Home > Avvisi > BAES EXAM INFO
Dear students,
Here you can find the necessary information for the exam on 29th June.
--- Please pay attention to this information in order to avoid problems and delays on the day of the exam ---
There will be two exams on that day:
1) Written exam on the content of the 1st semester (Grammar): this exam will have to be taken ONLY by students who DID NOT PASS the exam in January. The starting time is 8 a.m. and it is compulsory to log in with your @studio.unibo.it credentials in order to take the exam.
The platform for this exam is https://eol.unibo.it/ and you can access the virtual classroom here.
2) Oral exam on the content of the 2nd semester (Culture and Society): this exam can be taken by all students who HAVE PASSED the Grammar exam of the 1st semester (therefore, those who passed it in January and those who have passed it on 29 June). The starting time is 10 am. At that time you will ALL have to connect to clarify the order in which we will do the oral exams (it will be alphabetical).
- Both exams will take place in the Teams virtual classroom of the course, which you can access directly here.
- It is compulsory to have the webcam on during the exams (both written and oral).
- Students who take the written exam on the 29th will receive the results immediately, so that you will know if you can take the oral exam of the 2nd semester.
- The sum of the marks of the 1st and 2nd semester will be the final average of the course.
Pubblicato il: 03 giugno 2023