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Raffaele Bugiardini

Assegnista di ricerca

Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche e Chirurgiche

Settore scientifico disciplinare: MED/11 MALATTIE DELL'APPARATO CARDIOVASCOLARE


Bedetti G; Pizzi C; Gabrieli L; Varga A; Pasanisi E; Bugiardini R; Picano E., The beneficial effect of insulin, glucose, and dipyridamole on regional left ventricular function early after acute myocardial infarction., «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY», 2005, 102, pp. 255 - 258 [articolo]

Pizzi, Carmine; Manfrini, Olivia; Fontana, Fiorella; Bugiardini, Raffaele, Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase in cardiac syndrome X: role of superoxide dismutase activity., «CIRCULATION», 2004, 109, pp. 53 - 58 [articolo]

MANFRINI O; MORGAGNI GL; PIZZI C; FONTANA F; BUGIARDINI R., Changes in autonomic nervous system activity: spontaneous versus balloon induced myocardial ischaemia, «EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL», 2004, 25, pp. 1502 - 1508 [articolo]

Manfrini, Olivia; Pizzi, Carmine; Morgagni, Gl; Fontana, Fiorella; Bugiardini, Raffaele, Effect of Pravastatin on myocardial perfusion after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty, «THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CARDIOLOGY», 2004, 93, pp. 1391 - 1393 [articolo]

Bugiardini, Raffaele; Manfrini, Olivia; Pizzi, Carmine; Fontana, Fiorella; Morgagni, G. L., Endothelial function predict future developement of coronary artery desease. A study on women with chest pain and normal coronary angiograms., «CIRCULATION», 2004, 109, pp. 2518 - 2523 [articolo]

Bugiardini, Raffaele, Risk stratification in Acute Coronary Syndrome. Focus on UA/NSTEMI., «HEART», 2004, 90, pp. 729 - 731 [articolo]