Foto del docente

Raffaella Nori

Associate Professor

Department of Psychology "Renzo Canestrari"


  A particular field of cognitive psychology is the spatial memory, that is, the way people acquire and represent the relation between the person and the environment. One of the topic of this area concerns the study of environmental characteristics and their influence in the spatial representation of the environment.

Our line of research is examining the use of immersive virtual environments for studying sense of direction and spatial memory. Our research area concern with:

1. investigating similarities and differences between spatial memories acquired in desktop, immersive VE and real world;

2. determining the relative contributions of the  characteristics of the person (i.e. spatial cognitive style, gender, familiarity with the environment, trait of personality) and of the physical environment (i.e. the degree of landmark differentiation, the degree of visual access to the environment, the complexity of spatial layout) in wayfinding (or spatial knowledge);

3. investigating whether Web navigation strategies are correlated with real world navigation strategies.