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Rita Maria Fabris is a Tenure Track Researcher in Performing Arts Studies. Previously she was a Researcher at the University of Turin. Her research focuses on the history of dance between the Eighteenth and Nineteenth centuries in Italy and Denmark with analysis of cultural policies, aesthetics and reception. In the contemporary field, she works on community-based performing arts, interweaving theoretical research, performative didactics and field-based planning (Third Mission), with a focus on impact evaluation processes. She has contributed to collective volumes and is author of articles, in Italian and English. She has participated in national and international conferences.
President of Associazione Filieradarte aps in Turin, she is educational dance teacher® and a member of the board of directors of the National Association DES - Dance Education Society, founded at the University of Bologna in 2001 by a collective coordinated by Eugenia Casini Ropa and Franca Zagatti.
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