Foto del docente

Patrizia Battilani

Full Professor

Department of Economics

Academic discipline: STEC-01/B Economic History

Curriculum vitae


Full Professor in Economic history- University of Bologna
Representative of the Economics Department in Cast (Center of Advanced studies in tourism) - University of Bologna
Member of the Self Steering Committee of Cultural Heritage in the UnaEuropa Alliance
Member of the Scientific Board of the Postgraduate Master in Economics of cooperative enterprises

Cultural tourism, Cultural Heritage, Business history, Economic history


  • 1987 University of Bologna Degree in Economics and Business
  • 1992-1993 Visiting student London School of Economics
  • 1994 University of Ancona Research Doctorate in Political Economy.
  • 1995-97 University of Bologna: Post-doctoral fellowship


  • 2002-2010 Assistant Professor at the University of Bologna
  • 2010-2020 Associate Professor in “Economic History” .
  • 2012-2016 Director of the Degree in Tourism Economics of the University of Bologna
  • 2018-2021 Head of CAST (Center for advanced studies in tourism)
  • 2020- to the present Full professor in "Economic History"


July 2013- University of Sydney
July-August; November-December 2017- University of Glasgow



RECOLOR - Reviving and EnhanCing artwOrks and Landscapes Of the adRiatic- (Interreg ITA-HR; Priority Axis:Environment and cultural heritage); Start date: 1/2/2019. She has the scientific responsibility for the Bologna University unit. The general goal of the RECOLOR project is to enhance the tourist potential of urban and natural landscapes in Croatia and Italy, often not fully exploited and not included yet in traditional tourist circuits. Thanks to its methodology, moving from the analysis of figurative artworks and the promotion of tourist itineraries based on them, RECOLOR is innovative in its capacity to address at the same time both natural and cultural heritage. The project will promote relevant and less known artworks, creating specific itineraries to visit the still-existing landscapes there depicted, developing new tourist offers and promoting a season adjustment of tourist flow.

RurALLURE. Promotion of rural museums and heritage sites in the vicinity of European pilgrimage routes- Call: H2020-SC6-TRANSFORMATIONS-19-2020/CSA. Date of start: 1/1/2021. She is part of the research Team. The rurALLURE action aims to leverage the state-of-the-art in information technologies in order to promote rural museums and heritage sites in the vicinity of major European pilgrimage routes. The goal is to foster symbiosis between the rural environment and the pilgrimage routes, so that the ongoing investment in the latter permeates to the nearby rural areas and, the other way round, the cultural experience of the pilgrimage is enriched by the vast cultural heritage that most often goes unnoticed.

FABROUTES - THE FAB ROUTES: DIGITAL SKILLS TO PROMOTE EU CULTURAL ROUTES- Start date: 1/10/2020. She is part of the Research Team. The project wants to enhance EU Cultural Routes by designing an innovative educational module to allow their members/networks to improve knowledge on topics such as Cultural Heritage Management, Cultural marketing/branding and social participation. (KA202 - Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training).

1Europe - UE-Erasmus+ KA2 - Alleances - Knowledge Alliances for Higher Education. She is member of the Unibo Self Stearing Committee for Cultural Heritage. The project was funded among the first European University pilots selected by the European Commission in June 2019. The pilot will establish a Europe-wide living lab for testing and scaling Joint Innovative Formats (JIFs) for education and mobility. Co-funded with an Erasmus+ grant of €5 million for three years and coordinated by KU Leuven, 1Europe is central to our ambition to create a future-looking European virtual campus, turning the European Higher Education Area into reality.



2016-2020  Member of the Board of SISE - Italian Association of Economic History

Since 2012 Member of the Board of Sistur - Italian Association of tourism science



since 2009 Member of the Advisory Board of Journal of Tourism History, edited by Taylor and Francis.

since 2009 Member of the Advisory Board of Annali di storia del turismo, FrancoAngeli;

since 2019 Co-editor of Almatourism, the Unibo online scientific Journal


Referee for the following Journals: Enterprise and Society, Business History, Journal of tourism history, Technology and Innovation – Proceedings of the National Academy of Inventors, The International History Review, Management and Organizational History