Foto del docente

Renzo Tosi

Alma Mater Professor

Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna

Adjunct professor

Department of Classical Philology and Italian Studies

Curriculum vitae

Renzo Tosi graduated in Classics at Bologna University (19/11/1973) with a thesis on the Thucydidean glosses in Hesychius' Lexicon. Associated Professor of Greek Literature from 28/11/1983, and Professor "Ordinario" from 1/11/2000. His main interests regard the ancient exegesis and the indirect tradition of the Classics: he studied the internal dynamics of the scholiastic and lexicographical production (see the article Strutture lessicografiche greche, written with F. Bossi), their relationship with Byzantine Literature (Prospettive e metodologie lessicografiche, on the figure of Orus and Photius), and their interpretative function towards the Classics (Scoli-fantasma tucididei, L'ottavo libro di Tucidide nella lessicografia e Glosse dell'Agamennone di Eschilo nel lessico di Esichio). It is noteworthy the volume Studi sulla tradizione indiretta dei classici greci. The most recent publications are La lessicografia e la paremiografia in età alessandrina ed il loro sviluppo successivo (XL Entretiens of the Fondation Hardt), Callimaco e i Glossografi omerici, Gli Ateniesi molgoi: da Aristofane ad Eratostene, Appunti sulla filologia di Eratostene di Cirene; moreover he is editing some papyri for the Saur/Teubner corpus of the Greek lexicographical, scholiographical and exegetical papyri. He also studied the paroemiographical tradition, publishing the work Dizionario delle sentenze latine e greche and some articles on the role of Aristophanes of Byzantion in that tradition, on the sources of the silver latin sententiae comprised in the Walther's anthology. Further interests are devoted to Aeschylus, the Byzantine world (edition of the unpublished works included in the cod. Parisinus Gr. 400), Thucydides (La funzione argomentativa dell'esordio nei discorsi tucididei, Tucidide in Coricio) and the classical studies at the end of 18th century (Clotilde Tambroni e il Classicismo fra Parma e Bologna alla fine del diciottesimo secolo).