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Samuele Bovo

Ricercatore a tempo determinato tipo a) (junior)

Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Agro-Alimentari

Settore scientifico disciplinare: AGRI-09/A Zootecnia generale e miglioramento genetico


Argomenti di tesi proposti dal docente.


  1. be able to use a command line.
  2. basic knowledge in programming.     
  3. basic concepts in statistics.
  4. time to dedicate to the project.

Mining of genome databases for population genomics studies.

  • implementation of pipelines for data and meta-data retrieval.
  • implementation of pipelines for data and meta data curation.

Analysis of NGS sequencing data forpopulation genomics studies

  • dealing with genomic data (up to 56Gb per sample; up to 500 samples).
  • processing of raw data (quality check and Sequence alignment).
  • detection of variant (SNPs, Indels, CNVs, Chromosomal rearrangement).
  • filtering of variants. use of variats for population genomics studies.

Analysis of NGS sequencing data for viromics and One Health applications.

  • dealing with genomic and transcriptomic data.
  • processing of raw data (quality check and Sequence alignment).
  • implementation of pipelines for viral sequences detection.

Analysis of genotype data for population genomics studies

  • Genome-wide association studies (GWAS)  (univariate statistics, multivariate statistics).
  • Detection of Runs of homozygosity (ROHs).
  • Selection Signature Analyses.
  • implementation of machine learning-based pipelines.

Analysis of metabolomics data in pigs

  • implementation of pipelines for data curation.
  • implementation of pipelines for data analysies  (univariate statistics, multivariate statistics, machine learning).
  • implementation of pipelines for data annotation.

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