Foto del docente

Paolo Gasperini

Full Professor

Department of Physics and Astronomy "Augusto Righi"

Adjunct professor

Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences


Lolli, Barbara; Gasperini, Paolo; Vannucci, Gianfranco, Recalibration of the Intensity Prediction Equation in Italy Using the Macroseismic Dataset DBMI15 Version 2.0, «SEISMOLOGICAL RESEARCH LETTERS», in corso di stampa, 0, pp. 1 - 10 [Scientific article]

Biondini, E; Rhoades, DA; Gasperini, P, Application of the EEPAS earthquake forecasting model to Italy, «GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL», 2023, 234, pp. 1681 - 1700 [Scientific article]Open Access

Gasperini P.; Lolli B.; Castellaro S., Comment on “Earthquake Magnitude Conversion Problem” by Ranjit Das, H. R. Wason, Gabriel Gonzalez, M. L. Sharma, Deepankar Choudhury, Conrad Lindholm, Narayan Roy, and Pablo Salazar, «BULLETIN OF THE SEISMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA», 2023, 113, pp. 1366 - 1369 [Scientific article]

Biondini E.; Gasperini P., Comparison between alarm-based and probability-based earthquake forecasting methods, «GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL», 2023, 235, pp. 1541 - 1551 [Scientific article]Open Access

Gianfranco Vannucci; Paolo Gasperini; Laura Gulia; Barbara Lolli, Earthquakes Parameters from Citizen Testimonies: A Retrospective Analysis of EMSC Database, «SEISMOLOGICAL RESEARCH LETTERS», 2023, 95, pp. 969 - 996 [Scientific article]

Lolli B.; Randazzo D.; Vannucci G.; Biondini E.; Gasperini P., Homogenization of magnitudes of the ISC Bulletin, «GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL», 2023, 234, pp. 1771 - 1785 [Scientific article]Open Access

Rossi C.; Grigoli F.; Gasperini P.; Gandolfi S.; Cocorullo C.; Gukov T.; Macini P., Seismic Noise Reduction as a Function of Depth Recorded by a Vertical Array Installed in a 285-m-Deep Borehole at a Gas Storage Field in Northern Italy, «SEISMOLOGICAL RESEARCH LETTERS», 2023, 94, pp. 1925 - 1935 [Scientific article]

Gulia, Laura; Gasperini, Paolo; Wiemer, Stefan, Comment on “High-Definition Mapping of the Gutenberg–Richter b-Value and Its Relevance: A Case Study in Italy” by M. Taroni, J. Zhuang, and W. Marzocchi, «SEISMOLOGICAL RESEARCH LETTERS», 2022, 93, pp. 1089 - 1094 [Scientific article]Open Access

Gulia L.; Gasperini P., Contamination of frequency-magnitude slope (b-value) by quarry blasts: An example for italy, «SEISMOLOGICAL RESEARCH LETTERS», 2021, 92, pp. 3538 - 3551 [Scientific article]Open Access

Vannucci G.; Lolli B.; Gasperini P., Inhomogeneity of macroseismic intensities in italy and consequences for macroseismic magnitude estimation, «SEISMOLOGICAL RESEARCH LETTERS», 2021, 92, pp. 2234 - 2244 [Scientific article]Open Access

Gasperini, P; Biondini, E; Lolli, B; Petruccelli, A; Vannucci, G, Retrospective short-term forecasting experiment in Italy based on the occurrence of strong (fore) shocks, «GEOPHYSICAL JOURNAL INTERNATIONAL», 2021, 225, pp. 1192 - 1206 [Scientific article]Open Access

Meletti C.; Marzocchi W.; D'amico V.; Lanzano G.; Luzi L.; Martinelli F.; Pace B.; Rovida A.; Taroni M.; Visini F.; Akinci A.; Anzidei M.; Avallone A.; Azzaro R.; Barani S.; Barberi G.; Barreca G.; Basili R.; Bird P.; Bonini M.; Burrato P.; Busetti M.; Camassi R.; Carafa M.M.C.; Cavaliere A.; Cecere G.; Cheloni D.; Chioccarelli E.; Console R.; Corti G.; D'agostino N.; Cin M.D.; D'ambrosio C.; D'amico M.; D'amico S.; Devoti R.; Esposito A.; Faenza L.; Falcone G.; Felicetta C.; Fracassi U.; Franco L.; Galvani A.; Gasperini P.; Gee R.; Capera A.A.G.; Iervolino I.; Kastelic V.; Lai C.G.; Locati M.; Lolli B.; Maesano F.E.; Marchesini A.; Mariucci M.T.; Martelli L.; Massa M.; Metois M.; Monaco C.; Montone P.; Moschetti M.; Murru M.; Pacor F.; Pagani M.; Pasolini C.; Peresan A.; Peruzza L.; Pietrantonio G.; Poli M.E.; Pondrelli S.; Puglia R.; Rebez A.; Riguzzi F.; Roselli P.; Rotondi R.; Russo E.; Sani F.; Santulin M.; Selvaggi G.; Scafidi D.; Selva J.; Sepe V.; Serpelloni E.; Slejko D.; Spallarossa D.; Stallone A.; Tamaro A.; Tarabusi G.; Tiberti M.M.; Tuve T.; Valensise G.; Vallone R.; Vannoli P.; Vannucci G.; Varini E.; Zanferrari A.; Zuccolo E.; Danciu L.; Schorlemmer D.; Bazzurro P.; Giardini D.; Modena C.; Mulargia F.; Seno S., The new Italian seismic hazard model (MPS19), «ANNALS OF GEOPHYSICS», 2021, 64, Article number: SE112 , pp. 1 - 29 [Scientific article]Open Access

Rossi C.; Grigoli F.; Cesca S.; Heimann S.; Gasperini P.; Hjorleifsdottir V.; Dahm T.; Bean C.J.; Wiemer S.; Scarabello L.; Nooshiri N.; Clinton J.F.; Obermann A.; Agustsson K.; Agustsdottir T., Full-Waveform based methods for Microseismic Monitoring Operations: An Application to Natural and Induced Seismicity in the Hengill Geothermal Area, Iceland, «ADVANCES IN GEOSCIENCES», 2020, 54, pp. 129 - 136 [Scientific article]Open Access

Lolli B.; Randazzo D.; Vannucci G.; Gasperini P., The homogenized instrumental seismic catalog (HORUS) of Italy from 1960 to present, «SEISMOLOGICAL RESEARCH LETTERS», 2020, 91, pp. 3208 - 3222 [Scientific article]

Rovida A.; Locati M.; Camassi R.; Lolli B.; Gasperini P., The Italian earthquake catalogue CPTI15, «BULLETIN OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING», 2020, 18, pp. 2953 - 2984 [Scientific article]

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