Foto del docente

Paola Polselli

Foreign language instructor: Italian

Centro Linguistico di Ateneo

Adjunct professor

Department of Education Studies "Giovanni Maria Bertin"

Short Bio

Paola Polselli earned a PhD in Languages, Cultures and Intercultural Communication from the University of Bologna. She has taught and coordinated various teacher and institutional operator training projects with local and national institutions, including universities, local education and health authorities.
She has done extensive research on Italian as a second language teaching and testing, cross-cultural and intercultural conversation and professional writing. She has lectured in Great Britain, Serbia, France and Switzerland. She is the author of a language text-book and web-based materials for university students, a book on language policy and training at work and several papers on her studies. Her research focuses on applied linguistics and Italian L2, educational linguistics and interaction, writing skills at the university level.
Go to the Curriculum vitae


+51 2097763

Centro Linguistico di Ateneo
Piazza San Giovanni in Monte 4, Bologna - Go to map

Office hours

students can arrange a meeting on the Teams platform via e-mail. Please contact me using my e-mail address and book an appointment.