Foto del docente

Rodrigo Vicente Campos Caba

PhD Student

Department of Physics and Astronomy "Augusto Righi"

Research fellow

Interdepartmental Research Centre for Environmental Sciences

Academic discipline: GEO/12 Oceanography and Physics of the Atmosphere

Short Bio

I graduated in Ocean Engineering at the University of Valparaiso (Chile), where I initially started working on projects related to wave numerical modeling. After a while, I worked as a project engineer in a company making field surveys of meteo-oceanographic, topographic and bathymetric conditions along the coast in Chile, for various public and private projects.


In October 2019 I started my studies in the Master's programme in Coast and Ports at the University of Cantabria (Spain). Once finished, I returned to the University of Valparaiso to work as an academic and in charge of the physical and numerical laboratory of coastal processes of the School of Ocean Engineering.

Finally in January 2022 I joined the University of Bologna in the PhD Frontiers, "The Future of the Earth, Climate Change and Societal Challenges", working in the development of data-driven system for sea level downscaling, by means of very high-resolution circulation model output used as training data for a Machine Learning (ML) framework.

Go to the Curriculum vitae



Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia "Augusto Righi"
Viale Berti Pichat 6/2, Bologna - Go to map

Centro Interdipartimentale di Ricerca per le Scienze Ambientali
Via Sant'Alberto 163, Ravenna - Go to map

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