Chiara Pituello; Ornella Francioso; Gianluca Simonetti;
Annamaria Pisi; Armida Torreggiani; Antonio Berti;
Francesco Morari, Characterization of chemical–physical, structural
and morphological properties of biochars from biowastes
produced at different temperatures, «JOURNAL OF SOILS AND SEDIMENTS», 2015, 15, pp. 792 - 804 [Scientific article]
Anna Tinti; Vitaliano Tugnoli; Sergio Bonora; Ornella Francioso, Recent Applications Of Vibrational Mid-Infrared (Ir) Spectroscopy For Studying Soil Components: A Review, «JOURNAL OF CENTRAL EUROPEAN AGRICULTURE», 2015, 16, Article number: 1535 , pp. 1 - 22 [Scientific article]Open Access
Pizzeghello, Diego; Cocco, Stefania; Francioso, Ornella; Ferrari, Erika; Cardinali, Alessandra; Nardi, Serenella; Agnelli, Alberto; Corti, Giuseppe, Snow vole (Chionomys nivalis Martins) affects the redistribution of soil organic matter and hormone-like activity in the alpine ecosystem: ecological implications, «ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION», 2015, 5, pp. 4542 - 4554 [Scientific article]Open Access
Giovanni Mastrolonardo; Ornella Francioso; Michele Di Foggia; Sergio Bonora; Claudia Forte; Giacomo Certini, Soil pyrogenic organic matter characterisation by spectroscopic analysis: a study on combustion and pyrolysis residues, «JOURNAL OF SOILS AND SEDIMENTS», 2015, 15, pp. 769 - 780 [Scientific article]
Claudio Colombo; Giuseppe Palumbo; Ruggero Angelico; Hyen Goo Cho; Ornella Francioso; Andrea Ertani, Spontaneous aggregation of humic acid observed with AFM at different pH, «CHEMOSPHERE», 2015, 138, pp. 821 - 828 [Scientific article]
Marco Grigatti; Daniela Montecchio; Ornella Francioso; Claudio Ciavatta, Structural and Thermal Investigation of Three Agricultural Biomasses Following Mild-NaOH Pretreatment to Increase Anaerobic Biodegradability, «WASTE AND BIOMASS VALORIZATION», 2015, 6, pp. 1135 - 1148 [Scientific article]
Mattia Bonoli; Cesarino Salomoni; Armando Caputo; Ornella Francioso; Domenico Palenzona, Anaerobic Digestion of High-Nitrogen Tannery By-products in a Multiphase Process for Biogas Production, in: CHEMICAL ENGINEERING TRANSACTIONS, Milano, Eliseo Ranzi, Katharina Kohse- Höinghaus, 2014, pp. 271 - 276 [Chapter or essay]
M. Di Foggia; G. Mastrolonardo; O. Francioso; C. Forte; G. Certini; S. Bonora, Analisi spettroscopica di residui di combustione su suolo forestale, in: ISA 2014 INCONTRO DI SPETTROSCOPIA ANALITICA, 2014, pp. 34 - 34 (atti di: ISA 2014 INCONTRO DI SPETTROSCOPIA ANALITICA, Ravenna, 5-6 giugno 2014) [Abstract]
G. Mastrolonardo; O. Francioso; M. Di Foggia; S.Bonora; C. Rumpel; G. Certini, Application of thermal and spectroscopic techniques to assess fire-induced changes to soil organic matter in a Mediterranean forest, «JOURNAL OF GEOCHEMICAL EXPLORATION», 2014, 143, pp. 174 - 182 [Scientific article]
Andrea Ertani; Diego Pizzeghello; Ornella Francioso; Paolo Sambo; Santiago Sanchez-Cortes; Serenella Nardi, Capsicum chinensis L. growth and nutraceutical properties are enhanced by biostimulants in a long-term period: chemical and metabolomic approaches, «FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE», 2014, 5, Article number: 375 , pp. 1 - 12 [Scientific article]Open Access
Francioso O.; Rodriguez-Estrada M.T.; Savioli S.; Salomoni C.; Caputo A.; Bonoli M.; Palenzona D., Characterization of long-chain fatty acids from urban wastewater sludge in two-phase anaerobic digestion for biogas production, «AGROCHIMICA», 2013, LVII, pp. 135 - 148 [Scientific article]
Grazia Marino; Valeria Righi; Andrea Simoni; Luisa Schenetti; Adele Mucci; Vitaliano Tugnoli; Enrico Muzzi; Ornella Francioso, Effect of a peat humic acid on morphogenesis in leaf explants of Pyrus communis and Cydonia oblonga. Metabolomic analysis at an early stage of regeneration, «JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD CHEMISTRY», 2013, 61, pp. 4979 - 4987 [Scientific article]
Pizzeghello D.; Francioso O.; Ertani A.; Muscolo A.; Nardi S., Isopentenyladenosine and cytokinin-like activity of different humic substances, «JOURNAL OF GEOCHEMICAL EXPLORATION», 2013, 129, pp. 70 - 75 [Scientific article]
G. MASTROLONARDO; C. RUMPEL; O. FRANCIOSO; C. NOCENTINI; C. FORTE and G. CERTINI, PyOM characterisation in fire-prone Mediterranean pine forests, in: “Impact of natural and anthropogenic pyrogenic Carbon in Mediterranean ecosystems, Seville, J. M. de la Rosa and H. Knicker, 2013, pp. 29 - 31 (atti di: “Impact of natural and anthropogenic pyrogenic Carbon in Mediterranean ecosystems, Seville, November 5th‐7th, 2013) [Abstract]
Ertani A.; Francioso O.; Pizzeghello D.; Lopez Tobar E.; Sanchez-Cortes S.; Nardi S., Spectroscopic and biological properties of humic substances extracted from earthworm coprolites in a long-term experiment treated with manure and mineral fertilization, «BIOREMEDIATION, BIODIVERSITY & BIOAVAILABILITY», 2013, 7, pp. 14 - 21 [Scientific article]