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Roberto Amici

Professore associato confermato

Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche e Neuromotorie

Settore scientifico disciplinare: BIOS-06/A Fisiologia


Zoccoli G.; Amici R., Sleep and autonomic nervous system, «CURRENT OPINION IN PHYSIOLOGY», 2020, 15, pp. 128 - 133 [articolo]Open Access

Lo Martire V.; Berteotti C.; Bastianini S.; Alvente S.; Valli A.; Cerri M.; Amici R.; Silvani A.; Swoap S.J.; Zoccoli G., The physiological signature of daily torpor is not orexin dependent, «JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE PHYSIOLOGY. B, BIOCHEMICAL, SYSTEMIC, AND ENVIRONMENTAL PHYSIOLOGY», 2020, 190, pp. 493 - 507 [articolo]

Luppi, Marco; Cerri, Matteo; Di Cristoforo, Alessia; Hitrec, Timna; Dentico, Daniela; Del Vecchio, Flavia; Martelli, Davide; Perez, Emanuele; Tupone, Domenico; Zamboni, Giovanni; Amici, Roberto, c-Fos expression in the limbic thalamus following thermoregulatory and wake-sleep changes in the rat, «EXPERIMENTAL BRAIN RESEARCH», 2019, 237, pp. 1397 - 1407 [articolo]

Tinganelli W.; Hitrec T.; Romani F.; Simoniello P.; Squarcio F.; Stanzani A.; Piscitiello E.; Marchesano V.; Luppi M.; Sioli M.; Helm A.; Compagnone G.; Morganti A.G.; Amici R.; Negrini M.; Zoccoli A.; Durante M.; Cerri M., Hibernation and radioprotection: Gene expression in the liver and testicle of rats irradiated under synthetic torpor, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES», 2019, 20, Article number: 352, pp. 352 - 363 [articolo]Open Access

Hitrec T.; Luppi M.; Bastianini S.; Squarcio F.; Berteotti C.; Lo Martire V.; Martelli D.; Occhinegro A.; Tupone D.; Zoccoli G.; Amici R.; Cerri M., Neural control of fasting-induced torpor in mice, «SCIENTIFIC REPORTS», 2019, 9, Article number: 15462, pp. 1 - 12 [articolo]Open Access

Luppi M.; Hitrec T.; Di Cristoforo A.; Squarcio F.; Stanzani A.; Occhinegro A.; Chiavetta P.; Tupone D.; Zamboni G.; Amici R.; Cerri M., Phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of tau protein during synthetic torpor, «FRONTIERS IN NEUROANATOMY», 2019, 13, Article number: 57, pp. 57 - 67 [articolo]Open Access

Decataldo F.; Cramer T.; Martelli D.; Gualandi I.; Korim W.S.; Yao S.T.; Tessarolo M.; Murgia M.; Scavetta E.; Amici R.; Fraboni B., Stretchable Low Impedance Electrodes for Bioelectronic Recording from Small Peripheral Nerves, «SCIENTIFIC REPORTS», 2019, 9, pp. 1 - 9 [articolo]Open Access

Giancarlo Allocca, Sherie Ma, Davide Martelli, Matteo Cerri, Flavia Del Vecchio, Stefano Bastianini, Giovanna Zoccoli, Roberto Amici, Stephen Morairty, Anne E Aulsebrook, Shaun Blackburn, John Lesku, Niels C Rattenborg, Alexei L Vyssotski, Emma J Wams, Kate Porcheret, Katharina Wulff, Russell G Foster, Julia KM Chan, Christian L Nicholas, Dean Robert Freestone, Leigh A Johnston, Andrew L Gundlach, Validation of ‘Somnivore’, a machine learning algorithm for automated scoring and analysis of polysomnography data, «FRONTIERS IN NEUROSCIENCE», 2019, 13, Article number: 207, pp. 1 - 18 [articolo]Open Access

Sisa, C; Turroni, S; Amici, R; Brigidi, P; Candela, M; Cerri, M., Potential role of the gut microbiota in synthetic torpor and therapeutic hypothermia., «WORLD JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY», 2017, 23, pp. 406 - 413 [articolo]

Cerri, Matteo; Luppi, Marco; Tupone, Domenico; Zamboni Giovanni; Amici, Roberto, REM Sleep and Endothermy: Potential Sites and Mechanism of a Reciprocal Interference, «FRONTIERS IN PHYSIOLOGY», 2017, 8, Article number: 624, pp. 1 - 7 [articolo]Open Access

Luppi, Marco; Al-Jahmany, Abed A.; Del Vecchio, Flavia; Cerri, Matteo; Di Cristoforo, Alessia; Hitrec, Timna; Martelli, Davide; Perez, Emanuele; Zamboni, Giovanni; Amici, Roberto, Wake-sleep and cardiovascular regulatory changes in rats made obese by a high-fat diet, «BEHAVIOURAL BRAIN RESEARCH», 2017, 320, pp. 347 - 355 [articolo]

C. Berteotti; M. Cerri; M. Luppi; A. Silvani; R. Amici, An Overview of Sleep Physiology and Sleep Regulation, in: Drug Treatment of Sleep Disorders, Cham, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2015, pp. 3 - 24 [capitolo di libro]

Marta Gonçalves;Roberto Amici;Raquel Lucas;Torbjörn Åkerstedt;Fabio Cirignotta;Jim Horne;Damien Léger;Walter T. Mcnicholas;Markku Partinen;Joaquín Téran-Santos;Philippe Peigneux;Ludger Grote, Sleepiness at the wheel across Europe: a survey of 19 countries, «JOURNAL OF SLEEP RESEARCH», 2015, 24, pp. 242 - 253 [articolo]

Di Cristoforo, Alessia; Cerri, Matteo; Del Vecchio, Flavia; Hitrec, Timna; Luppi, Marco; Perez, Emanuele; Zamboni, Giovanni; Amici, Roberto, Wake-sleep, thermoregulatory, and autonomic effects of cholinergic activation of the lateral hypothalamus in the rat: a pilot study, «ARCHIVES ITALIENNES DE BIOLOGIE», 2015, 153, pp. 67 - 76 [articolo]

Luppi, Marco; Cerri, Matteo; Martelli, Davide; Tupone, Domenico; DEL VECCHIO, Flavia; DI CRISTOFORO, Alessia; Perez, Emanuele; ZAMBONI GRUPPIONI, Giovanni; Amici, Roberto, WAKING AND SLEEPING IN THE RAT MADE OBESE THROUGH A HIGH FAT HYPERCALORIC DIET, in: SLEEP, CIRCADIAN RHYTHMS, and METABOLISM - The Rhythm of Life, Waretown, NJ, Apple Academic Press, 2015, pp. 299 - 318 [capitolo di libro]

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