Foto del docente

Roberto Chiocchetti

Associate Professor

Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences

Academic discipline: MVET-01/A Veterinary Anatomy

Curriculum vitae

Roberto Chiocchetti DVM, PhD

Associate Professor

- Department of Veterinary Medical Sciences

the first Italian School included in the "List of Evaluated and Approved Veterinary Establishment of the EAEVE (European Association of Establishment for Veterinary Education)"

- University of Bologna -

Via Tolara di sopra 50, 40064 Ozzano Emilia ( Bologna), Italy

Phone: +39/051/2097946 ; Fax:+39/051/2097953


Date of Birth 12 September 1964

Nationality      Italian

Language Skills:         Italian             Native speaker

                                    English           Fluent

                                    German          Basic knowledge



  Curriculum Vitae

  Education :

-High School: Liceo Scientifico A. Rosmini at Rovereto (Trento, Italy).

-July 1992: Graduated in Veterinary Medicine at Bologna University with the thesis: "Biomechanics of the domestic mammals vertebral column"

-September 1996: Doctorship in "Domestic Animal Morphology" with the thesis: "Spinal and cerebellar projections of the Edinger-Westphal nucleus in mammals and birds"


Professional Experiences :

Since 1 July 1995 to September 2007 - Researcher at Department of Veterinary Morphophysiology and Animal Production, Anatomy section, University of Bologna.

- Academic Years 1996/98 - Teacher in "Veterinary Anatomohistological Methodology" (Degree in Biotechnology), University of Bologna

- Academic Year 1998/2002 - Teacher in "Anatomy of Domestic Animals" (Degree in Veterinary Medicine), University of Bologna

- Academic Year 2000/01 - Teacher in "Anatomy of the aquatic species" (Diploma Course in Hygiene and Animal Health - Aquaculture and Ichthyopatology), University of Bologna, Sede di Cesenatico

- Academic Years from 2002/03 to 2013/14 - Teacher in "Veterinary Topographic Anatomy I"(Degree in Veterinary Medicine), University of Bologna

- Academic Year 2004/07 - Teacher in "Animal Morphophysiology" (degree in "Scienze e Tecnologie Alimentari, Facoltà di Agraria, sede di Cesena, Università  di Bologna).

- Academic Year 2005 - Teacher in Fish Anatomy (english language) by "the Centro Residenziale Universitario di Bertinoro", in the course "Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture in the Mediterranean", promoted by "the Ministero degli Affari Esteri" and in collaboration with the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Bologna.

- Academic Year 2006/07 - Teacher in "Anatomy and Physiology of Domestic Animals" (degree in "Trasformazione e Valorizzazione dei Prodotti di Origine Animale", Facoltà  di Agraria di Modena e Reggio Emilia.

Since 1 October 2007 -  Associate Professor at Department of Veterinary Morphophysiology and Animal Production, Anatomy section, University of Bologna.


- Academic Years from 2008/09 to now - Teacher in "Systematic Comparative Veterinary Anatomy II" (Degree in Veterinary Medicine), University of Bologna


Since 2013 - Unanimous enabling national scientific functions Full Professor in the competitive sector 07/H1 (Bando 2012, DD n. 222/2012).

Since 2018 - Unanimous enabling national scientific functions Full Professor in the competitive sector 07/H1 (Bando 2016, D.D. 1532/2016).

Since 2005 - Member of the departmental board of the PhD; at present tutor of two PhD Students.

Since 2007 - Delegate of the Department for the Orientation of prospective Students

Since 2008 - Member of scientific committee of the Library of the Department

Since 2009 - Institutional referent to the agreement between the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Bologna (now Dept. of Veterinary Medical Sciences) and Sydney

Since 2013 - included in the EAEVE (European Association of Establishment for Veterinary Education) expert master list.



Tutor of the following experimental thesis (and correlated publications)

Degree thesis

  1. "Sottoclassi neuronali che esprimono immunoreattività  per la calbindina nel sistema nervoso enterico di ileo di pecora (2003) "

"Subclasses of neurons expressing immunoreactivity for Calbindin in the enteric nervous system of the sheep ileum (2003)"

Published in:

Chiocchetti R. , Grandis A., Bombardi C., Clavenzani P., Lalatta Costerbosa G., Lucchi M.L., Furness J.B. Characterisation of neurons expressing calbindin immunoreactivity in the ileum of the unweaned and mature sheep. Cell and Tissue Res 318:289-303, 2004

2."Localizzazione, morfologia e corredo neurochimico dei neuroni efferenti ed afferenti che innervano i muscoli gastrocnemio e flessore superficiale delle dita nel bovino (2004)"

"Localization, morphology and immunohistochemistry of the efferent and afferent neurons innervating the gastrocnemius and the flexor digitorum superficialis muscles in the cattle (2004)"

Published in:

Chiocchetti R., Grandis A., Bombardi C., Clavenzani P., Spadari A., Gentile A., Bortolami R.

Localization, morphology and immunohistochemistry of the efferent and afferent neurons innervating the gastrocnemius and the flexor digitorum superficialis muscles in the cattle. Am. J. Vet. Res. Apr; 66:710-20, 2005.

3."Origine estrinseca ed intrinseca dell'immunoreattività  del peptide correlato al gene della calcitonina (CGRP) nell'ileo di agnello. Studio morfometrico e neurochimico" (2004).

"Extrinsic and intrinsic sources of calcitonin gene-related peptide immunoreactivity in the lamb ileum. Morphometric and neurochemical study (2004) "

Published in:

Chiocchetti R. , Grandis A., Bombardi C, Lucchi Ml, Tadini Dal Lago D, Bortolami R, Furness JB. Extrinsic and intrinsic sources of calcitonin gene-related peptide immunoreactivity in the lamb ileum. A morphometric and neurochemical investigation. Cell and Tissue Res. Feb;323:183-96, 2006

4."Neuroni afferenti primari intrinseci del sistema nervoso enterico di cavia. Affinità  per la lectina" (2004).

"Intrinsic primary afferent neurons of the guinae-pig. Affinity for lectin IB4 (2004)â€

Published in:

Hind A, Migliori M, Thacker M, Staikopoulos V, Nurgali K, Chiocchetti R, Furness JB

Primary afferent neurons intrinsic to the intestine, like primary afferent neurons of spinal and cranial sensory ganglia, bind the lectin, IB4. Cell and Tissue Research 321(2):151-157, 2005

5."IL nucleo rosso del bovino: topografia, morfologia, citoarchitettura e proiezioni lombo-sacrali" (2005).

The cattle red nucleus. Localization, morphology, cytoarchitecture, and lumbo-sacral spinal cord projections (2005) "

Published in:

Chiocchetti R , Bombardi C, Grandis A, Mazzuoli G, Gentile A, Pisoni L, Joechler M, Lucchi ML. The cattle red nucleus. Cytoarchitecture, morphology and lower spinal cord projections.

American Journal Veterinary Research, Oct;67:1662-1669, 2006

6."Sistema nervoso enterico e malattie da prioni (encefalopatie spongiformi trasmissibili" (2005).

"The enteric nervous system and prions diseases (transmissible spongiform encephalopathies) (2005)"

7. "Il complesso nucleare vestibolare nel bovino. Topografia, morfologia, citoarchitettura e proiezioni lombo-sacrali"(2006).

"Vestibular nuclear complex in cattle: Topography, morphology, cytoarchitecture and lumbo-sacral projections (2006)"

Published in:

Grandis A., Bombardi C., Travostini B., Gentile A., Joechler M., Pisoni L., Chiocchetti R. Vestibular nuclear complex in cattle: Topography, morphology, cytoarchitecture and lumbo-sacral projections . Journal of Vestibular Research, 17 (1):9-24, 2007

8."Innervazione delle tonsille palatine e delle placche del Peyer ileali nella pecora: possibili vie neuro invasive utilizzate dall'agente della scrapie" (2007).

"Innervation of the palatine tonsils and ileal Peyer's patches in the sheep: possible routes of prions (Scrapie) neuroinvasion (2007)"

Published in:

Russo D, Mongardi Fantaguzzi C, Di Guardo G, Clavenzani P, Lalatta-Costerbosa G, Ligios C, Chiocchetti R. Characterization of sheep (Ovis aries) palatine tonsil innervation. Neuroscience. 161:813-826, 2009

Chiocchetti R, Mazzuoli G, Albanese V, Mazzoni M, Clavenzani P, Lalatta-Costerbosa G, Lucchi ML, Di Guardo G, Marruchella G, Furness JB. Anatomical evidence for ileal Peyer's patches innervation by enteric nervous system: a potential route for prion neuroinvasion? Cell and Tissue Research 332:185-194, 2008

9."Innervazione intramurale dello sfintere pilorico di agnello" (2009).

"Intrinsic neuronal control of the pyloric sphincter of the lamb 2009)"

Published in:

Mazzuoli Gemma , Lucherini Maria Chiara, Russo Domenico, Clavenzani Paolo, Chiocchetti Roberto (2008) Intrinsic neuronal control of the pyloric sphincter of the lamb.

J Chem Neuroanat 36:98-106, 2008

10."Innervazione estrinseca ed intrinseca della vescica di cane"(2009).

"Intramural innervation of t dog urinary bladder (2009)"

  • 11."Alterazioni morfologiche e neurochimiche dell'intestino di cavallo in colica"(2010).

"Morphological and neurochemical modification in the horse intestine during colic (2009)"

12."Innervazione sensitiva del trigono vescicale di maiale"(2010).

"Sensory innervation of the pig urinary bladder trigone (2010)"

Published in:

Russo Domenico, Ragionieri Luisa, Botti Maddalena, Gazza Ferdinando, Bo Minelli Luisa, Caterina Sorteni, Clavenzani Paolo, Panu Rino, Chiocchetti Roberto. Neurochemical features of boar lumbo-sacral dorsal root ganglion neurons and characterization of sensory neurons innervating the urinary bladder trigone. J Comp Neurol 521:342-366, 2013

13."Innervazione intrinseca della giunzione ileo-ciecale del cavallo" (2011).

"Intrinsic innervation of the ileocaecal junction in the horse (2011)"

Published in:

Roberto Chiocchetti, Cristiano Bombardi, Caterina Mongardi-Fantaguzzi, Domenico Russo, Elena Venturelli, Corrado Montoneri, Alessandro Spadari, Noemi Romagnoli, Annamaria Grandis (2009) Intrinsic innervation of the ileocaecal junction in the horse. Equine Vet J 41:759-764, 2009

14."Innervazione adrenergica della giunzione ileo-ciecale del cavallo"(2011).

"The sympathetic innervation of the ileocaecal junction in the horses (2011)"

Published in:

D Russo, C Bombardi, A Grandis, JB Furness, A Spadari, C Bernardini, R Chiocchetti (2010) The sympathetic innervation of the ileocaecal junction in the horses. J Comp. Neurol 518: 4046-4066, 2010

15."Modificazioni del sistema nervoso enterico in seguito a digiuno prolungato: l'anguilla come modello sperimentale"(2011).

"Modification of the enteric nervous system during prolonged starvation: the eel as experimental model (2011)"

Published in:

Sorteni C, Clavenzani P, De Giorgio R, Portnoy O, Sirri R, Mordenti O, Di Biase A, Parmeggiani A, Menconi V, Chiocchetti R. 2013. Enteric neuroplasticity in seawater-adapted European eel “(Anguilla anguilla). J of Anatomy 224:180-191, 2014.

16."Perchè il cavallo non vomita: studio dei circuiti nervosi preposti al controllo della giunzione gastro-esofagea" (2012).

"Horse is unable to vomit: study on nervous pathways controlling the horse gastro-esophageal junction (2012)"


Chiocchetti Roberto, Giancola Fiorella, Maurizio Mazzoni, Sorteni Caterina, Romagnoli Noemi, Pietra Marco. Intramural excitatory and inhibitory neurons of horse caudal oesophagus and gastric fundus.

17."Borsa bicipitale (bursa bicipitalis) nel cavallo: morfologia ed innervazione (2012)".

"Bursa bicipitalis of the horse: morphology and innervation (2012)"

18."La proteina prionica nel sistema nervoso enterico dei Felidi"(2012).

"The prion protein in the enteric nervous system of Felidae (2012)"

Published in:

Sorteni C, De Angeli M, Clavenzani P, De Giorgio R, Johnson CJ, Chiocchetti R. Expression of PrPC in enteric glial cells of the domestic cat. Prion, 6 (supplement April/May/June 2012), PO-227, pag. 127, PRION, Amsterdam. 2012.

Sorteni C, De Angeli M, Clavenzani P, De Giorgio R, Johnson C, Chiocchetti R. Expression of PrPC in glial cells of the cat intestinal tract. Abstract of the Joint International Neurogastroenterology and Motility Meeting, 6-8 Sept 2012, Bologna, Italy. Vol. 24, Supplement 2, pag. 121 Sept 2012 (online ISSN 1365-2982), 2012


19. Co-tutor - "Proiezioni dirette ai motoneuroni dell'oculomotore di fibre afferenti trigeminali primarie capsaicino-sensibili dei muscoli estrinseci dell'occhio di pecora (1997)"


20. Co-tutor - "Somatotopia dei motoneuroni del nervo laringeo caudale nella pecora (1996)"

"Localisation of recurrent laryngeal nerve moteneurons in the sheep by means of retrograde fluorescent labelling (1996)"

Published in:

Barazzoni AM, Clavenzani P, Chiocchetti R, Bompadre G, Grandis A, Petrosino G, Lalatta Costerbosa G, Bortolami R. Localisation of recurrent laryngeal nerve moteneurons in the sheep by means of retrograde fluorescent labelling. Research in Veterinary Science 78, 249–253, 2005.


21. Co-tutor "Rappresentazione viscerotopica parasimpatica del tratto retrodiaframmatico dell'apparato digerente nella pecora (2000)"

" Viscerotopic representation of the subdiaphragmatic tracts of the digestive apparatus within the vagus complex in the Sheep"

Published In:

Chiocchetti R., Clavenzani P., Barazzoni A.M., Grandis A., Bombardi C., Lalatta Costerbosa G., Petrosino G., Bortolami R. Viscerotopic representation of the subdiaphragmatic tracts of the digestive apparatus within the vagus complex in the Sheep. Brain Research, 961:32-44, 2003.

22. Co-tutor - "Distribuzione dei recettori adrenergici beta-2 nel sistema nervoso enterico dell'ileo di cavallo" (2010)

"Distribution of β2 adrenoceptors in the enteric neurons of the horse ileum (2010)"

Published in:

Cristiano Bombardi , Annamaria Grandis, Anna Gardini, Caterina Sorteni, Paolo Clavenzani, Roberto Chiocchetti. 2013. Expression of β2 adrenoceptors within enteric neurons of the horse ileum. Res Vet Sci 95(3):837-845, 2013

PhD experimental thesis :

  1. "Mechanosensitivity in the myenteric plexus of the guinea-pig ileum" (2008).
  2. "Morphological and neurochemical features of sensory and motor neurons innervating the boar urinary bladder trigone and urethral muscle" (2014).

Published in:

Russo Domenico, Ragionieri Luisa, Botti Maddalena, Gazza Ferdinando, Bo Minelli Luisa, Caterina Sorteni, Clavenzani Paolo, Panu Rino, Chiocchetti Roberto. Neurochemical features of boar lumbo-sacral dorsal root ganglion neurons and characterization of sensory neurons innervating the urinary bladder trigone.

J Comp Neurol 521:342-366, 2013

L. Ragionieri, M. Botti, F. Gazza, C. Sorteni, R. Chiocchetti, P. Clavenzani, L. Bo Minelli, R. Panu. 2013. Localization of peripheral autonomic neurons innervating the boar urinary bladder trigone and neurochemical features of the sympathetic component.

European Journal of Histochemistry 57(2):e16, 94-105, 2013


Tutor of the following PhD thesis :

"Mechanosensitivity in the myenteric plexus of the guinea-pig ileum" (2008).

"Morphological and neurochemical features of sensory and motor neurons innervating the boar urinary bladder trigone and urethral muscle"(2014).


Professional Courses

1994- "Neuroscience methods - Immunohistochemistry" at Pathophysiology center for the nervous system (Modena).

1994- "Neuroscience methods - In situ hybridisation" at Pathophysiology center for the nervous system (Modena).

1995- "Neuroscience methods - Image analysis" at Pathophysiology center for the nervous system (Modena).

1997- "Immunolabelling for Electron Microscopy" at Royal Postgraduate Medical School (London).

2001- II Leica Seminar Microsystems: "Confocal microscopy and applications" (Bologna).

2002- (March-August) Visiting Research fellow by the Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology and Centre for Neuroscience at the University of Melbourne (Australia) -Autonomic Neuroscience, Pain and Sensory Mechanisms laboratories- (Head prof. John Burton Furness)

2003- (March) Visiting Research fellow by the Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology and Centre for Neuroscience at the University of Melbourne (Australia) -Autonomic Neuroscience, Pain and Sensory Mechanisms laboratories- (Head prof. John Burton Furness)

2003- (May-June) Visiting Research fellow by the Department of Medicine, Digestive Disease Division, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California Los Angeles-UCLA (prof. Catia Sternini's Laboratory)

2006- (Jan-February) Visiting Research fellow by the Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology and Centre for Neuroscience at the University of Melbourne (Australia) -Autonomic Neuroscience, Pain and Sensory Mechanisms laboratories- (Head prof. John Burton Furness).

2009- (Aug-Sept) Visiting Research fellow by the Departments of Anatomy and Cell Biology and Centre for Neuroscience (Head prof. John Burton Furness), Pathology and Mental Health Research Institute of Victoria (Dr. Victoria Lawson), and of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Bio 21 Institute and Mental Health Research Institute of Victoria University of Melbourne, Australia (Andrew F Hill).

2014 (March - April) - Visiting Professor by Faculty of Veterinary Science, The University of Melbourne, Vic 3010, Australia. (contact in Melbourne: Prof. Helen M S Davies).

2014 (March -April) - Visiting Professor by the School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, University of Adelaide -  the University of Adelaide Roseworthy Campus,  Roseworthy South Australia 5371  Australia (contact in Adelaide: Prof. Rachel Norris).


Research Interest

The capital activities of my research group are focused on the neuromorphology.

The major research interests are concerned with the extrinsic and intrinsic innervation of the intestine in species such horse, sheep, guinea-pig, mouse, dog, cat, squirrel, wild rodents, and fish. Recently we studied the innervation of the urinary bladder in the pig.

Furthermore, we studied the nervous pathways utilized by prion pathogens to reach the central nervous system from the palatine tonsils and digestive system during neuroinvasion.

Techniques utilized: wholemount preparation of the intestinal layers, paraffin- and cryo-sections, immunohistochemistry, retrograde fluorescent tracers, fluorescence-confocal-electron microscopy, cell and tissue culture, image analysis.

For details of all publications (82 at present, with impact factor) see PubMed web site


Research collaboration

- Prof. J.B. Furness - Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology & Centre for Neuroscience, University of Melbourne, Australia

- Prof.ssa Catia Sternini, CURE/DDRC, Digestive Diseases Division,

Department of Medicine, UCLA, Los Angeles, USA

- Prof. Dr. med. Karl-Herbert Sch äfer, Working Group Enteric Nervous System, University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern, Campus Zweibr ücken, Germany

- Prof. Roberto De Giorgio, Dipartimento di Medicina Interna e Gastroenterologia, Università  di Bologna, Italy

- Prof. Giovanni Di Guardo, Department of Comparative Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Teramo, Piazza Aldo Moro 45, 64100 Teramo, Italy

- Prof. Rino Panu, Department of Animal Health, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 43126 Parma, Italy

- Dr. Ciriaco Ligios, Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Sardegna, Sassari, Italy


Ad hoc reviewer for the following journals:

    1. Acta Histochemica
    2. Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia
    3. Anatomical Record
    4. Biomolecules
    5. BMC Physiology
    6. BMC Veterinary Research
    7. Canadian J Vet Research
    8. Equine Veterinary Journal
    9. Frontiers in Veterinary Science
    10. JSM Diabetology and Management
    11. Histology and Histopathology
    12. Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy
    13. Journal of Neuroscience Research
    14. Journal of Neuroimmunology
    15. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine
    16. Neurogastroenterology and Motility
    17. PLOS1
    18. Research in Veterinary Science
    19. Veterinarni Medicina

Editorial board member of

Journal of Veterinary Science and Animal Health (since 2014)

ISRN Anatomy (since 2012)

Dataset Papers in Biology (since 2012)


Member of

- Italian Society of Veterinary Morphology

- Italian Group for the Study of Neuromorphology  (G.I.S.N.)

- Scivac (Società  Culturale Italiana Veterinari per Animali da Compagnia)

- Sinvet (Societa' Italiana Di Neurologia Veterinaria)


Hobby - "Mens sana in corpore sano"

  Twenty years leagues "Serie A" Handball (1981-2001)

Two junior world championships (1983, Finland; 1985, Italy)

One world championships for university students (1986, Germany)

One senior world championships (Olympic qualification, 1987, Italy)

More than 40 games with the senior National Handball Team - bronze medal for athletic prowess.

Since 2021 he has been part of the technical staff of a handball team (Handball Romagna) of Serie A1.

Latest news

At the moment no news are available.