Foto del docente

Sandra Cristino

Assistant professor

Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences

Academic discipline: MEDS-24/B Hygiene and Public Health

Curriculum vitae


2000: Biological science degree at the University of Bologna, Italy

2003: Specialist qualification in Toxicology, University of Bologna, Italy


1998-2000: Graduate student of the Institute of Biology, University of Bologna, Italy.

2000-2001: Post-doctorate at Institute of Hygiene, University of Bologna, Italy.

2001-2006: Post-doctorate at  Laboratory of Immunology and Genetics, IOR, Bologna.

2006: Master qualification: Molecular Biology in Publich Health at Università Cattolica, Roma.

2006-Present:  Researcher at University of Bologna, Department of Medicine and Public Health, Hygiene Division.


· 2004: Researcher affiliate at “Bone and Joint Research Unit, William Harvey Research Institute, St. Bartholomew's and Royal School of Medicine and Dentisrty, Queen Mary, University of London”.

· 2007  Training course of 4th EWGLI (European working group Legionella infections)  at Health Protection Agency (HPA) in  London, European Commission sponsor.

· 2008: Associate researcher for summer project on Legionella pathogenesis at Microbial Pathogenesis Department, School of Medicine, Yale University, CT, USA.


· Biology degree University of Bologna

· Post-graduate degree of  Medicine School in : Gynecology, Health and Preventive Medicine and Infectivity Diseases, University of Bologna.


2003: Young Investigator Award, from OARSI, Ostheoarthritis and Cartilage Society, in Berlino, with the paper: “In human osteoarthritic chondrocytes INFγ inhibit CD95-apoptotic signaling, increasing caspases and flice-like inhibitory protein expression”.


· Enviromental microbiology, infection deseases associated to water quality: prevalence of Legionella spp.,  pathogenesis and  virulence factors.

· Health promotion: Study of  inflammatory  proteins modulation  in human serum (Brisighella heart project); Evaluation of  toxic and inflammatory  response of  particular matter (PM) on publich health.