Foto del docente

Patrizia Selleri

Associate Professor

Department of Psychology "Renzo Canestrari"

Academic discipline: PSIC-02/A Developmental and Educational Psychology


The main research topics are:

- ideas and representations of teachers and parents about intelligence and educational practices

- school evaluation and attribution of social judgments in school contex

- assessment of educational/training context: analysis of educational interaction in the classroom and process of quality in school system

- new media education

- quality of life in children


 Ideas and representations of teachers and parents about school: this is a topic conducted during beyond twenty years of research; recently, changes of Italian school system bring back the topic of social representations of intelligence and his development as a relevant element of elaboration of mother's social role. In specifics everyday live and care activities has been studied in mothers of children aged 10-15 years

Process of causal attributions of school failure: in the mainstream of the argument have been deepened psycho-social variables, as representations of different school matters and gender

  Analysis of educational interaction in classroom: an example of these studies is a second-level analysis of Moreno classical sociogramma, carried out by the Social Network Analysis (SNA), a research tool able to put toghether quantitative and qualitative data

Tools for the assessment of Quality of Life in children (EQ-5D child): this activity of research has been carried out working in close collaboration with the European EuroQol group (

New media education:  inside the Socrates Minerva Project (Social network and promotion of shared knowledge in E-learning context) a specific root of research is about good-practices in use in learning contexts on-line

Instruments of analysis of qualitative data: software ALCESTE