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Pubblicazioni antecedenti il 2004
- Sacquegna T., Cortelli P., Amici R., Merlo
Pich E., De Carolis P., Baldrati A., Cirignotta F., D'Alessandro R.
and Lugaresi E. Cardiovascular changes in cluster headache.
Headache, 1985; 25: 75-78.
- Perez E., Amici R., Bacchelli B., Zamboni G., Libert J.P., and
Parmeggiani P.L. Kinetic parameters of tyrosine hydroxylase in the
rat's preoptic region during sleep deprivation and recovery induced
by ambient temperature. Sleep, 1987; 10: 436-442.
- Zamboni G., Amici R., Perez E. A
neurochemical approach to the study of sleep. Functional
Neurology, 1987; 2: 501-504.
- Amici R., Perez E., Zamboni G., and Parmeggiani P.L. Changes
in cAMP concentration in the rat preoptic area during synchronized
and desynchronized sleep. Experientia, 1990; 46: 58-59.
- Amici R., Fadiga L., Perez E., Zamboni G. and
Parmeggiani P.L. Relationship between cAMP concentration in
anterior hypothalamic-preoptic region and the ultradian wake-sleep
cycle. J.Auton. Nerv. Syst. 1990; 30: S5-S8.
- Zamboni G., Perez E., Amici R., and
Parmeggiani P.L. The short-term effects of dl-propranolol on the
wake-sleep cycle of the rat are related to selective changes in
preoptic cyclic AMP concentration. Exp. Brain Res., 1990;
81: 107-112.
- Perez E., Zamboni G., Amici R., Fadiga L. and
Parmeggiani P.L. Ultradian and circadian changes in the cAMP
concentration in the preoptic region of the rat. Brain Res.,
1991; 551: 132-135.
- Amici R., Zamboni G., Perez E., Jones C.A., Toni I., Culin F.
and Parmeggiani P.L. Pattern of desynchronized sleep during
deprivation and recovery induced in the rat by changes in ambient
temperature. J. Sleep Res., 1994; 3: 250-256.
- Perez E., Zamboni G., Amici R., Jones C.A.
and Parmeggiani P.L. cAMP accumulation in hypothalamus, cerebral
cortex, pineal gland and brown fat across the wake-sleep cycle of
the rat exposed to different ambient temperatures. Brain
Res., 1995; 684: 56-60.
- Zamboni G., Jones C.A., Amici R., Perez E.,
Parmeggiani P.L. The capacity to accumulate cyclic AMP in the
preoptic-anterior hypothalamic area of the rat is affected by the
exposition to low ambient temperature and the subsequent recovery.
Exp. Brain Res., 1996; 109: 164-168.
- Amici R., Zamboni G., Perez E., Jones C.A.,
Parmeggiani P.L. The influence of a heavy thermal load on REM sleep
in the rat. Brain Res., 1998; 781: 252-258.
- Zamboni G., Perez E., Amici R.,
Jones C.A., Parmeggiani P.L. Control of REM sleep: an aspect of the
regulation of physiological homeostasis. Arch. It. Biol.,
1999; 137: 249-262.
- Amici R., Domeniconi R., Jones C.A.,
Morales-Cobas G., Perez E., Tavernese L., Torterolo P., Zamboni G.,
Parmeggiani P.L. Changes in REM sleep occurrence due to rhythmical
auditory stimulation in the rat. Brain Res., 2000; 868,
- Zamboni G., Amici R., Perez E.,
Jones C.A., Parmeggiani P.L. Pattern of REM sleep occurrence in
continuous darkness following the exposure to low ambient
temperature in the rat. Behav. Brain Res., 2001; 122,
- Amici R., Morales-Cobas G., Jones C.A., Perez E.,
Torterolo P., Zamboni G., Parmeggiani P.L. REM sleep enhancement
due to rhythmical auditory stimulation in the rat. Behav. Brain
Res., 2001; 123, 155-163.