Graduated in Classics cum laude and specialised in Archaeology,
he has been Adjunct Professor of Phoenician and Punic
Archaeology at the Graduate Course in Landscape Archaeology of the Second University of Naples and in Near Eastern Archaeology
at the Specialization School of Archaeological Heritage of Cagliari University.
From 2010 to 2020 he was Assistant Professor in L-OR/06 (Phoenician and Punic Archaeology) in the Faculty of Conservation of Cultural Heritage, then Department of Cultural Heritage at University of Bologna.
Since 2020 he is Associate Professor in L-OR/06 (Phoenician and Punic Archaeology) at the same Department of Cultural Heritage.
Since 2017 he has been directing an archaeological mission of the University of Bologna to the Punic-Roman settlement of Sarcapos (Villaputzu, South-eastern Sardinia).
He currently holds the teachings of Phoenician and Punic Archaeology and
Archeology of the Mediterranean Near East in the
Undergraduate Course in Cultural Heritage and Archaeology of
production in pre-Roman Mediterranean in the Specialization School of Archaeological Heritage at the University of Bologna.
During his scientific activities, largely focused on the
Phoenician and Punic world, he took part in researches sponsored by
University of Cagliari in Tunisia (Carthage and Mactar) and Turkey
(Iasos of Caria) and in numerous excavations and studies of
archaeological materials conducted by Universities of Cagliari and
Bologna in the Phoenician and Punic settlements of Tharros (Cabras,
OR) and Mozia (TP).
In collaboration with University of Cagliari and Civic Museum of
Cabras (OR) he took part in stratigraphic investigations in
prehistoric settlements of Sardinia (Settimo San Pietro, CA) and
Balearic Islands (Felanitx - Mallorca and Mahon - Menorca); on
behalf of Archaeological Superintendence of Sassari and Nuoro
coordinated numerous excavation and restoration campaigns in
Prenuragic and Nuragic settlements of the Nuoro and Ogliastra territory.
He has held organizing positions in some enhancement and
management projects of archaeological sites promoted by Education,
Culture, Entertainment and Sports Department of the Autonomous
Region of Sardinia and teached archeological disciplines in
training professional courses funded by the same regional
Since 1997 he collaborated with scientific activities of the Civic
Museum of Cabras (OR).