Rocco Liguori graduated in 1983 at the Faculty of
Medicine, University of Bologna-Italy. He received the
specialization degree in Neurology from the University of Bologna
in 1988 and the specialization degree in Clinical Neurophysiology
from the University of Copenhagen-Denmark in 1991. From 1987 to
1991 he was appointed as a senior physician at the Department of
Clinical Neurophysiology, the National University Hospital,
Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark.
From 1992 to 1998 he worked as a Clinical Assistant at the
Institute of Neurology-University of Bologna and from 1999 to
October 2010 he was appointed as a Researcher in
Neurology and from November 2010 he is Professor of
Neurology (previously at the Department of Neurological Sciences,
University of Bologna), and since October 16, 2012 at the
Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences, University of
Bologna. As a member of the ESTEEM group, he is actively involved
in a multicenter European project on standardization in
Electromyography and Evaluation of Decision Support Systems. The
main research area of Prof. Liguori focuses on Clinical
Neurophysiology and Clinical Neurology. Since 1983 he has published more than 300 scientific papers on this topic mainly in international
journals, particularly in the field of quantitative techniques in
Electromyography and their application in the investigation in
patients with neuromuscular disorders. He has also been performing
research studies on quality standards in Electromyography, acquired
and genetic channellopathies and in studies on dysautonomic disorders by means of microneurography
techniques and immunohistological skin examinations. Recently he has developed research activities involving biomarkers of synucleinopathies.
He is currently Full Professor of Neurology at the University Alma Mater Studiorum of Bologna and Head of the University Neurologic Unit (Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences, University of
Bologna and IRCCS - Institute of Neurological Sciences of Bologna).
Since 2020 he is Director of Single Cycle Degree in Medicine and Surgery, University of Bologna.
He is member of the following scientific societies:
European Academy of Neurology, Italian Society of Neurology,
Italian Society of Clinical Neurophysiology (SINC), Italian Society of
Miopathology (AIM). Elected President SINC directory board 2014-2016 and from june 2016 to june 2018 SINC directory board President. From june 2018: member of AIM directory board.