Foto del docente

Salvatore Cosentino

Full Professor

Department of Cultural Heritage

Academic discipline: HELL-01/C Byzantine Civilization

Short Bio

Salvatore Cosentino is professor of Byzantine civilization at the University of Bologna and earned his PhD at the University of Torino (1990). He has been fellow at the Italian Institute of Historical Studies in Naples (1984-1985), lecturer in medieval history at the University of Cagliari (1996- 2000), summer fellow at Dumbarton Oaks (1999), professeur invité at the University of Montpellier (2002, 2010), visiting researcher at the University of Princeton (2006) and at the Italian Academy at Columbia University (2011); he is also visiting professor of 'Late Antique and Byzantine Epigraphy' at the Scuola Archeologica Italiana di Atene (2021, 2023). His main research's fields concern the social and economic history of late antiquity and the early Byzantine age, as well as the insular Byzantine world. Go to the Curriculum vitae


+39 0544 9 36 751
+39 0544 484 717

Other contacts

+39 0544 9 36 745

Dipartimento di Beni Culturali
Via Ariani 1 Angolo via Diaz, Ravenna - Go to map

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Office hours

Office hours in Ravenna:

Tuesday, 14-15, by appointment via email
Office 13, 1st floor
Department of Cultural Heritage
Via degli Ariani, 1 - Ravenna
Ph. +39 0544 936751.

Office hours in Bologna:

Monday, h. 17-18, by appointment via email
Office n. 4,  III floor
Department of History, Cultures and Civilizations
S. Giovanni in Monte.
Ph. +39 051 2097654

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