Foto del docente

Rita Fioresi

Associate Professor

Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology

Academic discipline: MATH-02/B Geometry

Curriculum vitae

  • Presidente di corso di laurea in Scienze di Internet [November 2007]
  • Professore II fascia [October 2007]
  • Ricercatore a Bologna [July 2000]
  • PIC Adjunct Assistant Professorship [September 1998- June 2000]
  • PhD in Mathematics, University of California, Los Angeles [May 1997]
  • Borsa di studio Post-Doc per l'estero del CNR, [July 1997]
  • Master of Arts in Mathematics, University of California, Los Angeles [March 1994]
  • Borsa INDAM per l'estero [September 1992]
  • Nomina in ruolo per l'insegnamento di Matematica Applicata [September 1992]
  • Degree in Mathematics, 110/110 lode [December 1991]
  • Degree in Nuclear Engineering, 100/100 lode [December 1989]
  • Diploma di maturita' Scientifica, 60/60 [June 1984]
  • [January 2008] Symmetries in Mathematics and Physics, UCLA. Conference: ``Super Minkowski and Super conformal spacetimes''
  • [March 2007] Non Commutative Space-time geometries, Alessandria. Conference: ``Supergeometry: a functorial approach''
  • [July 2006] Guest at UCLA, (USA)
  • [December 2005] Guest at the Luminy Institute Marsiglia as a member for the PhD committee of dr. Fabien Pellegrini. Seminar: ``Algebraic supergroups and their homogeneous spaces''
  • [October 2005] Guest at the Departamento de Fisica, Universitat de Valencia, Spagna.
  • [April 2005] Guest at the Dipartimento di Matematica, Universita' di Tor Vergata, Roma. Seminar: ``Quantum commutation relations among quantum minors in the matrix bialgebra''
  • [November 2004] Guest at the Departamento de Fisica, Universitat de Valencia, Spagna. Seminar: ``Algebraic Supergroups and Superalgebras''
  • [July 2004] Guest at the Department of Mathematics, UCLA, (USA). Seminars (Fioresi-Varadarajan): ``Super Riemann surfaces.''
  • [February 2004] Guest at the Departimento de Fisica, Universitat de Valencia, Spagna. Seminar: ``Lectures on Supergeometry''
  • [November 2003] Guest at the Departiment of Matematics University of Edimburg (GB)
  • [October-November 2003] Guest at the Dipartimento di Fisica, Politecnico di Torino. Seminars ``Introduzione alla geometria non commutativa''
  • [July 2003] Guest at the Department of Mathematics, UCLA, (USA)
  • [May 2003] ``Azioni di Gruppi e dintorni'', Tor Vergata, Roma. Conference: ``Supervarieties and deformations
  • [February 2002] Guest at the Department of Mathematics, University of Edimburgo, (GB). Conference: ``Algebraic Supergroups and Quantum Supergroups''.
  • [July 2001] Guest at UCLA, (USA)
  • [May 2001] ``Gruppi Quantici e dintorni'', Tor Vergata, Roma
  • [October 2000] ``D-brane new world'', Torino. Conference: ``Supergroups, quantum supergroups and their homogeneous spaces''.
  • [October 1998] ``Lie Groups Lie Algebras and their Representations'', Riverside, California, USA. Conference: ``Quantum deformation of the flag variety''

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