Foto del docente

Petros Ampatzidis

Research fellow

Department of Physics and Astronomy "Augusto Righi"


Petros Ampatzidis, Carlo Cintolesi, Silvana Di Sabatino and Tristan Kershaw, 2023, Blue space effects on urban flow and pollution dispersion in a stable atmosphere, submitted to Sustainable Cities and Society.

Petros Ampatzidis, Emily Bowyer, David Coley, Victoria Stephenson, 2023, Decarbonising at scale: Extracting strategic thinking from EPC and deprivation data, Building Services Engineering Research and Technology.

 Petros Ampatzidis, Carlo Cintolesi and Tristan Kershaw, 2023, Impact of blue space geometry on urban heat island mitigation, Climate, 11(2), 28.

Petros Ampatzidis, Carlo Cintolesi, Andrea Petronio, Silvana Di Sabatino and Tristan Kershaw, 2022, Evaporating waterbody effects in a simplified urban neighbourhood: a RANS analysis, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, volume 227, 105078.

Petros Ampatzidis and Tristan Kershaw, 2020, A review of the impact of blue space on the urban microclimate, Science of The Total Environment, volume 730, 139068.

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