Foto del docente

Roberta Roberti

Associate Professor

Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences

Academic discipline: AGRI-05/B Plant Pathology

Curriculum vitae

High school specializing in scientific studies, 1971-1975.

Degree in "Biological Sciences", cum laude, University of Bologna, 1979.
Awarded Scholarship for "Chemical seed treatment against fungal pathogens" study, Institute of Plant Pathology, University of Bologna, 1980-1983.

Master in "Phytopathology", University of Bologna, 1982.
Registered member of Italian Association of Biologists, 1982-present.
"Assistant technician", University of Bologna, 1984-1985.
"Graduated technician", University of Bologna, 1986-2000.
Ph.D. in "Plant Pathology", University of Bologna, 1988.
"Temporary Professor", University of Ferrara, 1998-2002.
"Researcher", University of Bologna, 2001-present.


University of Ferrara

Temporary professor of " Phytopathological biotechnologies", first cycle degree/Bachelor “Agro-industrial Biotechnologies”, Faculty of Mathematical, Fisical and Natural Sciences, 1998–2002.

University of Bologna- School of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine
Professor of "Biological and integrated control of plant pathogens", second cycle degree /Two year Master  "Plant Agricultural Biotechnologies", 2005-2007.
Professor of "Biological and integrated protection against diseases and product quality", second cycle degree/Two year Master "Agro-industrial System Sciences", 2007-2008.

Professor of "Plant disease management strategies and environmental impact“, first cycle degree/Bachelor “Agricultural Technology”, 2010-2011.

Professor of “Plant disease control”, second cycle degree/Two year Master "Sciences and Agricultural Technologies”, 2012.

Professor of "Environmental and toxicological aspects of pesticides in sustainable crop protection”, first cycle degree/Bachelor “Agricultural Technology”, 2012-present.

Member of board examinations, Area "Plant Pathology", University of Bologna, 1985-present.
Practical lessons in laboratory of "Plant disease control", Master in Phytopathology, University of Bologna, 1990-2002 and of "Biological and integrated protection against diseases", 1998-2004.
Member of teaching board of "Plant Pathology" Ph.D, University of Bologna, 2001-2011.
Supervisor and co-supervisor of degree (1st and 2nd levels), master and Ph.D thesis.


Main research topics

Study of fungal diseases of cereal and horticultural plants.

Plant disease control strategies having the lowest environmental impact, such as the application by different methods of biofungicides, based on fungal and bacterial microorganisms, both in greenhouse and in field.

Understanding the mechanism of action of biofungicides towards the pathogen (hyperparasitism, antibiosis and competition) and the plant (induction of systemic resistance).

Study of the compatibility between biofungicides and chemical fungicides used to control plant diseases.

Research Projects

Responsible of projects funded by University of Bologna, 2002-present.



Editor of "Difesa delle piante" scientific journal, 1984-1999.

Member of the editorial staff of "Informatore Fitopatologico" scientific journal, 1996-1999.

Member of the editorial staff of “Micologia Italiana” scientific journal, 2011-present.


Member of examinations for Technician position, University of Bologna.

Member of examination for Research position, Tuscia University of Viterbo.

Membership of SIPaV, Italian association for Plant Pathology and of AIPP, Italian Association for Plant Protection.

Occasional reviser for the international scientific journals Phytoparasitica, Phytopathologia Mediterranea, Journal of Phytopathology and Crop Protection.