Foto del docente

Roberta Lorenzetti

Associate Professor

Department of the Arts

Academic discipline: PSIC-01/A General Psychology

Curriculum vitae

Studies and Education


1987 – Degree in Philosophy at the University of Bologna – Degree Thesis: “The subject's inferences in text comprehension. An experiment” (supervisor Prof. Stefania Stame).

1987-88/1988-89 – she is Laureato Frequentatore at the Dept of Psychology, University of Bologna

1991 -  Erasmus scholarship at he University of Exeter (UK)

1994 – PhD in Psychology  (experimental) with the dissertation: “The role of scenarial information in anaphoric resolution of pronouns and proper names”

1994-96 – post-PhD scholarship (two years) for the research project: “Mental models and inferences in clinical reasoning”

1998 — she is Researcher at Communication Sciences, Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities, University of Bologna

2005 – she is Associate Professor at Communication Sciences, Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities, University of Bologna

2005-2208 – she completed the Master in Professional Gestalt Counseling at ASPIC Bologna


 Research Activity


1988-1992 : she develops research projects in the following topics: pragmatic connectives, development of comunicative competence, metaphor and conceptual and lexical knowledge

1991 – research project about inferences and syntactic deficits in agrammatic patients at the Dept of Psychology , University of Exeter (UK), (coordinator Prf. Janice Kay)

1993-1996 : she develops research projects in the following topics: anaphor resolution, inferences in text comprehension, mental models in clinical reasoning

1993 - project about mental models and anaphor resolution at the Dept of Psychology, University of Sussex - Brighton (UK), (coordinator dr. Jane Oakhill, Alan Garnham)

1997-2001 : she develops research projects in the following topics: strategies of cohesion in face to face interaction, misunderstanding and communicative conflict, qualitative and quantitative analysis of therapeutic relation

2002- 2005 : she develops research projects in the following topics: narration as cognitive and communicative strategy, listening in agreement construction, identity in interaction

2006-2007 :  main research interests: narration and interaction, autobiographical memory, narration of personal identity, language and communication


Other research projects: spatial attention for relevant and not relevant stimuli; language, perception and motor system; concepts of objects and interaction between perception and action: the role of affordances


Teaching Activity


1987- 1999 : she gives seminars and lessons for the following courses: Psychology, Psycholinguistics, Psychology of development of language and communication, Psychology of Communication at the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities and at the Faculty of Psychology, University of Bologna

1998 – lessons for the Specialization Course in Language and Learning Disorders – Dept of Psychology, University of Bologna

1999 - lessons for the course ACPBO 00698 ()(/0451) In Technologies of Communication within the Italian Sign Language

2000- 2008: she is in charge of the following courses: Psychology of Communication, Psychology of Situated Communication, Interview Theory and Technique, Narrative Psychology for Communication Sciences at the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities, University of Bologna

2009-2011 she is in charge of the following courses: Psychology of Communication for Communication Sciences at the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities, University of Bologna; Psychology and Social Communication for Public and Social Communication, University of Bologna