Foto del docente

Riccardo Manzini

Professore ordinario

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale

Settore scientifico disciplinare: IIND-05/A Impianti industriali meccanici

Contenuti utili

6th int. Conference on Food & Wine Supply Chain, 7-10 June 2022 - Bologna (Italy)

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This Conference welcomes high-quality research contributions that investigate interdisciplinary challenges, Agricultural Engineering, Precise and Sustainable Agriculture, Agro-Environmental and Food Microbiology, Food Safety, Agricultural and Food Economics, Food Science and Technology, Packaging Science, Food Policy and Economics, Decision Science and Sustainable Food Supply Chain Management, Human Nutrition Well-being, and Health.

Contributions which bridge disciplines and foster collaborations for decision-making throughout the issues of sustainable food systems are particularly encouraged. Nevertheless, single-topic articles on novel food, agricultural science and Engineering, processing technologies or design/planning methodologies will find room in parallel sessions and be selected for focused Special Issues submission.

Topics for Sessions and Abstracts

The conference emphasizes integrated analyses and studies on advanced technologies and strategies toward sustainable food supply chain processes and welcomes contributions on the following topics:

  • Resources optimization and management in primary growing/farming
  • Sustainable agricultural engineering and precision agriculture
  • Irrigation and land planning
  • Machine learning in agricultural systems
  • Emerging non-thermal processing systems
  • Novel mild processing technologies
  • Food production scheduling and innovative facility/equipment design
  • Design of sustainable food packaging systems
  • Food packaging network design and management strategies
  • Energy-effective operations technologies and strategies
  • Automation in the Food Industry
  • Tailored technologies and biotechnologies for by-products valorization
  • IoT, traceability systems, and smart sensors for safe food transportation
  • Digital twins in food processing, storage, and distribution
  • Cold chain warehousing and transportation
  • Food operations management: optimization and simulation
  • Sustainable food operations and distribution
  • Food safety management and quality indicators through transportation
  • Consumer-focused innovations
  • Food waste management: transportation, recycling, and reuse
  • By-products valorization and food circular economy
  • Food technology and microbiology
  • Food consumer behavior and impact awareness
  • Balanced nutrition and healthy eating aiding technologies
  • Sustainability scoring systems for eating habits and dietary choices

Oral and poster abstracts are now invited on the conference topics and should be submitted using the online abstract submission system.

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