Foto del docente

Ornella Francioso

Associate Professor

Department of Agricultural and Food Sciences

Academic discipline: AGR/13 Agricultural Chemistry


O. Francioso; M. T. Rodriguez-Estrada; D. Montecchio; C. Salomoni; A. Caputo; D. Palenzona, Chemical characterization of municipal wastewater sludges produced by two-phase anaerobic digestion for biogas production, «JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS», 2010, 175, pp. 740 - 746 [Scientific article]

Salomoni C.; Caputo A.; Bonoli M.; Francioso O.; Rodriguez-Estrada M.T. ; Palenzona D., CO2 Capture and Conversion in Anaerobic Digestion of Organic Wastes for Enhanced Methane production: Demonstration Project in Bologna WWTP, in: 18th European Biomass Conference From Research to Industry and Markets, FIRENZE, ETA-Florence Renewable Energies, 2010, pp. 1371 - 1374 (atti di: 18th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition From Research to Industry and Markets, Lyon (France), 3-7 May 2010) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Tonon G.; Sohi S.; Francioso O.; Ferrari E.; Montecchio D.; Gioacchini P.; Ciavatta C.; Panzacchi P.; Powlson D., Effect of soil pH on the chemical composition of organic matter in physically separated soil fractions in two broadleaf woodland sites at Rothamsted, UK, «EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOIL SCIENCE», 2010, 61, pp. 970 - 979 [Scientific article]

Salomoni C. ; Caputo A.; Bonoli M.; Francioso O.; Rodriguez-Estrada M.T.; Palenzona D., Enhanced biosolid reduction and conversion to methane by CO2 injection in a two-Phase anaerobic digestion pilot plant, in: 2nd European Scientific Conference on Sludge Management, Budapest, Hungary, 9-10 September 2010, BUDAPEST, s.n, 2010, pp. 1 - 8 (atti di: ECSM 2010-2nd European Conference on Sludge Management, Budapest, Hungary,, 9-10 September 2010) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

M. Schiavon; Pizzeghello D.; Muscolo A.; Vaccaro S.; Francioso O.; Nardi S., High molecular size humic substances enhance phenylpropanoid metabolism in maize (Zea mays L.), «JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ECOLOGY», 2010, 36, pp. 662 - 669 [Scientific article]

S.Trevisan; O. Francioso; S. Quaggiotti; S. Nardi, Humic substances biological activity at the plant-soil interface: from environmental aspects to molecular factors., «PLANT SIGNALING & BEHAVIOR», 2010, 5, pp. 635 - 643 [Scientific article]

S. Trevisan; Pizzeghello D.; Rupert B.; Francioso O. ; Sassi A.; Palm K.; Quaggiotti S.; Nardi S., Humic substances induce lateral root formation and expression of the early auxin-responsive IAA19 gene and DR5 synthetic element in Arabidopsis, «PLANT BIOLOGY», 2010, 12, pp. 604 - 614 [Scientific article]

Marino G.; Cellini A.; Masia A.; Simoni A.; Francioso O.; Gessa C, In vitro treatments with low molecular weight humic acid can improve growth and mineral uptake of pear plantlets during acclimatization, in: ISHS, Acta Horticulturae, BOLOGNA, G. Costa, 2010, 884 (2), pp. 565 - 569 (atti di: 11th Int. Symp. on Plant Bioregulators in Fruit Production, Bologna, Italy, 20-24 September 2009) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

C. Nocentini; G. Certini; H. Knicker; O. Francioso; C. Rumpel, Nature and reactivity of charcoal produced and added to soil during wildfire are particle-size dependent, «ORGANIC GEOCHEMISTRY», 2010, 41, pp. 682 - 689 [Scientific article]

G. Simonetti; E. Lugato; S. Nardi; O. Francioso; A. Berti; L. Giardini; F. Morari, Porosity in wet-sieved aggregates and its effects on SOC protection, in: ADVANCES INNATURAL ORGANIC MATTER AND HUMIC SUBSTANCES RESEARCH2008-2010 Vol. 1 ORAL PRESENTATIONS, TENERIFE, J.A. González-Pérez, F.J. González-Vila, G. Almend, 2010, Vol. 1, pp. 106 - 107 (atti di: 15th IHSS MEETING "Humic Substances and the Maintenance of Ecosystem Services., Tenerife Canary Islands, 27 June to 2 July 2010) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Bonoli M.; Salomoni C. ; Caputo A. ; Francioso O. ; Rodriguez-Estrada M.T. ; Palenzona D., Riduzione delle emissioni di CO2 nella digestione anaerobica bifasica dei fanghi di depurazione da acque reflue urbane, in: XII Conferenza Nazionale sul Compostaggio: Produzione di ammendante compostato e biogas da rifiuti. Atti seminari di ECOMONDO 2010, BOLOGNA, Maggioli editore, 2010, pp. 565 - 570 (atti di: Ecomondo Rimini:Fiera Internazionale del recupero e dello sviluppo sostenibile, Rimini, 3-6 novembre 2010) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Carletti P.; Roldan M. L. ; Francioso O. ; Nardi S.; Sanchez-Cortes S., Structural characterization of humic-like substances with conventional and surface-enhanced spectroscopic techniques, «JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR STRUCTURE», 2010, 982, pp. 169 - 175 [Scientific article]

Giovannini C.; Montecchio D.; Gioacchini P.; Francioso O.; Ciavatta C., Characterizations of compost-based growing media. A Chemical, Thermal, Spectroscopic and Isotopic Approach., «DYNAMIC SOIL, DYNAMIC PLANT», 2009, 3, pp. 86 - 92 [Scientific article]

O. Francioso; D. Montecchio; C. Salomoni; A. Caputo; D. Palenzona, CONVENIENT RENEWABLE ENERGY FROM BACTERIAL METABOLISM OF ORGANIC WASTES, «INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND TECHNOLOGY», 2009, 27, pp. 151 - 155 [Scientific article]

A. Prodi; O. Francioso; V. Righi; V. Tugnoli; S. Bonora; S. Tonti; T. Visigalli; L. Tosi; P. Nipoti; A. Pisi, ELEFANTIASI DELL’ACTINIDIA: CARATTERISTICHE STRUTTURALI E ULTRASTRUTTURALI DEI FRUTTI, «ITALUS HORTUS», 2009, 16, pp. 200 - 204 [Scientific article]

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