Foto del docente

Paolo Savoia

Associate Professor

Department of Philosophy

Academic discipline: M-STO/05 History of Science and Technology

Director of First Cycle Degree in Philosophy


SAVOIA P,; LUCCHESINI G, (trad.): L'emergenza della sessualità. Epistemologia storica e formazione dei concetti, macerata, quodlibet, 2010, pp. 288
. Opera originale: Autore: Arnold I. Davidson - Titolo: The Emergence of Sexuality [Book (translation)]

SAVOIA P (trad.): Ontologia storica, pisa, ets, 2010, pp. 360
. Opera originale: Autore: Ian Hacking - Titolo: Historical Ontology [Book (translation)]

Savoia P., Sexual science and self-narrative: Epistemology and narrative technologies of the self between krafft-ebing and freud, «HISTORY OF THE HUMAN SCIENCES», 2010, 23, pp. 17 - 41 [Scientific article]

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