Foto del docente

Paolo Pillastrini

Full Professor

Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences

Academic discipline: MED/48 Nursing In Neuropsychiatry and Rehabilitation

Head of Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences


Meroni, R; Piscitelli, D; Bonetti, F; Zambaldi, M; Cerri, Cg; Guccione, Aa; Pillastrini, P, Rasch Analysis of the Italian version of Pain Catastrophizing Scale (PCS-I), «JOURNAL OF BACK AND MUSCULOSKELETAL REHABILITATION», 2015, 28, pp. 661 - 673 [Scientific article]

Arianna Bortolami;Carla Vanti;Federico Banchelli;Andrew A. Guccione;Paolo Pillastrini, Relationship Between Female Pelvic Floor Dysfunction and Sexual Dysfunction: An Observational Study, «JOURNAL OF SEXUAL MEDICINE», 2015, 12, pp. 1233 - 1241 [Scientific article]

VANTI, CARLA, Reliability of handgrip strength test in elderly subjects with unilateral thumb carpometacarpal osteoarthritis, «HAND», 2015, 10, pp. 205 - 209 [Scientific article]

Bertozzi, Lucia; Rosso, Anna; Romeo, Antonio; Villafañe, Jorge Hugo; Guccione, Andrew A.; Pillastrini, Paolo; Vanti, Carla, The accuracy of pain drawing in identifying psychological distress in low back pain-systematic review and meta-analysis of diagnostic studies, «JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL THERAPY SCIENCE», 2015, 27, pp. 3319 - 3324 [Scientific article]

Chiarotto A;Vanti C;Ostelo RW;Ferrari S;Tedesco G;Rocca B;Pillastrini P;Monticone M, The Pain Self-Efficacy Questionnaire: Cross-Cultural Adaptation into Italian and Assessment of Its Measurement Properties., «PAIN PRACTICE», 2015, 15, pp. 738 - 747 [Scientific article]

Villafane J.H.; Valdes K.; Angulo-Diaz-Parreno S.; Pillastrini P.; Negrini S., Ulnar digits contribution to grip strength in patients with thumb carpometacarpal osteoarthritis is less than in normal controls, «HAND», 2015, 10, pp. 191 - 196 [Scientific article]

Pillastrini P;Vanti C;Curti S;Mattioli S;Ferrari S;Violante FS;Guccione A, Using PubMed Search Strings for Efficient Retrieval of Manual Therapy Research Literature., «JOURNAL OF MANIPULATIVE AND PHYSIOLOGICAL THERAPEUTICS», 2015, 38, pp. 159 - 166 [Scientific article]

Carla Vanti; Paolo Pillastrini, Assessment of carpal tunnel syndrome: Overview of clinical tests, in: Morrton Ledford Editor, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - Risk factors, Symptoms and Treatment Options, New York, Nova Biomedical, 2014, pp. 57 - 90 [Chapter or essay]

Monticone M;Ferrante S;Ferrari S;Mugnai R;Pillastrini P;Rocca B;Vanti C;Foti C, Development of the Italian version of the Pain Stages of Change Questionnaire in patients with chronic low back pain: cross-cultural adaptation, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability and validity., «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REHABILITATION RESEARCH», 2014, 37, pp. 205 - 211 [Scientific article]

Bortolami A; Banchelli F; Guccione AA; Vanti C; Pillastrini P., “Funzione sessuale e qualità di vita in donne sottoposte a fisioterapia e riabilitazione del pavimento pelvico: studio osservazionale”, in: “Funzione sessuale e qualità di vita in donne sottoposte a fisioterapia e riabilitazione del pavimento pelvico: studio osservazionale”, 2014(atti di: 12° Congresso S.I.U.D. per fisioterapisti, infermieri, ostetriche, Milano, 12-14 Giugno 2014) [Poster]

Carla Vanti; Silvia Borghi; Paolo Pillastrini, Group Treatment for Chronic Low Back Pain: Theory, Practice and Effectiveness, in: Hellen Derrickson Editor, Group Therapy - Theory, Practice and Effectiveness, New York, Nova Publishers, 2014, pp. 75 - 102 [Chapter or essay]

Taricco M;Dallolio L;Calugi S;Rucci P;Fugazzaro S;Stuart M;Pillastrini P;Fantini MP;the EFG [Esercizio Fisico di Gruppo] /2009 Investigators, Impact of Adapted Physical Activity and Therapeutic Patient Education on Functioning and Quality of Life in Patients With Postacute Strokes., «NEUROREHABILITATION AND NEURAL REPAIR», 2014, 28, pp. 719 - 728 [Scientific article]

Monticone M;Ferrante S;Ferrari S;Foti C;Mugnai R;Pillastrini P;Rocca B;Vanti C, The Italian version of the Pain Beliefs and Perceptions Inventory: cross-cultural adaptation, factor analysis, reliability and validity., «QUALITY OF LIFE RESEARCH», 2014, 23, pp. 1789 - 1795 [Scientific article]

Vanti, Carla; Pillastrini, Paolo; Monticone, Marco; Ceron, Daniele; Bonetti, Francesca; Piccarreta, Raffaella; Guccione, Andrew; Violante, Francesco Saverio, The Italian version of the physical therapy patient satisfaction questionnaire - [PTPSQ-I(15)]: Psychometric properties in a sample of inpatients, «BMC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS», 2014, 15, Article number: 135 , pp. 1 - 10 [Scientific article]Open Access

Vanti C;Bonetti F;Ceron D;Piccarreta R;Violante FS;Guccione A;Pillastrini P, Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Physical Therapy Outpatient Satisfaction Survey in an Italian musculoskeletal population, «BMC MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS», 2013, 14, Article number: 125 , pp. 1 - 14 [Scientific article]Open Access