R. Amici; G. Zoccoli, Adaptation of bodily functions to sleep, in: Sleep MedicineTextbook, Regensburg, European Sleep Research Society, 2014, pp. 27 - 38 [capitolo di libro]
Cerri M; Vecchio FD; Mastrotto M; Luppi M; Martelli D; Perez E; Tupone D; Zamboni G; Amici R, Enhanced Slow-Wave EEG Activity and Thermoregulatory Impairment following the Inhibition of the Lateral Hypothalamus in the Rat, «PLOS ONE», 2014, 9, Article number: e112849, pp. 1 - 11 [articolo]Open Access
Del Vecchio Flavia; Nalivaiko Eugene; Cerri Matteo; Luppi Marco; Amici Roberto, Provocative motion causes fall in brain temperature and affects sleep in rats, «EXPERIMENTAL BRAIN RESEARCH», 2014, 232, pp. 2591 - 2599 [articolo]
Bastianini S;Berteotti C;Gabrielli A;Del Vecchio F;Amici R;Alexandre C;Scammell TE;Gazea M;Kimura M;Lo Martire V;Silvani A;Zoccoli G, SCOPRISM: a new algorithm for automatic sleep scoring in mice., «JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE METHODS», 2014, 235, pp. 277 - 284 [articolo]
Amici R; Bastianini S; Berteotti C; Cerri M; Del Vecchio F; Lo Martire V; Luppi M; Perez E; Silvani A; Zamboni G; Zoccoli G., Sleep and bodily functions: the physiological interplay between body homeostasis and sleep homeostasis, «ARCHIVES ITALIENNES DE BIOLOGIE», 2014, 152, pp. 66 - 78 [articolo]
Martelli D; Luppi M; Cerri M; Tupone D; Mastrotto M;
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M. Luppi; M. Cerri; D. Martelli; D. Tupone; F. Del Vecchio; A. Di Cristoforo; E. Perez; G. Zamboni; R. Amici, Waking and sleeping in the rat made obese through a high-fat hypercaloric diet., «BEHAVIOURAL BRAIN RESEARCH», 2014, 258, pp. 145 - 152 [articolo]
Battaglia E.; Amici R., Fisiologia umana per le professioni sanitarie, MILANO, Mc Graw Hill, 2013, pp. 57 . [libro]
R. Amici; M. Cerri; P.L. Parmeggiani, Overview of Physiological Processes During Sleep, in: The Encyclopedia of Sleep, Vol. 1, WALTHAM, MA, Academic Press, 2013, pp. 385 - 389 [capitolo di libro]
Cerri M.; Mastrotto M.; Tupone D.; Martelli D.; Luppi M.; Perez E.; Zamboni G.; Amici R., The inhibition of neurons in the central nervous pathways for thermoregulatory cold defense induces a suspended animation state in the rat., «THE JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE», 2013, 33, pp. 93 - 2984 [articolo]
D. Martelli; M. Luppi; M. Cerri; D. Tupone; E. Perez; G. Zamboni; R. Amici, Waking and sleeping following water deprivation in the rat, «PLOS ONE», 2012, 7, Article number: e46116, pp. 1 - 11 [articolo]Open Access
Zoccoli G; Amici R; Silvani A., The hypothalamus and its functions, in: Narcolepsy. Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Treatment, NEW YORK, Springer, 2011, pp. 191 - 204 [capitolo di libro]
Cerri M.; Zamboni G.; Tupone D.; Dentico D.; Luppi M.; Martelli D.; Perez E.; Amici R., Cutaneous Vasodilation Elicited by disinhibition of the Caudal Portion of the Rostral Ventromedial Medulla of the Free-Behaving Rat., «NEUROSCIENCE», 2010, 165, pp. 984 - 995 [articolo]
Luppi M.; Martelli D.; Amici R.; Baracchi F.; Cerri M.; Dentico D.; Perez E.; Zamboni G., Hypothalamic osmoregulation is maintained across the wake-sleep cycle in the rat, «JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH», 2010, 19, pp. 394 - 399 [articolo]
Pevernagie D; Stanley N; Berg S; Krieger J; Amici R; Bassetti C; Billiard M; Cirignotta F; Garcia-Borreguero D; Tobler I; Fischer J., European Guideline for the certification of professionals in sleep medicine : report of the task force of the European Sleep Research Society, «JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH», 2009, 18, pp. 136 - 141 [articolo]