- 2010 - Bachelor in Materials Chemistry, cum laude, Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna.
- 2012 - Master of Science in Photochemistry and molecular Materials, cum laude, Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna.
- 2016 - PhD in Chemistry, Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna.
Research Data
- Researcher ID: N-2550-2014
- ORCID: 0000-0003-4598-9556
- Peer-reviewed papers: 67 (Source: Scopus)
- H-index: 23 (Source: Scopus)i10-index: 24 (Source: Google Scholar)
- Citations: 1632 (Source: Scopus)
Research Experience
- 2019-2021 - CNR-IMM Bologna
“Graphene Flagship – Core 3” postdoctoral fellow; supervisor: Prof. Vittorio Morandi. Development of CVD deposition of graphene-based nanostructures for aerospace heat management applications. Development of in-situ TEM electrochemical characterization techniques for electrocatalysis and corrosion.
Kempe&Knut postdoctoral fellow - Luleå, Sweden. Supervisor: Prof. Alberto Vomiero. Growth and characterization of core-shell all-oxide photoelectrodes for organic-photocatalysis and H2 production. Luminescent Solar Concentrators based on Silicon Nanocrystals functionalized with organic fluorophores.
Postdoctoral researcher. Supervisor: Prof. Paola Ceroni. Synthesis and optical characterization of Silicon Nanocrystals functionalized with functional organic ligands. Embedding of luminescent nanostructures in polymer matrix for advanced photovoltaics.
- 2015 May-Aug. - INRS-EMT Varénnes (QC), Canada
Visiting Student. Supervisor: Prof. Federico Rosei. KPFM investigation of photoinduced charge migration in Silicon nanocrystals deposited onto CVD graphene.
PhD student. Dissertation advisor: Prof. Paola Ceroni and Dr. Vittorio Morandi. Dissertation topic: “Graphene and semiconductor or metallic nanoparticles for energy conversion”. Synthesis and optical/structural characterization of functional heterostructures for photo- and electro-catalysis.
- 2010 - Feb.-Jul. - UNIVERSITY OF BOLOGNA
Bachelor internship. Dissertation advisor: Prof. Marco Montalti. Investigation of energy transfer process with core-shell Silica nanoparticles.
Fellowships and Awards
- XVIII cycle PhD fellowship, Chemistry Department “G.Ciamician”, University of Bologna: verbale collegio dei docenti Dottorato in chimica, Universitá di Bologna, 23/01/2013, protocol number not available.
- SISM (Italian society for microscopic science) 2015 award for young researchers within the MCM conference in Eger, Hungary (750 Eur), Verbale dell’Assemblea Ordinaria dei Soci S.I.S.M 27/08/2015, president Prof. Elisabetta Falcieri, protocol number not available.
- G.P.Spada Award XVIII cycle, Best PhD Thesis in Chemistry in the University of Bologna - scientific area: inorganic chemistry, 24/02/2016 awarded by Chief of department Prof. Luca Prodi and PhD in Chemistry coordinator Prof. Aldo Roda, protocol number not available.
- “G. Ciamician” Chemistry department postdoctoral fellowship, protocol 2265 del 2/12/2015, supervisor “Prof. Paola Ceroni”.
- GIF - Italian Photochemistry Group, Best Italian PhD Thesis in Photochemistry 2016. No protocol number available, verbale GIF 19/06/2016, president Prof. Alberto Credi, protocol not available.
- SISM (Italian society for microscopic science) Best PhD Thesis in Microscopy sciences 2017- scientific area: materials science (550 Eur), Consiglio Direttivo SISM, Verbale dell’Assemblea Ordinaria dei Soci S.I.S.M Bologna il 25/05/2017, president Dott.ssa Elisabetta Falcieri, protocol not available.
- Kempe & Knut and Alice Wallemberg foundations postdoctoral fellowship (460000 SEK, 24 months), no protocol number available, Supervisor: Prof. Alberto Vomiero, protocol number not available.
Scientific Habilitation
- Italian Scientific Habilitation as Associate Professor “ASN seconda fascia”, subject experimental physics “02/B1, Fisica Sperimentale della Materia”. From 06/07/2020 to 06/07/2029.
Italian Scientific Habilitation as Associate Professor “ASN seconda fascia”, subject Inorganic Chemistry (03/B1), Physical Chemistry (03/A2) and Chemical engineering (03/B2). From 05/06/2023 to 05/06/2034.
Editorial Activity
- Guest Editor of a Special Issue: “Nanostructured Crystalline Semiconductors: Structure, Morphology and Functional Properties”, edited by Crystals (MDPI, IF: 2.404, ISSN 2073-4352).
- Member of the Topic Editorial Board of Crystals (MDPI, IF: 2.404, ISSN 2073-4352).
- Peer-review activity for specialized journals in Chemistry, Physics and Nanotechnology (ACS Omega, Applied Nano Materials, Chemical Engineering Journal, Crystals, Nanomaterials, Dalton Transaction, J. Materials Chemistry B, Materials for Renewable and Sustainable Energy, Nano Energy, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells)
- Scientific review and co-autoring of a topic insert for the 4th edition of the High School book “J.E. Brady and F. Senese: Chimica”, edited by Zanichelli Editore.
Projects participation
- Participation to ERC Starting Grant project “PhotoSi” (Project ID: 278912, PI: Prof. Paola Ceroni) as early stage researcher (R1).
- Participation to FP7 IRSES project “INTERNEW” (Project ID: 612570 Coordinator: Vittorio Morandi) as early stage researcher (R1).
- Participation to European Flagship Core 2 project (Project ID: 785219 WP Coordinator: Vincenzo Palermo) as early stage researcher (R1).
- Participation to European Flagship Core 3 project (Project ID: 881603 WP Coordinator: Vincenzo Palermo) as Recognised researcher (R2).
- Task Leader in EU RIA-H2020 (grant agreement No 101006839) project CONDOR.
- ESRF experiment CH6248 – Principal Investigator
- ESRF experiment CH6417 – Principal Investigator
- PRIN 2022 project EPiCX - Principal Investigator
Conferences organization
- 2016 - Member of the local organizing committee of Graphita2016 international conference.
- 2017 - Member of the local organizing committee of CNIF 7th edition (National Introduction to Photochemistry School)
Invited Contributions and Outreach
- Oral keynote presentation at 1st Joint Italian-French meeting of Photochemistry and Photobiology, Bari (IT), September 2016.
- Invited Talk Pint of Science 2019, Bologna, Birreria Popolare, 22 May 2019.
- Invited Seminar at University of Padova, Department of Chemistry, 18 June 2019.
- Invited Outreach Seminars within the “La Scienza a Scuola 2019” & “La Scienza a Scuola 2020” conferences cycle, organized by Zanichelli editore. 8 invited seminars in different Italian High Schools on the topic Photovoltaics and renewable Energies topic.