My research interests include entrepreneurship, science commercialization and impact.
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Forthcoming papers
Practitioners-oriented articles
Technical reports
- Serpente G., Fini R., Grimaldi R., Bolzani D., 2023. "Start Cup Emilia-Romagna: Fatti Stilizzati, Prospettive ed Impatto - Start Cup Emilia-Romagna: Stylized Facts, Prospects and Impact" Technical Report. Art-ER Bologna, November 2023.
- Chiarello M., Fini R., Ghiselli S., Girotti C., Meoli A., Sobrero M., 2020. "Student and Graduate Entrepreneurship in Italy - Report 2020" Technical Report - AlmaLaurea Consortium, December 2020.
- Fini R., Meoli A., Sobrero M., Ghiselli S. and Ferrante F. 2016. “Student Entrepreneurship: Demographics, Competences and Obstacles” Technical Report - AlmaLaurea Consortium, February 2016.
- Perkmann M., Fini R., Ross JM, Salter A., Silvestri C. and Tartari V. 2015. “Accounting for Impact at Imperial College London: A Report on the Activities and Outputs by Imperial Academics Relevant for Economic and Social Impact” Technical Report - Imperial College London, March 2015.
- Bolzani D., Fini R., Grimaldi R., Santoni S. and Sobrero M. 2014. “Fifteen Years of Academic Entrepreneurship in Italy: Evidence from the Taste Project” Technical Report - University of Bologna, June 2014.
- Fini R., Grimaldi R. and Sobrero M. 2008. “OSIRIDE - L’Osservatorio Degli Spin-Off Della Ricerca Della Regione Emilia Romagna (OSIRIDE - The Observatory of Science-Based Spin-Offs in Emilia Romagna)” Technical Report - University of Bologna, March 2008.
Research impact
Dr. Fini’s research has significant impact on policy and practice. The TASTE database, an outcome of the TASTE project, has been used since 2014 by ANVUR, the Italian agency for the evaluation of university research, as the starting point for the national evaluation of the external engagement by Italian academics, in reference to the 'Chapter on Academic Spin-off' (see MIUR - ANVUR - SUA-RD - Third Mission). Dr. Fini has also published five technical reports, assessing the state of the art of external engagement and impact by academics in Italy and the UK (see for example, Accounting for Impact at Imperial College London: A Report on the Activities and Outputs by Imperial Academics Relevant for Economic and Social Impact, 2014). His research has been featured in international popular press outlets, such as, Times Higher Education and The New York Times, as well as in Italian ones, such as Il Sole 24 Ore and L’espresso.
Societal impact
By engaging the local context and municipalities, Dr Fini has contributed to develop the human and social capital of high-school students, young professionals and citizens in general. Since 2015, in Bologna, by joining a team of academics, managers and policy-makers, Dr Fini has developed reports and studies on the local attractiveness of the municipality of Bologna and of the Emilia Romagna region.