Current academic position and teaching activity
Paola Parmiggiani is Full Professor in “Sociology of cultural and communicative processes” at the
Department of Sociology and Business Law, University of
Teaching activity:
- “Sociology of Culture”, (first cycle degree “Political, Social and
International Sciences”)
- “Social Communication” (second cycle degree “Sociology and
Social Work”)
- “Social representations of migrants in Italy” (Postgraduate
vocational training programme “Social work, migration, territory”).
- The Focus Group research method (PhD in "Sociology and Social Research")
Institutional activities and academic appointments:
- Since May 2021 she is the Deputy Head of Department of Sociology and Business Law
- Since October 2018 she is the Coordinator of the 2nd cycle degree in “Sociology and Social Work” at the Sociology and Business Law Department of Bologna University.
- Since November 2018 she is the Presidente of the Joint Commission teachers-students at the SDE Department.
- Since November 2015 she is Delegate to the Director of the SDE Department for Teaching Activities.
- 2012-2015 she was the Coordinator of the 2nd cycle
degree in “Sociology and Social Work” at the School of Political
Sciences, University of Bologna.
- 2009-2012: she was President of
the 2nd cycle degree in "Work, market, environment, social policies
and social work" at the Faculty of Political Sciences, University
of Bologna.
- She is a council member of the School of Political Sciences,
University of Bologna.
- She is a member of the Teaching Body of the Ph.D. in
Sociology, at the Department of Sociology and Business Law,
University of Bologna.
- She is a council member of the Postgraduate vocational
training programme “Communication and marketing of sustainable
consumption”, at the Department of Sociology and Business Law,
University of Bologna.
- In the context of the project of Erasmus students' mobility
she is the responsible for the cultural change between the Bologna
University and: the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain), the
University of Barcelona (Spain), the University of Würzburg
(Germany), the University of Innsbruck (Austria).
Direction and Scientific Committee of Research Groups, Journal
and editorial Activity
- Since 1998 she is a member of AIS (Italian Association of
Sociology) and she is afferent to PIC (Cultural and communicative
Processes) Section.
- Member of ESA (European Sociological Association)-Consumption
research network.
- Member of Ces.Co.Com. (the Study Center on Communication and
Sustainable Consumption) at the Department of Sociology and
Business Law, University of Bologna.
- Member of Executive Board of “ Consumo, Comunicazione,
Innovazione” series edited by Franco Angeli.
- She is a member of Scientific Board and Editorial Board of
"Media/Cultura" series edited by Franco Angeli.
- She is a member of Scientific Board and Editorial Board of the
Journal “Sociologia della comunicazione” edited by Franco
Scientific activity:
- 2020-2023: European Project:End Climate Change, Start Climate of Change #ClimateOfChange – A Pan-European campaign to build a better future for climate induced migrants, the human face of climate change”, funded by DEAR (Development Education and Awareness Raising) Programme. Project Leader: WeWorld GVC Foundation.
- 2020-2022: Horizon 2020 Project “PERCEPTIONS:Understand the Impact of Novel Technologies, Social Media, and Perceptions in Countries Abroad on Migration Flows and the Security of the EU & Provide Validated Counter Approaches, Tools and Practices”.Participation as a member of the research team coordinated by the Department of Sociology and business law, Bologna University.
- 2020-2023. European Project: 'Welcoming Spaces' in Europe: revitalizing shrinking areas by hosting non-EU migrants" (2020-2023), Horizon 2020,Migration
- 2017-2020: “Atlas of Transitions. New geographies for a cross-cultural Europe”, European Programme: ‘Creative Europe’, Unibo.
- 2017-2020: “Innovazione sociale, turismo e sviluppo territoriale: teoria e pratica di forme diffuse di sostenibilità economico-sociale”, Bando ALMA IDEA 2017/18, Finanziamenti a supporto della ricerca di base, Senior Grant, Unibo.
- 2017-2018: “Game of Fears”, Bando ISA-TOPIC 2017/18, Istituto di Studi Avanzati, Unibo.
- 2016-2018: ricerca S.A.L.U.S. "W SPACE", finanziato dal Bando UIA (Azioni
Urbane Innovative) della Commissione Europea, coordinato dal Comune di Bologna.
- 2014: “Il Co-working in Italia”, realizzata in convenzione con la Fondazione Ivano Barberini.
- 2013: “Enel-Care”, finanziata da Gruppo Enel. Studio dei criteri di segmentazione e profilazione dei clienti-utenti Enel attraverso l’analisi semantica delle comunicazioni web.
- 2012-2014: “Pratiche sostenibili di vita quotidiana nel contesto della crisi: lavoro, consumi, partecipazione” Progetto PRIN.
- 2012-2013: “CortEnergEtica – Corticella Comunità Energetica: studio di riqualificazione energetica del comparto PEEP di Corticella”, progetto di ricerca Ces.Co.Com. realizzato in convenzione con il Quartiere Navile del Comune di Bologna, nell'ambito del PAES (Piano d'Azione per l'Energia Sostenibile) di Bologna.
- 2012-2013: “I cantieri della sostenibilità”, progetto di ricerca Ces.Co.Com. del Dipartimento di Sociologia e Diritto dell'Economia, realizzato in collaborazione con il Quartiere San Donato e l'Assessorato Ambiente del Comune di Bologna.
- 2012-2013: “Giovani, nuove povertà, auto imprenditorialità”, progetto di ricerca Ces.Co.Com. finanziato dalla Fondazione Ivano Barberini e dal Consorzio Cona.
- 2012-2013: “Spreading the CSR culture among european SMEs”, progetto di ricerca Ces.Co.Com. per conto della Provincia di Bologna, nell'ambito dell'European Funded Project Desur - Development Sustainable Regions through Responsible SMEs, co-financed by the INTERREG IVC Programme.
- 2011: “Coop Adriatica e la partecipazione sociale: competenze, motivazioni e aspettative dei soci volontari eletti”, progetto di ricerca del Ces.Co.Com.
- 2007-2009: “Negoziare le necessità: scelte di consumo e scelte di risparmio”, Progetto PRIN.
- 2005-2006: “Radiografia del sistema dei media in Emilia Romagna: televisione, radio e internet”, ricerca realizzata dal Dipartimento di Sociologia dell'Università di Bologna per conto di CORECOM Emilia Romagna.
- 2004-2006: “Agire di mercato e culture della responsabilità: nuovi orientamenti dei consumatori e delle imprese”, Progetto PRIN.
- 2004-2006: “Strikers - Setting up Training packages to Improve Knowledge of social and Environomental Responsibility in the SME's (N. I/04/B/F/PP-154115), progetto di ricerca del programma EU Leonardo.
- 2002-2003: “Il consumo nella società globale tra experience e vetrinizzazione”, Progetto PRIN.
- 2000-2002: “Uso e percezione del tempo di consumo e di fruizione”, Progetto PRIN