Musarò Pierluigi, Performing metaphors into a physical space. The role of participatory theater in promoting social coexistence between citizens and newcomers, in: Media@LSE Working Paper #52, London, LSE Media and Communications, 2018, pp. 1 - 27 (MEDIA@LSE ELECTRONIC WORKING PAPERS) [Chapter or essay]
Pierluigi Musarò; Paola Parmiggiani, Taxi o ambulanze del mare? Politiche dell’immagine nella crisi dei migranti nel Mediterraneo, «PROBLEMI DELL'INFORMAZIONE», 2018, 1/2018, pp. 87 - 114 [Scientific article]
Musarò Pierluigi, Well-being or wall-being? Borders and the fabrica mundi, in: The Wall, Bologna, con-fine ed., 2018, pp. 160 - 166 [Chapter or essay]
Musarò, Pierluigi, A Humanitarian Battlefield: Redefining Border Control as Saving Victims, in: The Routledge Companion to Media and Humanitarian Action, New York and London, Routledge, 2017, pp. 80 - 89 [Chapter or essay]
Musarò P.; Parmiggiani P., Beyond Black and White: The Role of Media in Portraying and Policing Migration and Asylum in Italy, «REVUE INTERNATIONALE DE SOCIOLOGIE», 2017, Vol. 27, Issue 2, Themed Section - The Communication of Human Rights in Europe: Policies and Strategies, pp. 241 - 260 [Scientific article]
Pierluigi Musarò, Beyond the border spectacle: Migration across the Mediterranean Sea, in: Entrapping Asylum Seekers. Social, Legal and Economic Precariousness, London, Palgrave MacMillian, 2017, pp. 57 - 82 [Chapter or essay]
Musarò Pierluigi; Parmiggiani Paola; Liberati Elena, Il Rimpatrio volontario assistito nel vissuto dei richiedenti asilo e degli operatori dell’accoglienza, «AFRICA E MEDITERRANEO», 2017, 86, pp. 7 - 13 [Scientific article]
Pierluigi, Musaro, Mare Nostrum: the visual politics of a military-humanitarian operation in the Mediterranean Sea, «MEDIA CULTURE & SOCIETY», 2017, 39, pp. 11 - 28 [Scientific article]
Musaro', Pierluigi; Iannelli, Laura, Participation Matters. The Political Spheres of Public Art and Urban Design, in: Performative Citizenship: Public Art, Urban Design and Political Participation, Milano, Mimesis international, 2017, pp. 7 - 24 (SOCIAL SCIENCE) [Chapter or essay]
Musaro', Pierluigi; Iannelli, Laura, Performative Citizenship: Public Art, Urban Design and Political Participation, Roma, Mimesis international, 2017, pp. 230 . [Editorship]
Musarò Pierluigi, Tensions and paradoxes of humanitarianism. Dialogue with Lilie Chouliaraki, «REVUE INTERNATIONALE DE SOCIOLOGIE», 2017, 27, pp. 280 - 286 [Scientific article]
Musaro' Pierluigi, The Art of De-Bordering. How the Theater of Cantieri Meticci Challenges the Lines Between Citizens and Non-Citizens, in: Performative Citizenship: Public Art, Urban Design and Political Participation, Milano, Mimesis international, 2017, pp. 93 - 114 (SOCIAL SCIENCE) [Chapter or essay]
Lilie Chouliaraki; Pierluigi Musarò, The mediatized border. Technologies and affects of migrant reception in the Greek and Italian borders, «FEMINIST MEDIA STUDIES», 2017, 17, pp. 26 - 52 [Scientific article]
Pierluigi Musaro', Creativity, tourism, and development: the case of Emilia Romagna region, Italy, in: Cultural Enrichment through the Creative Transmission of Traditional Culture, Seoul, The Academy of Korean Studies, 2016, pp. 53 - 80 [Chapter or essay]
Musaro' Pierluigi, Crisi umanitarie e media e media. Come comunicare la solidarietà internazionale, in: I linguaggi della comunicazione sociale, Milano, Fondazione Pubblicità Progresso, 2016, pp. 39 - 40 [Chapter or essay]