Foto del docente

Sabrina Fusari

Associate Professor

Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

Academic discipline: ANGL-01/C English Language, Translation and Linguistics

Useful contents

Results Placement Test (OOPT) 13 October 2020

The results of the Placement Test (OOPT) are available here  .

Based on your score, you are assigned to an Esercitazioni group, see here .

Students who have not passed may take the OOPT again next year to choose English as their third language.

Students who have not taken the OOPT yet and want to do English this year must enrol for the third and last appello, taking place on 4 November 2020 (book on "Studenti Online"/ "Prenotazioni". Enrolments close on 27 October at 1 pm.)

Students who have a language certificate among those listed here must e-mail a PDF or JPEG copy of their certificate to either Prof. Fusari or Prof. Luporini by 6 November.