Pizzi C; Costa GM; Bugiardini R, Depression, inflammation and therapy: Which way is right?, «BRAIN BEHAVIOR AND IMMUNITY», 2011, 25, pp. 800 - 800 [Comment or similar]
R. Bugiardini, Emerging patterns in IHD in developing countries, «HEART AND METABOLISM», 2011, 50, pp. 5 - 7 [Scientific article]
Raffaele Bugiardini; Andrew T. Yan; Raymond T. Yan; David Fitchett; Anatoly Langer; Olivia Manfrini; and Shaun G. Goodman; on behalf of the Canadian Acute Coronary Syndrome Registry I and II Investigators, Factors influencing underutilization of evidence-based therapies in women, «EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL», 2011, 32, pp. 1337 - 1344 [Scientific article]
Vaccarino V; Badimon L; Corti R; De Wit C; Dorobantu M; Hall A; Koller A; Marzilli M; Pries A; Bugiardini R; Working Group on Coronary Pathophysiology and Microcirculation., Ischaemic heart disease in women: are there sex differences in pathophysiology and risk factors? Position paper from the working group on coronary pathophysiology and microcirculation of the European Society of Cardiology., «CARDIOVASCULAR RESEARCH», 2011, 90, pp. 9 - 17 [Scientific article]
Pizzi C; Costa G.M.; Bugiardini R, Regarding "Depressive symptoms are related to progression of coronary calcium in midlife women: The Study of Women's Health Across the Nation (SWAN) Heart Study"., «AMERICAN HEART JOURNAL», 2011, 162, pp. e25 - e25 [Comment or similar]
Bugiardini R., The role of editors, reviewers and authors in improving the
journal quality., «JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINE», 2011, 12, pp. 1 - 2 [Comment or similar]
Xhyheri B; Bugiardini R., Diagnosis and treatment of heart disease: are women different from men?, «PROGRESS IN CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES», 2010, 53, pp. 227 - 236 [Scientific article]
Pizzi C; Bugiardini R., Further insights into syndrome X, «HEART», 2010, 96, pp. 1865 - 1867 [Scientific article]
Bugiardini R; Estrada JL; Nikus K; Hall AS; Manfrini O., Gender bias in acute coronary syndromes., «CURRENT VASCULAR PHARMACOLOGY», 2010, 8, pp. 276 - 284 [Scientific article]
G. Tatu-Chitoiu; M. Cinteza; M. Dorobantu; M. Udeanu; O. Manfrini; C. Pizzi; M. Vintila; D. D. Ionescu; E. Craiu; D. Burghina; R. Bugiardini, In-hospital case fatality rates for acute myocardial infarction in Romania, «CMAJ», 2009, 180, pp. 1207 - 1213 [Scientific article]
Shaw LJ; Bugiardini R; Merz CN., Women and ischemic heart disease: evolving knowledge., «JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY», 2009, 54, pp. 1561 - 1575 [Scientific article]
Pries AR; Habazettl H; Ambrosio G; Hansen PR; Kaski JC; Schächinger V; Tillmanns H; Vassalli G; Tritto I; Weis M; de Wit C; Bugiardini R., A review of methods for assessment of coronary microvascular disease in both clinical and experimental settings., «CARDIOVASCULAR RESEARCH», 2008, 80, pp. 165 - 174 [Scientific article]
Manfrini O; Pizzi C; Viecca M; Bugiardini R., Abnormalities of cardiac autonomic nervous activity correlate with expansive coronary artery remodeling., «ATHEROSCLEROSIS», 2008, 197, pp. 183 - 189 [Scientific article]
Manfrini O; Russo V; Ciavarella A; Montaldi M; Ceroni L; Bugiardini R; Fattori R., Characterization and quantification of coronary atherosclerosis in asymptomatic subject with type II Diabetes Mellitus., in: , «JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY», 2008, 51, pp. A140 - A140 (atti di: 57th Annual Scientific Session, Chicago, IL, USA, March 29 -April 1, 2008) [Abstract]
Manfrini O.; Slucca M.; Pizzi C.; Colombo C.; Viecca M.; Bugiardini R., Effect of percutaneous coronary intervention on coronary blood flow at rest in myocardial sites remote from the intervention site in patients with stable angina pectoris., «THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY», 2008, 101, pp. 776 - 779 [Scientific article]