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Publications prior to 2004
1980 - 2016
[1] P. Toth, "A Dynamic Programming Algorithm for the 0-1
Knapsack Problem", Computing 25, 1980.
[2] S. Martello, P. Toth, "Optimal and Canonical Solutions of
the Change Making Problem", European Journal of Operational
Research 4, 1980.
[3] G. Carpaneto, P. Toth, "Solution of the Assignment Problem",
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 6, 1980.
[4] N. Christofides, A. Mingozzi, P. Toth, "Dynamic Loading and
Unloading of Liquids into Tanks", Operations Research 28,
[5] S. Martello, P. Toth, "Solution of the Zero-One Multiple
Knapsack Problem", European Journal of Operational Research 4,
[6] G. Carpaneto, P. Toth, "Some new Branching and Bounding
Criteria for the Asymmetric Travelling Salesman Problem",
Management Science 26, 1980.
[7] N. Christofides, A. Mingozzi, P. Toth, "Contributions to the
Quadratic Assignment Problem", European Journal of Operational
Research 4, 1980.
[8] S. Martello, T. Toth, "A note on the Ingargiola-Korsh
Algorithm for One-Dimensional Knapsack Problems", Operations
Research 28, 1980.
[9] S. Martello, P. Toth, "An Algorithm for the Generalized
Assignment Problem", in J.P. Brans, ed., Operational Research ,
North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1981.
[10] S. Martello, P. Toth, "Heuristic Algorithms for the
Multiple Knapsack Problem", Computing 27, 1981.
[11] N. Christofides, A. Mingozzi, P. Toth, "Exact Algorithms
for the Vehicle Routing Problem based on Spanning Trees and
Shortest Path Relaxations", Mathematical Programming 20, 1981.
[12] N. Christofides, A. Mingozzi, P. Toth, "State-Space
Relaxation Procedures for the Computation of Bounds to Routing
Problems", Networks 11, 1981.
[13] G. Carpaneto, P. Toth, "An Algorithm for the Solution of
the Bottleneck Assignment Problem", Computing 26, 1981.
[14] S. Martello, P. Toth, "A Bound and Bound Algorithm for the
Zero-One Multiple Knapsack Problem", Discrete Applied Mathematics
3, 1981.
[15] S. Martello, P. Toth, "Finding a Minimum Equivalent Graph
of a Digraph", Networks 12, 1982
[16] A. Peretti, P. Toth, "Optimization of a Pipe-Line for the
Natural Gas Transportation", European Journal of Operational
Research 11, 1982.
[17] G. Carpaneto, P. Toth, "Algorithm for the Solution of the
Assignment Problem for Sparse Matrices", Computing 28, 1983.
[18] S. Martello, P. Toth, "Worst-Case Analysis of Greedy
Algorithms for the Subset-Sum Problem", Mathematical Programming
28, 1984.
[19] G. Carpaneto, S. Martello, P. Toth, "An Algorithm for the
Bottleneck Travelling Salesman Problem", Operations Research 32,
[20] S. Martello, P. Toth, "A Mixture of Dynamic Programming and
Branch-and-Bound for the Subset-Sum Problem" , Management Science
30, 1984.
[21] S. Martello, W. Pulleyblank, P. Toth, D. de Werra, "The
Balanced Optimization Problem", Operations Research Letters 3,
[22] S. Martello, P. Toth, "Approximation Schemes for the Subset
Sum Problem: Survey and Experimental Analysis", European Journal of
Operational Research 22, 1985.
[23] S. Martello, P. Toth, "Program for the 0-1 Multiple
Knapsack Problem", ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 11,
[24] E. Balas, P. Toth, "Branch and Bound Methods for the
Traveling Salesman Problem", in G. Lawler, J.K. Lenstra, A. H. G.
Rinnooy Kan, D. Shmoys, eds., The Traveling Salesman Problem, J.
Wiley, Chichester, 1985.
[25] S. Martello, P. Toth, "A Heuristic Approach to the Bus
Driver Scheduling Problem" , European Journal of Operational
Research 24, 1986.
[26] P.M. Camerini, F. Maffioli, S. Martello, P. Toth, "Most and
Least Uniform Spanning Trees", Discrete Applied Mathematics 15,
[27] S. Martello, P. Toth, "Algorithms for Knapsack Problems",
in S. Martello et al.,eds., Surveys in Combinatorial Optimization,
Annals of Discrete Mathematics 31, North-Holland,
[28] S. Martello, P. Toth, "Linear Assignment Problems", in S.
Martello et al., eds.,Surveys in Combinatorial Optimization, Annals
of Discrete Mathematics 31, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1987.
[29] G. Carpaneto, P. Toth, "Primal-Dual Algorithms for the
Assignment Problem", Discrete Applied Mathematics 18, 1987.
[30] M. Fischetti, S. Martello, P. Toth, "The Fixed Job Schedule
Problem with Spread-Time Constraints", Operations Research 35,
[31] B. Simeone, P. Toth, G. Gallo, F. Maffioli, S.
Pallottino, eds., FORTRAN Codes for Network Optimization, Annals of
Operations Research 13, 1988.
[32] M. Fischetti, P. Toth, "An Additive Approach for the
Optimal Solution of the Prize-Collecting Traveling Salesman
Problem" , in B.L. Golden, A.A. Assad, eds., Vehicle Routing :
Methods and Studies, North Holland, Amsterdam, 1988.
[33] G. Carpaneto, S. Martello, P. Toth, "Algorithms and Codes
for the Assignment Problem", in B. Simeone, P. Toth, G. Gallo, F.
Maffioli, S. Pallottino, editors, FORTRAN Codes for Network
Optimization, Annals of Operations Research 13, 1988.
[34] S. Martello, P. Toth, "A New Algorithm for the 0-1 Knapsack
Problem", Management Science 34, 1988.
[35] M. Fischetti, P. Toth, "A new Dominance Procedure for
Combinatorial Optimization Problems", Operations Research Letters
7, 1988.
[36] M. Fischetti, S. Martello, P. Toth, "The Fixed Job Schedule
Problem with Working-Time Constraints", Operations Research 37,
[37] M. Fischetti, P. Toth, "An Additive Bounding Procedure for
Combinatorial Optimization Problems", Operations Research 37,
[38] G. Carpaneto, M. Dell'Amico, M. Fischetti, P. Toth, A
Branch and Bound Algorithm for the Multiple Depot Vehicle
Scheduling Problem" , Networks 19, 1989.
[39] G. Carpaneto, M. Fischetti, P. Toth, "New Lower Bounds for
the Symmetric Travelling Salesman Problem", Mathematical
Programming 45, 1989.
[40] S. Martello, P. Toth, "An Exact Algorithm for Large
Unbounded Knapsack Problems" , Operations Research Letters 9,
[41] S. Martello, P. Toth, "Lower Bounds and Reduction
Procedures for the Bin-Packing Problem", Discrete Applied
Mathematics 26, 1990.
[42] S. Martello, P. Toth, Knapsack Problems: Algorithms and
Computer Implementations, J. Wiley, Chichester, 1990.
[43] E. Balas, D. Miller, J. Pekny, P. Toth, "A Parallel
Shortest Augmenting Path Algorithm for the Assignment Problem",
Journal of ACM 38, 1991.
[44] M. Fischetti, S. Martello, P. Toth, "Approximation
Algorithms for Fixed Job Schedule Problems", Operations Research
40, 1992.
[45] M. Fischetti, P. Toth, "An Additive Bounding Procedure for
the Asymmetric Travelling Salesman Problem", Mathematical
Programming 53, 1992.
[46] S. Martello, P. Toth, "Generalized Assignment Problems", in
Algorithms and Computation, T. Ibaraki et al. (editors), 351-369,
1992, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1992.
[47] S. Martello, P. Toth, "A Note on 0.5-Bounded Greedy
Algorithms for the 0/1 Knapsack Problem", Information Processing
Letters 44, 1992.
[48] M. Dell'Amico, M. Fischetti, P. Toth, "Heuristic Algorithms
for the Multiple Depot Vehicle Scheduling Problem", Management
Science 39, 1993.
[49] M. Fischetti, P. Toth, An Efficient Algorithm for the
Min-Sum Arborescence Problem on Complete Digraphs", ORSA Journal on
Computing 5, 1993.
[50] M. Fischetti, P. Toth, D. Vigo, "A Branch and Bound
Algorithm for the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem on Directed
Graphs", Operations Research 42, 1994.
[51] S. Martello, P. Toth, "The Bottleneck Generalized
Assignment Problem", European Journal of Operational Research 83,
[52] G. Carpaneto, M. Dell'Amico, P. Toth, "Exact Solution of
Large-Scale, Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problems", ACM
Transactions on Mathematical Software 21, 1995.
[53] P. Toth, D. Vigo, "An Exact Algorithm for the Capacitated
Shortest Spanning Arborescence", in M. Gendreau, G. Laporte, eds.,
Annals of Operations Research 61, 1995.
[54] M. Fischetti, J.J. Salazar Gonzalez, P. Toth, "The
Symmetric Generalized Travelling Salesman Polytope", Networks 26,
[55] S. Martello, P. Toth, "A Note on Exact Algorithms for the
Bottleneck Generalized Assignment Problem", European Journal of
Operational Research 83, 1995.
[56] G. Carpaneto, M. Dell'Amico, P. Toth, "Algorithm 750: CDT:
A Subroutine for the Exact Solution of Large-Scale, Asymmetric
Traveling Salesman Problems", ACM Transactions on Mathematical
Software 21, 1995.
[57] A. Caprara, M. Fischetti, P. Toth, "A Heuristic Algorithm
for the Set Covering Problem", W.H. Cunningham, T.S. McCormick, M.
Queyranne (eds.), Integer Programming and Combinatorial
Optimization, Springer-Verlag, 1996.
[58] L. Bianco, P. Toth, eds., Advanced Methods in
Transportation Analysis, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg,
[59] P. Toth, D. Vigo, "Fast Local Search Algorithms for the
Handicapped Persons Transportation Problem", Heuristics: Theory and
Applications, I.H. Osman, J.P. Kelly eds., Kluwer, Hingham, Ma,
[60] P. Toth, D. Vigo, "Heuristic Algorithms for the Vehicle
Routing Problem with Backhauls", in L. Bianco, P. Toth, eds.,
Advanced Methods in Transportation Analysis, Springer-Verlag,
Berlin-Heidelberg, 1996.
[61] P. Toth, D. Vigo, "Heuristic Algorithms for the Handicapped
Persons Transportation Problem", Transportation Science 31,
[62] M. Fischetti, J.J. Salazar Gonzalez, P. Toth, "A
Branch-and-Cut Algorithm for the Symmetric Generalized Travelling
Salesman Problem", Operations Research 45, 1997.
[63] S. Martello, P. Toth, "Upper Bounds and Algorithms for Hard
0-1 Knapsack Problems", Operations Research 45, 1997.
[64] S. Martello, F. Soumis, P. Toth, "Exact and Approximation
Algorithms for Makespan Minimization on Unrelated Parallel
Machines", Discrete Applied Mathematics 75, 1997.
[65] A. Caprara, M. Fischetti, P. Toth, D. Vigo, P.L. Guida,
"Algorithms for Railway Crew Management", Mathematical Programming
79, 1997.
[66] M. Fischetti, P. Toth, "A Polyhedral Approach for the
Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem", Management Science 43,
[67] P. Toth, D. Vigo, "An Exact Algorithm for the Vehicle
Routing Problem with Backhauls", Transportation Science 31,
[68] A. Caprara, F. Focacci, E. Lamma, P. Mello, M. Milano, P.
Toth, D. Vigo, "Integrating Constraint Logic Programming and
Operations Research Techniques for the Crew Rostering Problem",
Software - Practice and Experience, 1998.
[69] M. Fischetti, J.J. Salazar Gonzalez, P. Toth, "Solving the
Orienteering Problem through Branch-and-Cut", INFORMS Journal on
Computing 10, 1998.
[70] L.F. Escudero, S. Martello, P. Toth, "On
Tightening 0-1 Programs Based on Extensions of Pure 0-1 Knapsack
and Subset-Sum Problems", Annals of Operations Research 81,
[71] A. Caprara, M. Fischetti, P. Toth, D. Vigo, "Modeling and
Solving the Crew Rostering Problem", Operations Research 46,
820-830, 1998.
[72] J. F. Cordeau, P. Toth, D. Vigo, "A Survey of Optimization
Models for Train Routing and Scheduling", Transportation Science
32, 380- 404, 1998.
[73] P. Toth, D. Vigo, "Exact Algorithms for Vehicle Routing",
in T. Crainic and G. Laporte, editors, Fleet Management and
Logistics, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 1998.
[74] A. Caprara, M. Fischetti, P.L. Guida, P. Toth, D. Vigo,
"Crew Scheduling and Rostering Problems in Railway Applications",
in M. Labbe`, G. Laporte, K. Tanczos, Ph. Toint, editors,
Operations Research and Decision Aid Methodologies in Traffic and
Transportation Management, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 228- 243,
[75] P. Toth, D. Vigo, "A Heuristic Algorithm for the Symmetric
and Asymmetric Vehicle Routing Problems with Backhauls", European
Journal of Operational Research 113, 1999.
[76] S. Martello, D. Pisinger, P. Toth, "Dynamic Programming and
Strong Bounds for the 0-1 Knapsack Problem", Management Science 45,
[77] A. Caprara, D. Pisinger, P. Toth, "Exact Solution of the
Quadratic Knapsack Problem", INFORMS Journal on Computing 11,
[78] D. Pisinger, P. Toth, "Knapsack Problems", Handbook
of Combinatorial Optimization, Volume 1, D.-Z. Du and P. M.
Pardalos (eds), Kluwer Academic Publisher, Boston, 1999.
[79] A. Caprara, M. Fischetti, P. Toth, "A Heuristic Method for
the Set Covering Problem", Operations Research 47, 1999.
[80] A. Caprara, M. Fischetti, P.L. Guida, P. Toth, D. Vigo,
"Solution of Large Scale Railway Crew Planning Problems: the
Italian Experience", in N.H.M. Wilson, editor, Computer-Aided
Transit Scheduling, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1999.
[81] S. Martello, D. Pisinger, P. Toth, "New Trends in Exact
Algorithms for the 0-1 Knapsack Problem", European Journal of
Operational Research 123, 325-332, 2000.
[82] M. Dell'Amico, P. Toth, "Algorithms and Codes for Dense
Assignment Problems: the State of the Art", Discrete Applied
Mathematics 100, 17-48, 2000.
[83] P. Toth, "Optimization Engineering Techniques for the Exact
Solution of NP-Hard Combinatorial Optimization", European Journal
of Operational Research 125, 222- 238, 2000.
[84] P. Toth, "Abstracts for the 2000 Transportation Science
Section Dissertation Prize Competition", Transportation Science 35,
1- 5, 2001.
[85] A. Caprara, P. Toth, "Lower Bounds and Algorithms for the
2- Dimensional Vector Packing Problem", Discrete Applied
Mathematics 111, 231- 262, 2001.
[86] M. Fischetti, A. Lodi, S. Martello, P. Toth, "A Polyhedral
Approach to Simplified Crew Scheduling and Vehicle Scheduling
Problems", Management Science 47, 833-850, 2001.
[87] A. Caprara, M. Fischetti, P. Toth, "Algorithms for the Set
Covering Problem", Annals of Operations Research 98, 353-371,
[88] A. Caprara, M. Monaci, P. Toth, "A Global Method for Crew
Planning in Railway Applications", in S. Voss and J.R. Daduna,
editors, Computer Aided Scheduling of Public Transport, 17-36,
Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2001.
[89] A. Caprara, M. Fischetti, P.L. Guida, M. Monaci, G. Sacco,
P. Toth, "Solution of Real World Train Timetabling Problems",
Proceedings of the 34-th International Conference on System
Sciences (HICSS-34), IEEE Computer Society Press, 2001.
[90] N.Y. Soma, P. Toth, "An Exact Algorithm for the Subset Sum
Problem", European Journal of Operational Research 136, 57-66,
[91] P. Toth, D. Vigo, eds. The Vehicle Routing Problem, XVIII +
367, SIAM Monographs on Discrete Mathematics and Applications,
Philadelphia, 2002.
[92] P. Toth, D. Vigo, "An Overview of Vehicle Routing
Problems", in P. Toth, D. Vigo, eds. The Vehicle Routing Problem,
1-26, SIAM Monographs on Discrete Mathematics and Applications,
Philadelphia, 2002.
[93] P. Toth, D. Vigo, "Branch-and-Bound Algorithms for the
Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem", in P. Toth, D. Vigo, eds. The
Vehicle Routing Problem, 29-51, SIAM Monographs on Discrete
Mathematics and Applications, Philadelphia, 2002.
[94] P. Toth, D. Vigo, "The Vehicle Routing Problem with
Backhauls", in P. Toth, D. Vigo, eds. The Vehicle Routing Problem,
195-224, SIAM Monographs on Discrete Mathematics and Applications,
Philadelphia, 2002.
[95] M. Fischetti, A. Lodi, P. Toth, "Exact Methods for the
Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem", in G. Gutin, A. Punnen,
eds. The Traveling Salesman Problem and Its Variations, 169-205,
Kluwer Academic Publisher, Dordrecht, 2002.
[96] M. Fischetti, J.J. Salazar Gonzalez, P. Toth, "The
Generalized Traveling Salesman and Orienteering Problems", in G.
Gutin, A. Punnen, eds. The Traveling Salesman Problem and Its
Variations, 609-662, Kluwer Academic Publisher, Dordrecht,
[97] P. Toth, D. Vigo, "Branch and Bound Algorithms for the
Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem", Discrete Applied Mathematics
123, 487-512, 2002.
[98] A. Caprara, M. Fischetti, P. Toth, "Modeling and Solving
the Train Timetabling Problem", Operations Research 50, 851-861,
[99] M. Fischetti, A. Lodi, P. Toth, "Solving Real-World ATSP
Instances by Branch-and-Cut", in M. Junger, G. Reinelt, G. Rinaldi,
eds. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, Berlin
Heidelberg, 2003.
[100] A. Caprara, M. Monaci, P. Toth, "Models and Algorithms for
a Staff Scheduling Problem", Mathematical Programming 98, 445-476,
[101] P. Toth, D. Vigo, "The Granular Tabu Search and its
Application to the Vehicle Routing Problem", INFORMS Journal on
Computing 15, 333-346, 2003.
[102] S. Martello, P. Toth, "An Exact Algorithm for the Two
Constraint 01 Knapsack Problem", Operations Research 51, 826-835,
[103] C. Feremans, A. Lodi, P. Toth, A. Tramontani, "Improving
on Branch-and-Cut Algorithms for Generalized Minimum Spanning
Trees", Pacific Journal of Optimization 1, 491-508, 2005.
[104] M. Monaci, P. Toth, "A Set Covering Based Heuristic for
Bin Packing Problems", INFORMS Journal on Computing 18, 71-85,
[105] R. De Franceschi, M. Fischetti, P. Toth, "A new ILP-based
refinement heuristic for Vehicle Routing Problems", Mathematical
Programming 105, 471-499, 2006.
[106] A. Caprara, M. Monaci, P. Toth, P.L. Guida, "A Lagrangian
Heuristic Approach to Real World Train Timetabling Problems",
Discrete Applied Mathematics 154, 738-753, 2006.
[107] A. Caprara, L. Kroon, M. Monaci, M. Peeters, P. Toth,
"Passenger Railway Optimization", in G. Laporte, C. Barnhart, eds.
Transportation, Volume 14, Handbooks in Operations Research and
Management Science, Elsevier, 129-187, 2006.
[108] C. Bragalli, C. D'Ambrosio, J. Lee, A. Lodi, P. Toth, "An
MINLP Solution Method for a Water Network Problem", in Y. Azar, T.
Erlebach, eds. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Algorithms 4168,
696-707, 2006.
[109] D. Vigo, P. Toth, A. Mingozzi, "Recent Advances in Vehicle
Routing Optimization", Networks 49, 243-244, 2007.
[110] R. Baldacci, P. Toth, D. Vigo, "Recent Advances in Vehicle
Routing Exact Algorithms", 4OR 5, 269-298, 2007.
[111] E. Malaguti, P. Toth, "An Evolutionary Approach for
Bandwidth Multicoloring Problems", European Journal of Operational
Research 189, 638-651, 2008.
[112] E. Malaguti, M. Monaci, P. Toth, "A Metaheuristic Approach
for the Vertex Coloring Problem", INFORMS Journal on Computing 20,
302-316, 2008.
[113] P. Toth, A. Tramontani, "An Integer Linear Programming
Local Search for Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problems", in B. L.
Golden, S. Raghavan, E. Wasil (eds.): The Vehicle Routing Problem:
Latest Advances and New Challenges, Springer Verlag, New York,
275-295, 2008.
[114] V. Cacchiani, A. Caprara, P. Toth, "A Column Generation
Approach to Train Timetabling on a Corridor", 4OR 6, 125-142,
[115] E. Malaguti, M. Monaci, P. Toth, "Models and Heuristic
Algorithms for a Weighted Vertex Coloring Problem", Journal of
Heuristics 15, 503-526, 2009.
[116] V. Cacchiani, A. Caprara, P. Toth, "Scheduling Extra
Freight Trains on Railway Networks", Transportation Research, Part
B 44, 215-231, 2010.
[117] E. Malaguti, P. Toth, "A Survey on Vertex Coloring
Problems", International Transactions in Operational Research 17,
1-34, 2010.
[118] Z. Naji-Azimi, P. Toth, L. Galli, "An Electromagnetism
Metaheuristic for the Unicost Set Covering Problem", European
Journal of Operational Research 205, 290-300, 2010.
[119] Z. Naji-Azimi, M. Salari, B. Golden, S. Raghavan, P. Toth,
"Variable Neighborhood Search for the Cost Constrained Minimum
Label Spanning Tree and Label Constrained Minimum Spanning Tree
Problems", Computers & Operations Research 37, 1952-1964,
[120] M. Salari, P. Toth, A. Tramontani, "An ILP Improvement
procedure for the Open Vehicle Routing Problem", Computers &
Operations Research 37, 2106-2120, 2010.
[121] P. Toth, "Topics in Combinatorial Optimization: Foreword",
Computational Management Science 7, 225-227, 2010.
[122] A. Lodi, M. Milano, P. Toth, Editors, "Integration of AI
and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial
Optimization Problems", 369 pages, Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, ISBN:
976-3-642-13519-4, 2010.
[123] V. Cacchiani, A. Caprara, P. Toth, "Non-cyclic Train
Timetabling and Comparability Graphs", Operations Research Letters
58, 179-184, 2010.
[124] R. Baldacci, P. Toth, D. Vigo, "Exact Algorithms for
Routing Problems Under Vehicle Capacity Constraints", Annals of
Operations Research 175, 213-245, 2010.
[125] V. Cacchiani, A. Caprara, P. Toth, "Solving a Real-World
Train Unit Assignment Problem", Mathematical Programming 124,
207-231, 2010.
[126] Z. Naji-Azimi, M. Salari, P. Toth, "A Variable
Neighborhood Search and its Application to a Ring-Star Problem",
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 36, 343 - 350, 2010.
[127] P. Toth, "Comments on the paper: Routing problems with
loading constraints, by Iori and Martello", TOP 18, 39-40,
[128] A.E. Fernandes-Muritiba, M. Iori, E. Malaguti, P. Toth,
"Algorithms for the Bin Packing Problem with Conflicts", INFORMS
Journal on Computing 22, 401-415, 2010.
[129] Z. Naji-Azimi, M. Salari, P. Toth, "A Heuristic Procedure
for the Capacitated m-Ring-Star Problem", European Journal of
Operational Research, 207, 1227-1234, 2010.
[130] V. Cacchiani, A. E. Fernandes-Muritiba, M. Negreiros, P.
Toth, "A Multi-Start Heuristic for the Equality Generalized
Traveling Salesman Problem", Networks 57, 231-239, 2011.
[131] E. Malaguti, M. Monaci, P. Toth, "An Exact Approach for
the Vertex Coloring Problem", Discrete Optimization 8, 174-190,
[132] R. Baldacci, P. Toth, D. Vigo, "Exact Solution of the
Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem", Wiley Encyclopedia in
Operations Research and Management Science Vol. 3, 1795-1807,
[133] A. Caprara, L. Kroon, P. Toth, "Optimization Problems in
Passenger Railway Systems", Wiley Encyclopedia in Operations
Research and Management Science Volume 6, 3896-3905, 2011.
[134] A. Caprara, E. Malaguti, P. Toth, "A Freight Service
Design Problem for a Railway Corridor", Transportation Science 45,
147-162, 2011.
[135] A. Caprara, L. Galli, P. Toth, "Solution of the Train
Platforming Problem", Transportation Science 45, 246-257, 2011.
[136] C. Bragalli, C. D'Ambrosio, J. Lee, A. Lodi, P.
Toth, "On the Optimal Design of Water Distribution Networks: a
Practical MINLP Approach", Optimization and Engineering, 13,
219-246, 2012
[137] Z. Naji-Azimi, M. Salari, P. Toth, "An Integer Linear
Programming based Heuristic for the Capacitated m-Ring-Star
Problem", European Journal of Operational Research 217, 17-25,
[138] V. Cacchiani, A. Caprara, L. Galli, L. Kroon, G. Maroti,
P. Toth, "Railway Rolling Stock Planning: Robustness Against Large
Disruptions", Transportation Science 46, 217-232, 2012.
[139] R. Roberti, P. Toth, "Models and Algorithms for the
Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problem", EURO Journal on
Transportation and Logistics 1, 113-133, 2012.
[140] F. Furini, E. Malaguti, R. Medina-Duran, A. Persiani, P.
Toth, "A Column Generation Heuristic for the Two-Dimensional
Two-Staged Guillotine Cutting Stock Problem with Multiple Stock
Size", European Journal of Operational Research 218, 261-270,
[141] V. Cacchiani, P. Toth, "Nominal and Robust Train
Timetabling Problems", European Journal of Operational Research
219, 727-737, 2012.
[142] B. Golden, Z. Naji-Azimi, S. Raghavan, M. Salari, P. Toth,
"The Generalized Covering Salesman Problem", INFORMS Journal on
Computing 24, 534-553, 2012
[143] J.W. Escobar-Velasquez, R. Linfati, P. Toth, "A
Two-Phase Hybrid Heuristic Algorithm for the Capacitated
Location-Routing Problem", Computers & Operations Research 40,
70-79, 2013.
[144] V. Cacchiani, A. Caprara, G. Maroti, P. Toth, "On Integer
Polytopes with few Nonzero Vertices", Operations Research Letters
41, 74-77, 2013.
[145] V. Cacchiani, A. Caprara, P. Toth, "A Lagrangian Heuristic
for a Train-Unit Assignment Problem", Discrete Applied Mathematics
161, 1707-1718, 2013.
[146] V. Cacchiani, A. Caprara, R. Roberti, P. Toth, "A new
lower bound for curriculum-based course timetabling", Computers
& Operations Research 40, 2466-2477, 2013.
[147] E. Alvarez-Miranda, I. Ljubic, P. Toth, "A note on the
Bertsimas & Sim algorithm for robust combinatorial optimization
problems", 4OR 11, 349-360, 2013.
[148] V. Cacchiani, A. Caprara, P. Toth, "Finding Cliques of
Maximum Weight on a Generalization of Permutation Graphs",
Optimization Letters 7, 289-296, 2013..
[149] A. Mingozzi, R. Roberti, P. Toth, "An Exact Algorithm for
the Multi-Trip Vehicle Routing Problem", INFORMS Journal on
Computing 25, 193-207, 2013.
[150] E. Alvarez-Miranda, I. Ljubic, P. Toth, "Exact Approaches
for Solving Robust Prize Collecting Steiner Tree Problems",
European Journal of Operational Research 229, 599-612, 2013.
[151] G. Laporte, P. Toth, D. Vigo, "Vehicle Routing: historical
perspective and recent contributions", EURO Journal on
Transportation and Logistics 2, 1-4, 2013.
[152] F. Perez-Galarce, E. Alvarez-Miranda, A. Candia-Vejar, P.
Toth, "On Exact Solutions for the Minmax Regret Spanning Tree
Problem", Computers & Operations Research 47, 114-122,
[153] J.W. Escobar-Velasquez, R. Linfati, M.G. Baldoquin,
P. Toth, "A Granular Variable Tabu Neighborhood Search for
the Capacitated Location-Routing Problem", Transportation Research
Part B 67, 344-356, 2014.
[154] E. Malaguti, R. Medina-Duran, P. Toth, "Approaches
to Real World Two-Dimensional Cutting Problems", Omega 47, 99-115,
[155] P. Toth, D. Vigo, "Guest Editorial to the Special Issue
'Routing and Logistics' (VeRoLog)", European Journal of Operational
Research 236, 787-788, 2014.
[156] V. Cacchiani, D. Huisman, M. Kidd, L. Kroon, P. Toth, L.
Veelenturf, J, Wagenaar, "An overview of recovery models and
algorithms for real-time railway rescheduling", Transportation
Research, Part B 63, 15-37, 2014.
[157] A. Caprara, L. Galli, S. Stiller, P. Toth, "Delay-robust
event scheduling", Operations Research 62, 274-283, 2014.
[158] F.
Furini, M.P. Kidd, A. Persiani, P. Toth, “State Space Reduced
Dynamic Programming for the Aircraft Sequencing problem with
Constrained Position Shiftingâ€, Combinatorial Optimization. LNCS
8598, Springer International Publishing, 267-279,
[159] J.W. Escobar-Velasquez, R. Linfati, P. Toth, M.G.
Baldoquin, "A Hybrid Granular Tabu Search Algorithm for the
Multi-Depot Vehicle Routing Problem", Journal of Heuristics
20, 483-509, 2014.
[160] E. Buson, R. Roberti, P. Toth, "A Reduced-Cost Iterated
Local Search Heuristic for the Fixed-Charge Transportation
Problem", Operations Research 62, 1095-1106, 2014.
[161] E. Alvarez-Miranda, I. Ljubic, S. Raghavan, P. Toth, “The Recoverable Robust Two-level Network Design Problem”, INFORMS Journal on Comp90uting 27, 1-19, 2015.
[162] V. Cacchiani, L. Galli, P. Toth, “A Tutorial on Non-periodic Train Timetabling and Platforming Problems”, EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics 4, 285-320, 2015.
[163] F. Furini, M.P. Kidd, A. Persiani, P. Toth, “Improved Rolling Horizon Approaches to the Aircraft Sequencing Problem”, Journal of Scheduling 18, 435-447, 2015.
[164] A. Bettinelli, V. Cacchiani, R. Roberti, P. Toth, “An Overview of Curriculum-Based Course Timetabling”, TOP 23, 313-349, 2015.
[165] A. Bettinelli, V. Cacchiani, R. Roberti, P. Toth, “Rejoinder on: An Overview of Curriculum-Based Course Timetabling”, TOP 23, 366-368, 2015.
[166] C. Bragalli, C. D’Ambrosio, J. Lee, A. Lodi, P. Toth, “Optimizing the Design of Water Distribution Networks: using Mathematical Optimization”, case Studies in Operations Research (Ed. K. Murthy), 183-198, 2015.
[167] E. Malaguti, R. Medina-Duran, P. Toth, “A Metaheuristic Framework for Nonlinear Capacitated Covering Problems”, Optimization Letters 10, 169-180, 2016
[168] L. Veelenturf, M. Kidd, V. Cacchiani, L. Kroon, P. Toth, “A railway timetabling rescheduling approach for handling large scale disruptions”, Transportation Science 50, 841-862, 2016.
[169] R. Goverde, N. Besinovic, A. Binder, V. Cacchiani, E. Quaglietta, R. Roberti, P. Toth, “A three-level framework for performance-based railway timetabling”, Transportation Research part C 67, 62-83, 2016.
[170] F. Furini, A. Persiani, P. Toth, “The Time Dependent Traveling Salesman Planning Problem in Controlled Airspace”, Transportation Research Part B 90, 38-55, 2016.