Foto del docente

Sabrina Albonetti

Assistant professor

Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences

Academic discipline: MVET-02/B Inspection of Foods of Animal Origin

Short Bio

University researcher in the field of Inspection of Food of Animal Origin at the University of Bologna since 2001. She carries out her research in the field of food safety. Research interests are focused in particular on infections, toxinfections and food poisoning. Her current research focuses on the study of marine biotoxins in seafood and seafood products (in particular in bivalve molluscs and shellfish), food shelf-life and microbiological challenge testing.
Expert in the legislation concerning the certification of laboratories (ISO 9001) and good laboratory practices (LPG). Engaged in national research projects, she has collaborated and she collaborates with several national and multinational companies since 1993. Author of publications in national and international journals. Go to the Curriculum vitae


+39 0547 338940

Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche Veterinarie
Via Tolara di Sopra 50, Ozzano dell'Emilia - Go to map

Online Resources

Office hours

Office hours

Tuesday: 8.00-9.00, 13.00-14.00 and 16.00-17.00;

Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna

Veterinary Medical Science Department (DIMEVET)

U.O.S. Cesenatico

Viale Vespucci, 2 - 47042 Cesenatico (FC)

Office Identification: Dott.ssa Sabrina Albonetti - 1st floor


office phone: 0547-338940

Sabrina Albonetti suggests a preliminary contact by e-mail (