Foto del docente

Roberto Cazzolla Gatti

Associate Professor

Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences

Academic discipline: BIOS-01/C Environmental and Applied Botany


Keywords: One Health ecosystem functioning biodiversity biological conservation global environmental protection macroecology evolutionary biology behavioural ecology global change biology

The current main research topic is related to the functioning of ecosystems in the context of One Health (planetary health, ecosystem and species health, human health). Furthermore, this macro-theme branches out into various lines of research together with other topics of interest:


  • macroecological processes, anthropogenic effects and biological diversity (in space and time)
  • biogeographical variation and distribution of biodiversity
  • models for predicting variations in biological diversity and coexistence among species
  • dilution effect and biodiversity-stability hypothesis
  • different approaches in biological conservation for the protection of endangered species
  • biodiversity-biomass relationships, biodiversity-ecosystem services, biodiversity-global health
  • methods for monitoring (the effectiveness) of biological conservation projects and biodiversity
  • dualism between biological conservation and indigenous (human) populations
  • integration of biological evolution and behavioral ecology into conservation biology
  • global strategies for the management of endangered species and prevention of extinctions
  • effect of ecosystem degradation on alien species
  • protected areas and strictly protected areas (Half-Earth in Italy, Europe, World)
  • peace parks and protected areas/transnational ecological corridors
  • reforestation and rewilding (natural, degraded and urban areas)
  • ecological corridors, buffer zones and the monitoring of endemic or rare species/ecosystems (IUCN Red Lists)
  • effects of anthropogenic management and interventions on habitats and ecosystems (also at local level)
  • effects of fires, pastures, cutting on the diversity of forests (Italian, European, world)
  • impacts of global changes (including climate change) on habitats and ecosystems
  • impacts of tropical crops on natural habitats, diversity and climate
  • impacts of bioenergy policies on natural habitats, diversity and climate
  • effects of global and local changes on plant-pollinator relationships
  • application of new technologies (drones, satellites, virtual and 3D reality, etc.) for biological conservation

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