Foto del docente

Sabrina Fusari

Associate Professor

Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures

Academic discipline: ANGL-01/C English Language, Translation and Linguistics

Curriculum vitae

Associate Professor of English Language and Linguistics at the Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures of the University of Bologna (from March 2, 2015).


Alma Mater Studiorum-University of Bologna

Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures

Via Cartoleria 5, 40124 Bologna (Italy)



High school leaving certificate (maturità classica) from Liceo Ginnasio Statale Dante Alighieri, Ravenna (Italy), July 1996 (score: 60/60).

MA in Translation (Italian, English and French) magna cum laude obtained in 2001 from the Advanced School of Modern Languages for Interpreters and Translators (SSLiMIT) of the University of Bologna (Forlì).

PhD in Intercultural Communication obtained in 2006 from the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies on Translation, Languages and Cultures (SITLeC) of the University of Bologna (Forlì)

Other certificates

1994: First Certificate in English (FCE) A.

1994: TOEFL, 617.

1995: Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) con punteggio A.

1997: Professional Training Course in business translation from Italian into English, obtained from the school Cambridge Professional Linguists, Cambridge UK.

1999: Tourist interpreter certificate obtained from the Province of Ravenna, Italy (English and French).

2005-2007: Admission in the qualification list for e-learning technicians (with teaching skills) at the University of Bologna, Italy.

Computer skills

Administrator of the website of the Centre for Linguistic-Cultural Studies (CESLiC) of the Deparrment of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures of the University of Bologna (

Scholarships and awards

June 2001: Rotary Award for University of Bologna best graduates (best graduate from the Advanced School of Modern Languages for Interpreters and Translators, SSLiMIT, academic year 1999-2000).

2002-2005: MIUR PhD scholarship.

2005: Indiana University Center on Philanthropy Archives Fellowship.

Institutional responsibilities

Member of the Committee for the Quality of Translation of Institutional Texts of the University of Bologna.

Vicedirector of the Centre for Linguistic-Cultural Studies (CESLiC) of the Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures of the University of Bologna.

Member of the Commitee for Language Teaching (CIL) of the Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures of the University of Bologna.

Research manager of the Framework Agreement for Research (2019-2024) between Centre for Linguistic-Cultural Studies (CESLiC) of the Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures of the University of Bologna and the School of Critical Studies dell'Università di Glasgow.

Coordinator of the Cooperation Agreement (2021-2024, prolonged until 2027) between the Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures of the University of Bologna and the Albanian Ministry of Education and Sport.

Member of the Board of Trustees of the LILEC Department Library.

Past institutional responsibilities

2013-2024: English Language Placement Tests contact person, Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures (LILEC).

2013-2024: Member of the Students-Teachers Committee of the Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures (LILEC).

From May 1, 2016 to September 21, 2018: Member of the University Language Center (CLA) Management Committee of the University of Bologna from May 1, 2016 to September 21, 2018.

From 2013 to 2017: Member of the Quality Assurance Comittee (AQ) of the BA course in Foreign Languages and Literatures, School of Languages, Literatures, Translation and Interpreting of the University of Bologna.

From 2015 to 2019: Member of the Quality Assurance Comittee (AQ) of the BA course in Asian Languages, Markets and Cultures, School of Languages, Literatures, Translation and Interpreting of the University of Bologna.

From 2016 to 218: Member of the Students-Teachers Committee of the Bologna section of the School of Languages, Literatures, Interpreting and Translation of the University of Bologna.

From 2013 to 2015: Member of the Commitee for Language Teaching (CIL) of the School of Languages, Literatures, Translation and Interpreting of the University of Bologna (Bologna campus). The Committee coordinated the teaching of foreign languages, especially at BA level.

Member of the Conferences Committee of the UNIBO Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures' Departments of Excellence Project "Diversity & Inclusion (DIVE-IN)", 2018-2022.

From 2010 to November 1, 2012: member of the advising committee to the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Trento. Role in the committee: coordination of English language testing (Decree no. 115, dated 22/12/2010, of the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Trento, “Nomina collaboratori del Preside triennio 2010/2013”).

Past academic positions

Researcher of English language and Linguistics at the Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures of the University of Bologna (from November 2, 2012 to March 1, 2015).

Researcher of English language and Linguistics at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Trento (Italy) from March 1, 2008 to Nov 1, 2012. Courses held: (BA) English phonetics and phonology, pragmatics of English, ESP; (MA) translation.

Prior to tenure:

Academic year 2007-2008

-          Professor (untenured) of Translation from English into Italian at the Advanced School of Modern Languages for Interpreters and Translators (SSLiMIT) of the University of Bologna at Forlì. B.A. course in “Applied Interlinguistic Communication” (III year).

-          Professor (untenured) of English for Specific Purposes at the Faculty of Modern Languages and Literature, University of Bologna. M.A. course in “Languages, Society and Communication” (II year).

 Academic year 2006-2007:

-          Professor (untenured) of Translation from English into Italian at the Advanced School of Modern Languages for Interpreters and Translators (SSLiMIT) of the University of Bologna at Forlì. B.A. course in “Applied Interlinguistic Communication” (II and III year).

-          Professor (untenured) of “Corpora and Language Teaching” at the Post-graduate Teacher Training School (SSiS) of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.

 Academic year 2005-2006:

-          English language tutor at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Bologna at Forlì (B.A. in Nonprofit Economics).

-          English language tutor at the Advanced School of Modern Languages for Interpreters and Translators (SSLiMIT) of the University of Bologna at Forlì (B.A. in “Applied Interlinguistic Communication”)

 Academic year 2002-2003 and 2003-2004:

-          English language tutor at the Advanced School of Modern Languages for Interpreters and Translators (SSLiMIT) of the University of Bologna at Forlì (B.A. in “Applied Interlinguistic Communication”).

Academic year 2001-2002:

Tutor of written English at the Advanced School of Modern Languages for Interpreters and Translators (University of Bologna at Forlì).

Research projects

2019-2024 - LILEC Research Manager of the Framework Cooperation Agreement between CeSLiC and School of Critical Studies, University of Glasgow .

2018-2022 - Member of the scientific committee of LILEC's excellence project on "Diversity and Inclusion". Head of the subgroup on "Discourse interpretation" and member of the Conferences Committee.

2015- Member of the Global Anglicism Network (GLAD). The project aims to create a global anglicism database, .

2014 - Member of CeSLiC CO-METS - "COmputer-MEdiated Teacher-Student interaction: Building a large, multiple-source corpus for Systemic Functional analysis and application", .

Academic years 2004-2005 and 2005-2006: member of the project entitled “Sulla frontiera tra frase e testo: prospettive linguistiche, testuali e traduttologiche” (On the border between clause and text: linguistic, textual and translation perspectives), Department of Interdisciplinary Studies on Translation, Languages and Cultures (SITLeC), University of Bologna at  Forlì (supervisors: Prof. Michele Prandi, Prof. Marco Mazzoleni and Prof Daniela Zorzi).

2002-2006: partner/ user of the ICIC Fundraising Corpus developed by the Indiana Center on Intercultural Communication (ICIC), Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis, USA (supervisor: Dr Ulla Connor).

2005: Indiana University Center on Philanthropy Archives Fellowship for a diachronic study of the language of philanthropic organizations in the United States. Indiana University-Purdue University, Indianapolis, USA (supervisor: Dr. Dwight Burlingame).

2005-2006: co-operation in the project entitled “Fund raising ed economia aziendale” (Fund raising and business), Department of Business Studies of the University of Bologna (supervisor: Prof. Valerio Melandri).


Italian Association of Applied Linguistics (AItLA).

Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée (AILA).

Italian Association of English Studies (AIA).

European Society for the Study of English (ESSE).

European Systemic Functional Linguistics Association (ESFLA).

International Ecolinguistics Association.

Centre for Linguistic-Cultural Studies (CESLiC) of the Deparrment of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures of the University of Bologna.

Local editorial Board of the journal CeSLiC Occasional Papers (ISSN: 1973-221X).

From 2008, peer reviewer for the International Journal of Applied Linguistics (ISSN: 1473-4192).

From 2010, peer reviewer for the journal Facta Universitatis – Series Linguistics and Literature (ISSN 0354-4702).


Fusari, S. (2023) "Ecosophic consonance and dissonance in the lexicogrammar of 'empathy': A corpus-assisted ecolinguistic study." PALA 2023, Green Stylistics: Exploring Connections between Stylistics and the Environment. Bertinoro (Italy), 12-16 July 2023.

Fusari, S. (2021). "Problem solving in the COVID-19 ERT university classroom." Languaging Diversity 2021 Conference, The Linguistic Construction of Emotional Challenges in a Changing Society. University of Lille (France), 13-15 October 2021.

Fusari, S. (2021). "Lockdown Cooking: Corpus Linguistic Discourse Analysis of an Italian-English Bilingual Food Blog during COVID-19." 2nd Biennial Conference on Food & Communication, Discourses on the future of food. University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), 15-17 September 2021.

Fusari, S. (2021). "'Yeah, you know, these are the miracles of technology': interactivity in the COVID-19 ERT university classroom." 5th International Conference on Contemporary Challenges in LSP Teaching, University of Zagreb (Croatia), Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, 1-2 July 2021.

Fusari, S. (2021). "Intercultural Dialogue through Food Blogging: The Case of Balkan Lunch Box.” CLARC 2021 Language and Culture International Linguistics Conference, Università di Fiume (Croazia), Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, 24-26 June 2021.

Fusari S. (2021). "ERT at University", International Symposym on Linguacultural Spaces: Inclusion, Extension and Identification in Discourse and Society, (online) Bologna, 6-7 May 2021.

Fusari, S. (2021). "Meat Eating and Human Health in Animal Rights Discourse: A Corpus-Based Investigation", Changing the (Cultural) Climate with Ecocriticism and Ecolinguistics, International Symposium, (online) Ferrara, 4-6 May 2021.

Fusari, S. (2018). “‘But What Exactly Is Risk?’: Further Corpus Investigations into the Discursive Construction of Meat Carcinogenicity”, CLAVIER 18 International Conference, Diffusione della conoscenza, etica e ideologia nella comunicazione specialistica: prospettive linguistiche e discorsive, Milano, 29 novembre-1 dicembre 2018.

Fusari, S. (2017). "Does meat cause cancer? The discursive construction of meat carcinogenicity in a corpus of scientific texts". CLAVIER 17 International Conference, Representing and Redefining Specialised Knowledge. Università di Bari "Aldo Moro", 30 November-2 December 2017.

Fusari, S. (2017). "Student-teacher e-mail interaction as asynchronous dialogue in an academic setting". 2017 International Association for Dialogue Analysis conference (IADA 2017), Dialogue, Interaction and Culture: Multidisciplinary perspectives on language use in everyday life. University of Bologna, 11-14 October 2017.

Fusari, S. & Luporini, A. (2017). "CO-METS. La comunicazione docente-studente mediata dal computer". IDEAR Seminars (Incontri Dipartimentali su Esperienze e Attività di Ricerca), Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures (LILEC), University of Bologna, 11 May 2017.

Fusari, S. (2015). "The English we teach: an overview of BA-level English syllabi in Italy". SLEdu Conference, Standard Variation in Second Language Education: A Cross-Linguistic Perspective, University of Rome 3, Department of Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures, 12-13 November 2015. 

Fusari, S. & Luporini, A. (2015). "Interpersonal meaning in a corpus of students-teachers computer mediated communication". Twenty-seventh AIA Conference, Napoli 2015, Transnational Subjects: Linguistic, Literary and Cultural Encounters, University of Naples L'Orientale and University of Naples Federico II, 10-12 September 2015.

Fusari, S. & Luporini, A. (2015). “The role of Computer-Mediated Communication in Learning English as a Foreign Language: a comparison between e-mails and Moodle forum posts in a university course of English language and linguistics”. Fifteenth International Conference of the Italian Association of Applied Linguistics (AItLA),Linguaggio e apprendimento linguistico: metodi e strumenti tecnologici, Lecce, Italy, February 19-21, 2015.

Fusari, S. (2014). "L'insegnamento della grammatica funzionalista della lingua inglese in modalità blended e-learning".  Seminar IN A TRA, Progetti per l'apprendimento linguistico: pluralità di obiettivi, metodologie e strumenti. School of Languages, Literatures, Translation and Interpreting, University of Bologna. Bologna, Italy, February 3-4, 2014.

Fusari, S. (2013). "The potential and drawbacks of annotation: what taggers can/ cannot do". Paper presented within the Colloquium entitled Ticklish Trawling: The Limits of Corpus Assisted Meaning Analysis (chair: Donna R. Miller), held at the Twenty-fourth European Systemic Functional Linguistics Conference and Workshop, ‘Language in a digital age: Be not afraid of digitality'. Coventry, UK, July 1--3, 2013.

Fusari, S. (2012). “A Roman torture or una tortura romana? Translating figures in the Financial Times and in the Corriere della Sera”. International Conference Translating Figures, CeSLiC, Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures, University of Bologna, Italy, 12-14 December 2012.

Fusari, S. (2012). “The institutional and newspaper discourse of the EU sovereign debt crisis: A corpus-based functional analysis”. 23rd European Systemic Functional Linguistics Conference and Workshop (ESFLCW 2012), Permeable contexts and hybrid discourses. July 9-11, 2012, Centro Residenziale Universitario di Bertinoro (FC), Italy.

Fusari, S. (2011). “‘The Pearly Gates have opened and shut': Alitalia's privatization in the US American press”. Workshop Digital Poet(h)ics and Transnational Cultures organized by Renata Morresi and Mauro Carassai within AISNA 2011 – Democracy and Difference, 21st AISNA Biennial International Conference of the Italian Association of North American Studies. 26-29 ottobre 2011, Trento, Italy.

Fusari, S. (2010). “‘In inglese avrà pure un suono simpatico ma vuol dire ‘aerei a terra'': The role of Anglicisms in the discourse of the Alitalia bailout in the Italian press”. Seminar S.57, The Anglicization of European Lexis, organizzato da Virginia Pulcini, Félix Rodríguez González e Cristiano Furiassi within ESSE 2010, Tenth International Conference of the European Society for the Study of English, 24-29 agosto 2010, Turin, Italy.

Fusari, S. (2010). “ Sweetheart deals, wildcat strikes and other dangerous things – Metaphorical representations of the Alitalia bailout plan in the English, US American and Italian press”. RaAM8 , 8th International Conference on Researching and Applying Metaphor , June 30-July 3o 2010, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam (Netherlands).

Fusari, S. (2009). “Framing the Alitalia crisis in the Italian, British and US Press - Evidence from two small corpora”. AIA 2009, 24th Conference of the Italian Association for English Studies, October 1-3 2009, Rome.

Fusari, S. (2008). “The translation of dialects in the Italian dubbing of The Simpsons”. SDAŠ 2008, 2nd international conference of the Slovene Association for the Study of English, September 18-20, 2008, Maribor (Slovenia).

Fusari, S. (2008). “A survey of the learning needs of trainee translators in Italy”. AILA 2008, The 15th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, August 24-29 2008, Essen (Germany).

Fusari, S. (2007). “Il nonprofit come erogatore di servizi pubblici in Italia e negli Stati Uniti: bandi di finanziamento e requests for proposals a confronto”. Seventh International Conference of the Italian Association of Applied Linguistics (AITLA), Aspetti linguistici della comunicazione pubblica e istituzionale, 22-23 febbraio 2007, Milan, Italy.

Fusari, S. (2007). “Translation training in Italy: an analysis of students' perceptions”. Colloque International pour le 50ème anniversaire de l'ESIT, “Profession: Traducteur”. Ecole Supérieure d'Interprètes et de Traducteurs, Université Sorbonne III, 9-10 novembre 2007, Paris, France.

Fusari, S. (2007). “Idioletti e dialetti nel doppiaggio italiano de I Simpsons”. Seminari del CESLiC, Università di Bologna, Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere Moderne, December 10 2007, University of Bologna, Italy.

Fusari, S. (2006). “The discourse of philanthropy in Italy and the United States: a case study of interparadigmatic translation”. Congresso congiunto dell'Associazione di Linguistica Applicata Americana e Canadese, Joint AAAL-ACLA/CAAL 2006 Conference, June 17-20 2006, Montréal (Canada).

Fusari, S. (2005). “Il direct mail per le organizzazioni nonprofit: un'analisi retorica contrastiva italiano-inglese”. Seminari del CESLiC, Università di Bologna, Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere Moderne, March 17, 2005, University of Bologna, Italy.

Fusari, S. (2005). “Il linguaggio del ‘fundraising', studio di un caso specifico: per una metodologia interdisciplinare”. Convegno Insegnare le lingue/culture oggi: il contributo dell'interdisciplinarità, June 17-18, 2005, CESLiC, Aula dei Poeti, Facoltà di Scienze Politiche, University of Bologna, Italy.

Fusari, S. (2005). “A corpus study of philanthropic direct mail”. Second annual ICIC conference on written discourse and intercultural rhetoric, July 22, 2005. Indianapolis: Indiana, USA.

Fusari, S. (2005). “Philanthropic direct mail in an English/ Italian perspective”. Symposium Research on fundraising letters:  focus on research methods within the 14th AILA World Congress, July 25-29, 2005, Madison: Wisconsin, USA.

Fusari, S. (2004). “La traduzione italiana di Una nuova generazione volta pagina di Noam Chomsky”. Seminar within the Prima Mostra Mercato della Piccola Editoria, September 29, 2004, Arezzo, Italy.

Fusari, S. (2003). “Fundraising letters as a genre: the philanthropic sector in an English-Italian intercultural perspective”. Talk at Tuscan Word Center within the course How to Use Corpora in Language Work, May 19-22 2003, Vellano, Pescia (PT), Italy.

Fusari, S. (2003). “La prosa politica di Noam Chomsky”. Conference I linguaggi della guerra at the Advanced School of Modern Languages for Interpreters and Translators, University of Bologna at Forlì, October 29, 2003, Forlì, Italy.