Foto del docente

Paolo Melchiorre

Full Professor

Department of Industrial Chemistry "Toso Montanari"

Curriculum vitae

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Prof. Dr. Paolo Melchiorre

Professor of Chemistry @ UNIBO

Date of birth: 29 May 1973 - Nationality: Italian

Researcher unique identifiers: Researcher ID: K-9301-2014 [link [] ]; ORCID: 0000-0001-8722-4602 [link [] ]

The following list summarises the most important steps of his educational and professional career:

  • MSc in Chemistry - University of Bologna (Italy) 1993-1999
  • PhD in Chemical Sciences - University of Bologna 2000-2003
  • Research Period at Center for Catalysis - University of Århus (DK) 2002
  • Postdoctoral Fellow in Chemistry - University of Bologna 2003-2006
  • Assistant Professor - University of Bologna 2007-2009
  • ICIQ group leader and ICREA Professor - ICIQ (Tarragona) 2009-2022


Professor of Organic Chemistry University of Bologna from October 24, 2022


2007 Recipient of the “G. Ciamician” Gold Medal of the Italian Chemical Society

2008 Recipient of the Liebig Lectureship awarded by the German Chemical Society

2009 Thieme Journal Prize

2009 ICREA (Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats) Research Professor

2011 ERC Starting Grant to carry out the 5-year project “ORGA-NAUT: Exploring Chemical Reactivity with Organocatalysis"

2013 JSPS Fellowship under the FY2013 Program for Research in Japan

2014 Erdtman Lecture 2014 – October 2014, Stockholm, Sweden (presented annually to an organic chemist, worldwide)

2015 Thieme Lecture – DOMINOCAT SYMPOSIUM, Aachen, Germany

2016 ERC Consolidator Grant to carry out the 5-year project “CATA-LUX: Light-Driven Asymmetric Organocatalysis"

2016 Prize for Scientific Excellence from the Royal Spanish Chemical Society (RSEQ)

2019 “Giorgio Modena” Medal from the Italian Chemical Society

2019 Associate Editor at Chemical Science, the flagship journal of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)

2019 ERC Proof of Concept to carry out the project “LIGHT-COAT” on photo-polymerisations

2020 Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC)

2021 Pedler Award of the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) “for the development of asymmetric photocatalytic methodologies based on excited state intermediates”

2024 ERC Advanced Grant to carry out the 5-year projectPHOTOZYME"

2024 Premio Linceo for Chemistry 2024, 'Accademia dei Lincei'


Research Record

Paolo Melchiorre has authored a total of 140 publications in international journals with a high impact factor: e.g. 2 × Nature; 46 × Angewandte Chemie; 4 × Nature Chemistry; 1 × Nature Synthesis; 1 × PNAS; 15 × the Journal of American Chemical Society; 6 × Chemical Science.

h factor =83

His papers have attracted a total of 20000 citations.

PM has delivered more than 250 invited lectures and seminars at the national and international level.

Research Interest

His current scientific interests lie on the discovery and mechanistic elucidation of new asymmetric organocatalytic and photochemical processes for the preparation of chiral molecules. The final aim is to develop sustainable catalytic methods that will find widespread use in organic synthesis.


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