester, UK, Oct. 26-29, 2009, ISBN: 1 85768 208 4.

       Bagassi S., Bombardi T., Francia D., Persiani C.A, Green Route Optimisation for Low Altitude Flying Aircrafts, CEAS 2009 European Air and Space Conference, Manchester, UK, Oct. 26-29, 2009, ISBN: 1 85768 208 4.

•       Bagassi S., Francia D., Persiani F., Design of Facilities for Altitude Testing of Aviation Diesel Engines, CEAS 2009 European Air and Space Conference, Manchester, UK, Oct. 26-29, 2009, ISBN: 1 85768 208 4.

•       Bagassi S., Bombardi T., Francia D., Persiani C.A., 3D Trajectory Optimization for UAS Insertion in Civil Non-Segregated Airspace, AIAA-2009-5840, AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, Chicago, Illinois, Aug. 10-13, 2009.

•       Bagassi S., De Crescenzio F., Francia D., Persiani F., Virgilli V., Managing time compression technologies for customized product development Cong. Int.   Congiunto XXI Ingegraf - XVII ADM , Lugo, Spain, 10-12 June 2009, ISBN: 978-84-96351-57-8.

•       Bagassi S., Bombardi T., Francia D., Persiani F., Optimizing fused deposition modelling, Cong. Int.   Congiunto XXI Ingegraf - XVII ADM , Lugo, Spain, 10-12 June 2009, ISBN: 978-84-96351-57-8.

•       Bagassi S., De Crescenzio F., Persiani F. Design and Development of an ATC Distributed Training System, 8th AIAA Aviation Technology, Integration, and Operations (ATIO) Conference, Anchorage AK U.S.A., 14-19 September 2008, ISBN: 9781605607153.

•       Bagassi S., De Crescenzio F., Persiani F. Design and Evaluation of a 4D Interface for ATC, ICAS 2008 26th  Congress of the International Council of Aeronautical Sciences, Anchorage AK U.S.A., 14-19 September 2008, ISBN: 9781605607153.  

•       Bagassi S., De Crescenzio F., Fantini M., Francia D., Persiani F. Rapid Design, Prototyping and Manufacturing in Industrial R&D, 1st Symposium on Multidisciplinary Studies of Design in Mechanical Engineering, Bertinoro Italy, June 2008, ISBN: 88-901080-3-7.

•       Persiani F., De Crescenzio F., Fantini M., Bagassi S. A Tabletop Based Interface to Simulate Air Traffic Control in a Distributed Virtual Environment, Congresso Internazionale Congiunto XVI ADM – XIX INGEGRAF, Perugia, Giugno 2007.

•       De Crescenzio F., Bagassi S. La creazione di standard internazionali per l'interoperabilità dei sistemi di simulazione, The Aviation & Maritime Journal, Gennaio/Marzo 2006 - ANNO V - n. 1.


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