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Raffaele Bugiardini

Assegnista di ricerca

Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche e Chirurgiche

Settore scientifico disciplinare: MED/11 MALATTIE DELL'APPARATO CARDIOVASCOLARE


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Pubblicazioni antecedenti il 2004

  1. Manfrini O, Pizzi C, Trerè D, Fontana F, Bugiardini R. Parasympathetic failure and risk of subsequent coronary events in unstable angina and non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction. Eur Heart J. 2003;24:1560-1566
  2. Pfeffer MA, McMurray JJ, Velazquez EJ, Rouleau JL, Køber L, Maggioni AP, Solomon SD, Swedberg K, Van de Werf F, White H, Leimberger JD, Henis M, Edwards S, Zelenkofske S, Sellers MA, Califf RM; Valsartan in Acute Myocardial Infarction Trial Investigators. Valsartan, captopril, or both in myocardial infarction complicated by heart failure, left ventricular dysfunction, or both. N Engl J Med. 2003;349:1893-1906.
  3. Fontana F, Bernardi P, Spampinato S, Toro RD, Bugiardini R. beta-Endorphin modulation of pressor response to hyperventilation in hypertensive patients. Peptides. 2002;23:911-918.
  4. Costa GM, Pizzi C, Bresciani B, Tumscitz C, Gentile M, Bugiardini R. Acute myocardial infarction caused by amphetamines: a case report and review of the literature. Ital Heart J. 2001;2:478-480.
  5. Cordioli E, Pizzi C, Bugiardini R. Left ventricular metastasis from uterine leiomyosarcoma. Cardiologia. 1999;44:1001-1003.
  6. Costa GM, Pizzi C, Leone C, Borghi A, Cordioli E, Bugiardini R. Thrombosis of a mitral valve prosthesis resulting from Staphylococcus epidermidis endocarditis. Cardiologia. 1999;44:675-678.
  7. Rusticali G, Bugiardini R. Unstable angina and non Q-wave myocardial infarction. Early risk stratification: role of silent ischemia and coronary morphology. Int J Cardiol. 1999;68 Suppl 1:S43-47.
  8. Pizzi C, Costa GM, Borghi A, Premuda G, Tondini C, Magri G, Cordioli E, Bugiardini R. Effects of reperfusion and coronary reocclusion on the variability of heart rate in patients with acute myocardial infarction. Cardiologia. 1999;44:181-186.
  9. Bugiardini R, Conti CR. Unstable angina: prognosis of the individual patient. Clin Cardiol. 1998;21:706-710.
  10. Fontana F, Tarsi G, Boschi S, De Iasio R, Monetti N, Bugiardini R. Relationship between plasma endothelin-1 levels and myocardial ischemia induced by exercise testing. Am J Cardiol. 1997;79:957-959.
  11. Ruggeri A, Taruschio G, Loricchio ML, Samory G, Borghi A, Bugiardini R. The correlation between the clinical characteristics and psychological status in syndrome X patients. Cardiologia. 1996;41:551-557.
  12. Pozzati A, Pancaldi LG, Di Pasquale G, Pinelli G, Bugiardini R. Transient sympathovagal imbalance triggers "ischemic" sudden death in patients undergoing electrocardiographic Holter monitoring. J Am Coll Cardiol. 1996;27:847-852.
  13. Bugiardini R. Dynamic factors in the genesis of myocardial ischaemia. Eur Heart J. 1995;16:1312-1313.
  14. Rusticali G, Di Clemente D, Ruggeri A, Borghi A, Bugiardini R. The noninvasive identification of patients with angina and normal coronary arteries. G Ital Cardiol. 1995;25:1161-1170.
  15. Pozzati A, Pancaldi LG, Di Pasquale G, Pinelli G, Bugiardini R. A transient decrease in heart rate variability in patients with sudden "ischemic" death during Holter monitoring. G Ital Cardiol. 1995;25:725-732.
  16. Bugiardini R, Borghi A, Pozzati A, Ruggeri A, Puddu P, Maseri A. Relation of severity of symptoms to transient myocardial ischemia and prognosis in unstable angina. J Am Coll Cardiol. 1995;25:597-604.
  17. Di Clemente D, Borghi A, Morgagni GL, Costa GM, Rusticali G, Bugiardini R. Myocardial infarct with normal coronary vessels: an association with dysfunction of the coronary microcirculation. Cardiologia. 1994;39:827-834.
  18. Cordioli E, Tondini C, Pizzi C, Bugiardini R. Exudative pericarditis with pleural plaques caused by exposure to asbestos, resolved with steroidal treatment. Minerva Med. 1994;85:555-559.
  19. Cordioli E, Pizzi C, Tondini C, Venturi P, Borghi A, Puddu GM, Bugiardini R. Cardiac tamponade and rheumatoid arthritis: medical approach or pericardiectomy?. Minerva Med. 1994;85:395-401.
  20. Loricchio ML, Di Clemente D, Saccone V, Caccamo L, Borghi A, Bugiardini R. An analysis of the variability of the heart rate and its significance in the risk stratification of patients with unstable angina. Cardiologia. 1994;39:335-343.
  21. Pelliccia F, Borghi A, Ruggeri A, Cianfrocca C, Morgagni GL, Bugiardini R. Changes in pulmonary hemodynamics predict benefits in exercise capacity after ACE inhibition in patients with mild to moderate congestive heart failure. Clin Cardiol. 1993;16:607-612.
  22. Bugiardini R, Borghi A, Pozzati A, Ottani F, Morgagni GL, Puddu P. The paradox of nitrates in patients with angina pectoris and angiographically normal coronary arteries. Am J Cardiol. 1993;72:343-347.
  23. Bugiardini R, Pozzati A, Ottani F, Morgagni GL, Puddu P. Vasotonic angina: a spectrum of ischemic syndromes involving functional abnormalities of the epicardial and microvascular coronary circulation. J Am Coll Cardiol. 1993;22:417-425.
  24. Cianfrocca C, Sabia R, Zoboli S, Bugiardini R. The development of tolerance to continuous transdermal nitroglycerin therapy in patients with angina of effort and mixed angina. G Ital Cardiol. 1993;23:439-449.
  25. Pozzati A, Bugiardini R, Borghi A, Ottani F, Morgagni GL, Puddu P. Regional coronary blood flow in patients with acute myocardial infarct treated by systemic fibrinolysis. Cardiologia. 1992;37:793-795.
  26. Cianfrocca C, Pelliccia F, Borghi A, Venturi P, Bugiardini R, Puddu P. The relationship between anomalies in the autonomous nervous system and left ventricular dysfunction in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Cardiologia. 1992;37:739-741.
  27. Pozzati A, Bugiardini R, Ottani F, Morgagni GL, Puddu P. The differentiated effects of fibrinolysis on the coronary flow in patients with unstable angina. G Ital Cardiol. 1992;22:835-841.
  28. Pozzati A, Bugiardini R, Borghi A, Ottani F, Muzi A, Morgagni G, Puddu P. Transient ischaemia refractory to conventional medical treatment in unstable angina: angiographic correlates and prognostic implications. Eur Heart J. 1992;13:360-365.
  29. Pozzati A, Bugiardini R, Ottani F, Morgagni GL, Puddu P. Coronary hemodynamic effects of systemic thrombolysis in patients with unstable angina. Clin Cardiol. 1992;15:88-92.
  30. Bugiardini R, Borghi A, Sassone B, Pozzati A, Puddu P. Prognostic significance of silent myocardial ischemia in variant angina pectoris. Am J Cardiol. 1991;68:1581-1586.
  31. Bugiardini R, Pozzati A, Borghi A, Morgagni GL, Ottani F, Muzi A, Puddu P. Angiographic morphology in unstable angina and its relation to transient myocardial ischemia and hospital outcome. Am J Cardiol. 1991;67:460-464.
  32. Ottani F, Bugiardini R, Morgagni GL, Pozzati A, Borghi A, Puddu P. Variant angina which interacts with two phenomena: local hypersensitivity and abnormal response in the coronary tree to vasoconstrictor stimuli. Cardiologia. 1990;35:375-385.
  33. Bugiardini R, Borghi A, Morgagni G, Pozzati A, Ottani F, Nicolini FA, Puddu P. ST/HR slope during prostacyclin treatment: an improved method to identify patients with advanced coronary artery disease. Eur Heart J. 1989;10:991-997.
  34. Pozzati A, Morgagni GL, Ottani F, Bugiardini R, Lenzi S, Puddu P. Abnormal coronary response to vasomotor stimuli: analogies between variant angina and X syndrome. Cardiologia. 1989;34:411-418.
  35. Bugiardini R, Borghi A, Biagetti L, Puddu P. Comparison of verapamil versus propranolol therapy in syndrome X. Am J Cardiol. 1989;63:286-290.
  36. Galvani M, Bugiardini R, Ferrini D, Tollemeto D, Puddu P. Angina of effort with a variable threshold: a unique entity due to different mechanisms?. G Ital Cardiol. 1988;18:97-103.
  37. Ferramosca B, Bianchi D, Serra D, Savini R, Villecco AS, Bugiardini R. Cardiological findings in acromegaly. Minerva Med. 1987;78:1813-1821.
  38. Grauso F, Biagi G, Puddu P, Bugiardini R, Capelli M, Coccheri S. Effects of iloprost (ZK 36374), a prostacyclin derivative, on platelet function after ischaemic exercise in patients with stable angina pectoris. Thromb Res. 1987;48:131-143.
  39. Bugiardini R, Morgagni G, Pozzati A, Ottani F, Borghi A, Lenzi S, Puddu P. Effect of oral levodopa and carbidopa on coronary spasm in variant angina pectoris. Am J Cardiol. 1987;60:489-493.
  40. Puddu P, Bertaccini B, Bugiardini R. Disorders of the autonomic nervous system in mitral prolapse: facts and opinions. G Ital Cardiol. 1987;17:609-612.
  41. Borghi A, Bugiardini R, Nicolini FA, Biagetti L, Puddu P, Lenzi S. Identification of the severity of coronary lesions by exercise electrocardiography: use of the ST-T segment/heart rate ratio during infusion of prostacyclin. Cardiologia. 1987;32:545-551.
  42. Bugiardini R, Galvani M, Ferrini D, Gridelli C, Tollemeto D, Macri N, Puddu P, Lenzi S. Myocardial ischemia during intravenous prostacyclin administration: hemodynamic findings and precautionary measures. Am Heart J. 1987;113:234-240.
  43. Bugiardini R, Borghi A, Pozzati A, Mucciarella R, Macri N, Puddu P, Lenzi S. Deleterious versus beneficial effects of prostacyclin in patients with coronary artery disease: hemodynamic rationale. Adv Prostaglandin Thromboxane Leukot Res. 1987;17A:430-434.
  44. Nicolini FA, Puddu GM, Bugiardini R. Serum concentrations of digoxin: applications and limitations in clinical evaluations. Clin Ter. 1986;119:263-268.
  45. Bugiardini R, Galvani M, Ferrini D, Gridelli C, Mari L, Puddu P, Lenzi S. Effects of iloprost, a stable prostacyclin analog, on exercise capacity and platelet aggregation in stable angina pectoris. Am J Cardiol. 1986 Sep 1;58(6):453-9. PMID: 2428231
  46. Bugiardini R, Chierchia S, Davies G, Crea F, Lenzi S, Maseri A. Differential transmyocardial platelet behavior in response to pacing and ergonovine-induced myocardial ischemia. Am Heart J. 1986;112:255-262.
  47. Lenzi S, Bugiardini R. Clinical use of prostacyclin and its analogs in coronary vasculopathy. Ann Ital Med Int. 1986;1:141-151.
  48. Ferrini D, Bugiardini R, Galvani M, Gridelli C, Tollemeto D, Puddu P, Lenzi S. Opposing effects of propranolol and diltiazem on the angina threshold during an exercise test in patients with syndrome X. G Ital Cardiol. 1986;16:224-231.
  49. Galvani M, Bugiardini R, Ferrini D, Mari L, Gridelli C, Muscari A, Pozzati A, Puddu P. Cold stimulation in exertion angina: clinical and physiopathologic findings. Cardiologia. 1986;31:35-41.
  50. Galvani M, Bugiardini R, Ferrini D, Gridelli C, Mari L, Pozzati A, Ferramosca B, Puddu P. The relation between myocardial oxygen consumption and ischemia during exertion in patients with angina pectoris: effect of propranolol. G Ital Cardiol. 1985;15:1032-1038.
  51. Gridelli C, Bugiardini R, Ferrini D, Galvani M, Tollemeto D, Borghi A, Puddu P. Changes in angina threshold induced by administration of ergonovine maleate during pacing in patients with chronic exertional angina. G Ital Cardiol. 1985;15:942-947.
  52. Crea F, Davies G, Chierchia S, Romeo F, Bugiardini R, Kaski JC, Freedman B, Maseri A. Different susceptibility to myocardial ischemia provoked by hyperventilation and cold pressor test in exertional and variant angina pectoris. Am J Cardiol. 1985;56:18-22.
  53. Bugiardini R, Galvani M, Ferrini D, Gridelli C, Tollemeto D, Mari L, Puddu P, Lenzi S. Myocardial ischemia induced by prostacyclin and iloprost. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 1985;38:101-108.
  54. Galvani M, Bugiardini R, Ferrini D, Gridelli C, Mari L, Pozzati A, Puddu P. Myocardial ischemia induced by the cold pressor test in patients with exertion angina. Case contribution. G Ital Cardiol. 1985;15:567-570.
  55. Gridelli C, Bugiardini R, Ferrini D, Galvani M, Tollemeto D, Bernardi P, Puddu P. [Acute administration of verapamil in stable angina: increase of the coronary reserve during the exertion test]. Cardiologia. 1985 Jun;30(6):449-54. PMID: 3833356
  56. Galvani M, Bugiardini R, Ferrini D, Gridelli C, Mari L, Puddu P, Lenzi S. Side effects of prostacyclin in patients with angina pectoris and coronary artery disease. Ric Clin Lab. 1985;15:145-149.
  57. Freedman SB, Chierchia S, Rodriguez-Plaza L, Bugiardini R, Smith G, Maseri A. Ergonovine-induced myocardial ischemia: no role for serotonergic receptors? Circulation. 1984;70:178-183.
  58. Bugiardini R, Chierchia S, Crea F, Gallino A, Wild S, Roskovec A, Lenzi S, Maseri A. Evaluation of the effects of catheter sampling for the study of platelet behavior in the pulmonary and coronary circulation. Am Heart J. 1984;108:255-260.
  59. Crea F, Davies G, Romeo F, Chierchia S, Bugiardini R, Kaski JC, Freedman B, Maseri A. Myocardial ischemia during ergonovine testing: different susceptibility to coronary vasoconstriction in patients with exertional and variant angina. Circulation. 1984;69:690-695.
  60. Corinaldesi R, Stanghellini V, Borghi C, Casadio R, Miglioli M, Bugiardini R, Barbara L. Hypersensitivity of gastric parietal cells to selective H2-receptor stimulation in duodenal ulcer. Hepatogastroenterology. 1984;31:88-90.
  61. Bernardi P, Cavazza M, Grimaldi R, Ghezzi F, Bugiardini R. Clinical considerations on the appropriate selection of hypotensive drugs in old age. Clin Ter. 1983;107:215-226.
  62. Bugiardini R, Vinelli S, Bubola G, Pettazzoni P, Puddu P. Ultrastructural changes in myocardial anoxia and reoxygenation. Boll Soc Ital Biol Sper. 1982;58:8-14.
  63. Zacà F, Cremonesi A, Pagliarani PL, Guelfi P, Bugiardini R, Lasagna I, Ghinelli M, Luciani G. Effectiveness of mexiletine in arrhythmia of effort. Minerva Cardioangiol. 1981;29:655-660.
  64. Bugiardini R, Abate G, Biagetti L, Ferrini D, Galvani M, Muscari A, Tisselli A, Vinelli S, Puddu P. Effects of beta-methasone on serum creatine kinase release in acute myocardial infarct. Minerva Cardioangiol. 1981;29:77-82.
  65. Bugiardini R, Ferrini D, Galvani M, Muscari A, Tisselli A, Vinelli S, Puddu P. Relationships between the initial area of necrosis and prognosis of acute myocardial infarct. G Ital Cardiol. 1981;11:889-896.
  66. Bugiardini R, Ferrini D, Gridelli C, Muscari A, Vinelli S, Zaca' F, Puddu P. Markers of necrosis and anoxia in the post-infarct heart failure: determination of infarct size. G Ital Cardiol. 1981;11:608-613.
  67. Zacà F, Pagliarani PL, Cremonesi A, Costa GM, Bugiardini R. Indications, advantages and limitations of ambulatory monitoring of ECG. G Ital Cardiol. 1981;10:21-23.
  68. Bugiardini R, Capelli M, Martinelli M, Muscari A, Tisselli A, Vinelli S, Puddu P. Creatine kinase and myoglobin determination in myocardial infarction (determination of infant size). Ric Clin Lab. 1981;11:51-57.
  69. Mattace R, Zacà F, Bugiardini R, Puddu P, Lenzi S. Lack of incretion of insulin in the blood in reversible cardiogenic shock. Boll Soc Ital Cardiol. 1981;26:1391-1394.
  70. Martinelli M, Bugiardini R, Vinelli S, Puddu P, Bugiardini G, Capelli M, Cocchi V, Motta R. Critical analysis of the radioimmunological methods of determining creatine kinase isoenzyme MB (CK-MB), myoglobin (MG) and of LDH (H4) in ischemic cardiopathy. Quad Sclavo Diagn. 1980;16:134-148.
  71. Bugiardini R, Biagetti L, Cavicchi A, Galvani M, Zacà F, Muscari A, Tisselli A, Vinelli S, Puddu P. Prediction of the infarct size by the serum levels of creatin kinase. A new methodological method. G Ital Cardiol. 1980;10:771-776.
  72. Bugiardini R, Ferrini D, Galvani M, Gridelli C, Muscari A, Tisselli A, Vinelli S, Mattace R, Puddu P. Glycolytic enzymes in post-infarct cardiac decompensation. Boll Soc Ital Cardiol. 1980;25:1373-1379.
  73. Bugiardini R, Biagetti L, Ferrini D, Galvani M, Gridelli C, Muscari A, Tisselli A, Vinelli S, Puddu P. Protective effect of glucose and pyruvate in ischemia and reperfusion. Boll Soc Ital Cardiol. 1980;25:1063-1067.
  74. Bugiardini R, Ferrini D, Galvani M, Gridelli C, Tisselli A, Puddu P. The protective effects of glucose in ischaemia, anoxia and reoxygenation. G Ital Cardiol. 1980;10:1471-1481.
  75. Bernardi P, Pecoraro F, Bastagli L, Andalò A, Bugiardini R, Cuccurullo F. Sympatho-adrenergic effects on renal acidification processes. Minerva Nefrol. 1979;26:521-530.
  76. Bernardi P, Alessandrini G, Pecoraro F, Costantini G, Camurri M, Bugiardini R, Puddu P. Renal control of water-electrolyte metabolism in the female climacteric. G Clin Med. 1979;60:691-712.
  77. Stefoni S, Campieri C, Bugiardini R, Biagetti L, Perini L. Value of the determination of alkaline phosphatase isoenzymes in patients undergoing periodic hemodialytic treatment. Minerva Nefrol. 1979;26:173-176.
  78. Puddu P, Costantini G, Bugiardini R, Bertaccini B, Zappaterra F, Lazzari A, Muscari A. Echocardiographic study of the septum and posterior wall in typical and intermittent Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome. Boll Soc Ital Cardiol. 1979;24:931-939.
  79. Puddu P, Bernardi P, Bugiardini R, Costantini G, Ferrini D, Galvani M, Martinelli M, Muscari A, Tisselli A, Abate G, Mattace R. Early estimation of serum liberation of creatine kinase by means of a logistic equation. Boll Soc Ital Cardiol. 1979;24:1307-1313.
  80. Puddu P, Costatini G, Bertnaccini B, Zappaterra F, Cuccurullo F, Lazzari Agli A, Tisselli A, Bugiardini R. Echocardiographic aspects of the aortic valve in mitral valve diseases. Boll Soc Ital Cardiol. 1979;24:1083-1089.
  81. Puddu P, Bernardi P, Bugiardini R, Costantini G, Galvani M, Martinelli M, Muscari A, Tisselli A, Vinelli S, Mattace R. Extension of the infarction area and prognosis of acute myocardial infarct: correlations with clinical and biohumoral parameters. Boll Soc Ital Cardiol. 1979;24:1073-1082.
  82. Bugiardini G, Motta R, Tolomelli M, Golinelli N, Biagetti L, Bugiardini R. A Study of the enzymes of the alkaline phosphatase in commercial sera. Quad Sclavo Diagn. 1978;15:291-299.
  83. Puddu P, Bugiardini R, Costantini G, Galvani M, Lenzi S. The gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT) isoenzymes in human serum. Quad Sclavo Diagn. 1978;14:129-136.
  84. Burlina A, Bugiardini R. Studies on alkaline phosphatase isoenzymes in hepatic diseases. Relation to gamma-glutamyltransferase. Clin Chim Acta. 1978;85:49-54.
  85. Puddu P, Bugiardini R, Costantini G, Lenzi S. The glycolytic enzymes in acute myocardial infarct. Boll Soc Ital Cardiol. 1978;23:749-754.
  86. Burlina A, Bugiardini R. Alkaline phosphatase isoenzymes in liver cirrhosis. Enzyme. 1978;23:121-126.
  87. Puddu P, Costantini G, Bugiardini R, Motta R, Vinelli S, Bertaccini B. Proposal for evaluation of the infarction area by computable analysis. Boll Soc Ital Cardiol. 1977;22:695-703.
  88. Costantini G, Bugiardini R, Bertaccini B, Zappoli F, Puddu P. Echocardiographic study of changes in myocardial contractility induced with 3',5'-cyclic AMP. Boll Soc Ital Cardiol. 1977;22:1291-1296.
  89. Puddu P, Bugiardini R, Costantini G, Cucco MP, Muscari A, Uva S, Lenzi S. Effects of 3',5'-cyclic AMP on some enzyme activities of the human myocardium. Boll Soc Ital Cardiol. 1977;22:687-693.
  90. Bugiardini R, Tavoni F, Cirelli D, Favaro W, Burlina A. Electrophoretic fractionation on cellulose acetate, heat denaturation and treatment with neuraminidase for identification of alkaline phosphatase isoenzymes. G Clin Med. 1975;56:57-72.